Eddie hits a new low.
11 May 2004
To be honest I still had some respect left for Eddie Murphy before this. He just seemed to have lost his way in the 21st century. But nothing will ever make forgive this. He's just went all 'kiddie' in recent years. And it's sick.

In the 80's Murphy gave us strong African-American characters like Reggie Hammond, Billy Ray Valentine, Axel Foley and Prince Akeem. But that was a long time ago. And it's a shame to see him trade a hard edge for movies like this.

It's so sugary it is literally sickening. It's about as subtle as a brick in the face too. Annoying kids who are obviously reading phonetically off oversized cue-cards held off camera, David Newman's worse than generic 'family movie' score, clockwork predictability and toilet humor (how many more family movies are going to milk fart sounds for all their worth?) are all you can expect from this film.

Staring directly into the sun is not as painful on the eyes as this.
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