White Cargo (1942)
I Am Tondelayo, the baddest girl in the East.
1 May 2005
Everyone in this movie is overacting, even Hedy Lamarr if that's possible for her. One of the campiest, most unintentionally hilarious things ever put on screen.

The plot briefly is Walter Pidgeon is both head of a rubber plantation and magistrate of a colonial area, presumably under British possession. He's getting rid of one assistant and a new one is coming on the plantation.

The biggest problem in the district is not disease, heat, jungle animals or natives who don't want to be slaves. It's Tondelayo a mixed racial native woman in tight dresses who gets everybody's mojo working overtime. She's working in her own way to relieve the white man of his burdens.

And now she's got her eye on Richard Carlson, Pidgeon's new assistant. Pidgeon's insistence that Carlson not get involved with Lamarr amounts to an obsession. The rest of this story has to be seen to be believed.

Hedy Lamarr was an extraordinarily beautiful and sexy woman and that made up for the fact she was not a good actress. But she could give a good performance in a great while with proper guidance. But she didn't get it here. Cecil B. DeMille, no player's director did better for her in Samson and Delilah.

Walter Pidgeon, Henry O'Neill, Frank Morgan, Richard Carlson, and Bramwell Fletcher are all gifted performers. They all look embarrassed to be there so they just overact the dickens out of this script. All and all it makes for hilarious viewing.
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