House of Wax (2005)
House of Crap
22 May 2005
This dreadful film is not a remake of HOUSE OF WAX but another rehashing of every teen themed Horror flick to come out of the over produced Hollywood Horror meat machine. None of the characters in this film are particularly likable so you don't really care about them and in the end I just wished that they had all died in a horrible car accident in the beginning of the film so I wouldn't have had to sit through the rest of this mess. Hollywood needs to get the message, that Blair With hand held camcorder effect isn't art, it's irritating. Hollywood also needs to get the message that more than kids watch these movies so lay of the rock scores that exist of irritating noises and not music. The success of the original 80's slasher films had as much to do with the effective scoring of the films that burned themselves into our memory. Everybody knows those themes because the music still haunts them.

I keep reading these reviews that say the Vincent Price movie was a camp horror film. That's news to me. The Vincent Price film was also a remake, but it was not camp. It was a horror film and when seen in it's time it was quite shocking. Everything about this film is cookie cutter formula, nothing is shocking because it's all too predictable. The trend today seems to be to take older films and run them through the formula grinder and come out with something totally different, not related to the original in any way.

If the original film worked, it worked for a reason. If people are still watching the original versions of these films then they still work today. Why tamper with something that works. Perhaps it's because, they too, see the Vincent Price film as camp and if that's the case, they really have no clue what a horror film is in the first place.
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