I'm with Lucy (2002)
Bernal can't save banal chick-flick
22 April 2006
There are some fairly atrocious films we can just about suffer through; while others at least have one or two redeeming elements to them. Unfortunately, there are also those pieces of cinematic garbage we can't believe we actually wasted our time watching. I'm With Lucy sits firmly in the latter category. In fact, it's safe to say this dumb-ass, straight-to-DVD chick-flick is among the most tedious, tiresome efforts ever committed to celluloid. The plot, such as it is, is a simple though not entirely bad one. Well, if the likes of Sex and the City are your idea of an evening's entertainment, that is. It concerns Lucy, a 30-something native New Yorker who is about to get married. Her best friends want to know what exactly led up to that moment so Lucy explains that she had five blind dates in the previous year and decided to marry one of them - but which one? The film then proceeds to show us snippets of Lucy's dates with the aforementioned guys, who include Luke (David Boreanaz of Buffy The Vampire Slayer fame); Doug (John Hannah, Sliding Doors et al); Gabriel (Mexican heartthrob Gael Garcia Bernal - Y Tu Mama Tambien, Motorcycle Diaries); Bobby (Anthony LaPaglia - Murder One, Analyze That) and Barry (Henry Thomas - ET, Suicide Kings). Each date has their own individual traits and pluses and minuses, and the point of the film, it seems, is to guess which one Lucy finally fell for. Problem is... the film is so dull, the characters are so one-dimensional and the dialogue is so flat that, odds are, half-way into this film you won't give a monkeys who the dumb blonde finally picks to walk down the aisle with her. Which is a pity in some ways, for, as chick-flicks go, a reasonably good concept was wasted here. Not to mention the criminal waste of genuine acting talent such as the excellent Garcia Bernal. In a nutshell, do yourself a favour and avoid this film as you would hope to avoid bird flu.
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