X-Men: Evolution (2000–2003)
8 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
What you see on X-Mne Evolution is the development of the characters and story lines used in their later-years during the comics. With them in High School, the mutants have a new sight of Mutantism in that it coincides with puberty, and the development of their bodies and the changes of themselves. We see good storytelling in the development of the likes of Scott/Cyclops, developing from a young student of Professor X to the leader of the X-men, Logan/Wolverine is the given the role of an uncle to the X-Men, which gives his character a breath of fresh air, and the Acolytes as the High School bodies who have something else on their side; mutant powers. You see the decisions they make in the run-up to the comics, and you see a glimpse of the future in the last episodes as the story continues to grow. It's so disappointing that some bigwig decided to cancel it. Idiot!
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