Dark Angel (2000–2002)
Hideously Bad - Jessica Alba kills the show dead
11 February 2007
I didn't have much hope for this show. After all, one of the writer-producers declared proudly that he didn't like Science-Fiction and that it therefore was going to help him make a great Science-Ficiton show.

Sorry, but that sort of speech is usually followed by a dud, because it is very difficult to excel at something you don't even like.

Dark Angel met all those expectations and more.

But what really killed this show was Jessica Alba. You can imagine the producers going "wow, what a babe!! With her in it, our show will be a major hit!" And it's exactly that kind of condescension for the audience that killed this show.

Jessica alba can't act. Her grimaces make her utterly unattractive and she can't speak lines correctly. She's not even athletic enough to be convincing in action scenes.

Without Jessica alba, this show may have had a chance to get better. But with her, Dark Angel was DOA artistically. James Cameron's name sustained it for two more seasons than it deserved.

It won't be missed.
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