Review of The Breed

The Breed (2006)
Michelle Rodriguez's career goes to the dogs- Literally.
10 June 2007
It is truly sad to watch Michelle Rodriguez, who is a pretty good actress and damned sexy, continue to spiral downwards doing bad films. Cosigned to this bit of Direct to DVD Perdition is "The Breed", a clichéd horror movie where everyone involved just phoned it in. (Hey, if They can't rise above clichés in the writing, I feel no obligation to rise above them in the review.)

"Bark, Bark" "What is it, Lassie, has Michelle's career fallen down the well?" "Bark bark".

So two brothers, two hot chicks and the Expendable Black Guy(TM) go to a summer house that just happens to share an Island with the Abandoned Secret Government Research Facility. As it turns out, the island is swarming with mutant rabid genetically engineered dogs that attack people en masse and are smart enough to eliminate their means of escape or rescue.

What follows are the typical things you've seen in every zombie movie ever, but with dogs. You know what WC Fields said about never working with children or animals, they always upstage you. Dogs leap out of nowhere. Dogs break in through boarded up windows. Dogs pop up when you've thought you've escaped.

The thing is that you know what's going to happen a few minutes before the characters do. YOU Know the Expendable Black Guy is going to be the first one to get it, because the Expendable Black Guy is always the first one to get killed in movies like these. You know that when they think they've gotten away on a boat left on the Island, that there will be a dog hiding down below in the hold (ending the movie or leaving room for a sequel? The Breed 2: Back to the Pound. Heaven help us.)

Then there are the leaps in logic. Michelle gets shot in the leg with an arrow, but barely seems phased by it. The other girl is bitten and seems to have a telepathic link to the dogs, but they don't go anywhere with it.

Wondering if the dogs piddled on the script when they marked their territory, because it certainly seems like they did.
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