I am a Natural Skeptic - And Yet Still I Found..
21 November 2007
That once again - people get an idea in their heads, fabricate the truth, and go full-force onto the internet where people gobble up everything they say and take it to heart.

First and foremost - if you're looking for absolutely no evidence (other than youtube quality videos, and well-edited snippets of information) to deduce what occurred on September 11th, then look no further. Now, I'm not here to say what did or didn't happen that day - I'm here to review a "documentary." Bottom line - this movie is for the most impressionable of people. Dylan Avery's "facts" have been refuted time and time again by the most credible and unbiased of sources, yet he continues making these flicks and people continue eating them up.

The one thing this movie can teach you - is to always question. However, for someone who is so convinced that the government is lying to its people about one of the worst atrocities in American history, its a very introverted causality when he turns that paranoia into fabrications. If you want an accurate, intellectual account of what some truthers believe happened on 9/11 - steer clear of Loose Change. There are many more reputable films/documentaries/interviews that might quell that need for a conspiracy better.

This one isn't, and shouldn't be, it.
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