Mutant Action (1993)
Mutants....more like Handicaps.
4 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing El Dia De La Bestia I was very much hyped up about Accion Mutante. From the likable characters and intelligent writing to the quick pace the film held throughout. But unfortunately Accion Mutante didn't deliver for me in the slightest.

Accion Mutante starts off like it may be a crazy team based action flick with characters all over the place. But instead they get rid of that idea for a simple kidnap and revenge type film. And honestly I think they made the wrong choice. I was enjoying all the different types of "mutants", even though they're really just handicapped people, which was also disappointing. But instead of keeping the Mutants, they get rid of them and your left with only a couple. And only one of the characters is even slightly likable. The main character known as Ramon is unlikable, unfunny and wasn't suited for the role very well. He's got the most screen time out of anyone in the film, and he bored the hell out of me. You do end up meeting more and more characters as the film goes on, but none are very entertaining. More like annoying. The film has a very dirty feel that I also didn't enjoy, it reminded me of a early Bruce Campbell film called Mindwarp. Though I do have to admit the sets were nice, the ship interior reminded me of another film called City of Lost Children. The only thing about Accion Mutante I liked was the violence. There was lots of shooting and a nice razor blade scene. But besides that it was average at best in almost all other departments.

I'm actually very surprised that every comment on here is so into this film. One review even implied if you enjoy the movie Freaked, you'll enjoy this. Freaked is my favorite movie. And I disagree with that statement 100%. I'd agree if the original Mutante team stayed together, since Freaked is based around a large cast, but nope, they got rid of that very early on. Accion Mutante definitely has a look and feel to it that a lot of people will enjoy, but it'll never reach the cult status that El Dia De La Bestia will reach. That's for sh!t sure. A generous 6 outta 10.
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