Life of Brian (1979)
Don't crucify me, but I don't think it's that great.
31 December 2007
What I am about to write might upset some people. Hell, many comedy fans would even say that I was being blasphemous, but here goes...

Life Of Brian isn't THAT funny!

There, I've said it—even after multiple viewings, I still find the Life of Brian, Monty Python's tale of an ordinary man who is mistaken for the Messiah, to be rather disappointing as far as belly laughs are concerned.

Sure, it's a very quotable film, the sets and cinematography look great, and it certainly has a lot of valid things to say about the stupidity of religion and it's followers (who are, let's face it, often pretty stupid!), but I honestly feel that much of the movie's comedy just doesn't work, and actually feels rather laboured. I mean, is a speech impediment really THAT hilarious?

I'm not saying that I am not amused by any of the Python's silliness: there are definitely laughs to be had, particularly at some of the more absurd moments (after all, who can keep a straight face at the phrase 'wolf's nipples'?), but, with the complete adoration that Life of Brian receives from it's fans (particularly from students), anyone would think it was the second coming.

5.5 out of 10, rounded up to 6 for IMDb.
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