27 January 2008
This so called "Documentary" state that George Bush and a secret Government conspiracy somehow managed to plan and execute 9/11, and make Arabs look responsible.

Though you should never accept what the government says blindly, then you should look at all cases with a fresh perspective now and again. Could the US government have planned 9/11? No. They could not. That would be idiotic.

No governments in history have ever successfully kept a secret of such a magnitude. The very thought implies that not a single person in the American government have any moral values what so ever – that they would gladly sacrifice 3000 innocent people, to loose a war in Iraq. But that simply is an idiotic idea. Such big and horrible secrets always leak. Always. Look at Watergate: Someone in the high levels of the US Government leaked the story to the press, which lead to the Watergate-scandal, which lead to that Nixon had to resign as president. And that was only about a simple break-in into a democrat-office, what you conspiracy theorists are talking about is the biggest mass-murder in modern American history. But I doubt you people know that. Watergate proves that something like 9/11 could not have been planned by the Government without the public knowing. Also they must have been insane to try something that stupid. Also: do you conspiracy-theorists really think that the white house could engineer the most elaborate attack on its self, without leaving behind any proof - when they could not even hide the fact that Bill Clinton had a blow-job in the oval office?

Evidently all the conspiracy claims put forth in this documentary have all been debunked by: Popular Mechanics, BBC, The History-Channel, 911myths.com and loosechangeguide.com.

Case closed. Get on with your lives, people.
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