Let's see...terrible acting, bad plot, and no storyline at all? It's another musical alright!
27 October 2008
Right, one thing to say out of the starting gate that's going to prepare those who are going to dig through this article and wonder why I gave it such a low score with all the dancing and the singing and the so on: I hate musicals. There have been 3 that I can recall at this moment that have proved otherwise, those being The Producers, My Fair Lady (Yes, My Fair Lady), and Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.

The problem with most musicals is that, while you can say what ever about how great or amazing the dance numbers are, the acting is atrocious, and so is the plot, the dialogue, and the delivery is awful.

"But...", you might be thinking to yourself, "You don't go to see a musical for any of that! You go for the dancing and the music!" And that's where your mouth is overflowing with so much lie, you could vomit out soap. If I wanted good dancing and music, I'd go to a dance hall. Or watch a dancing competition. I got to the movies to see...oh, wait it's slipped my mind-no, wait! That's right! A movie! I go to be entertained and see a riveting plot, witty and rightly paced dialogue, believable characters, and an all around good show.

"But..." again you retort, finding some vast flaw in my argument, "What about action movies or comedies that also lack the same substance?" They too are terrible. A good movie, no matter its genre, must be adequately stocked in all areas so when consumers come asking to be fed, they don't wind up with only bread, lettuce, and condiments because the stupid tart who runs the place forgot the MEAT for the delicious burger that is a good movie.

So, to wrap this up: If you will willingly swallow anything because it has music and good looking white kids (the black kids in this movie act whiter than me, and I drink earl grey tea and think golf is the bee's knees) dancing like monkeys on crack, then you'll gobble it down quicker than a fat man will a hoagie. If you're looking for a good MOVIE, give this a skip.
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