Exosquad (1993–1995)
29 August 2009
I was so excited to hear Exo-Squad was finally on DVD. Hopefully Season 2 will be out in stores shortly instead of ordering online. I am 30 years old, still young at heart, and I still enjoy the show now as I did at the age of 14.

A live action MOVIE Series must be in the works. Universal Studios doesn't understand that they are sitting on the next best thing since Star Wars. I have composed a list of actors and actresses that is a match to the cartoon version as far as looks and attitude to their role. I have started a draft of the story and battle scenes from the first season (being in the Military has its advantages), so true fans can enjoy the movie. Then from there later on, do a prequel when Marsala lead the Neo-Sapions 50 years from the series.

The Technology today and the story line is there to make the movie. It only has to take some one with pride and creativity to make it into a reality. I wish I had the funds because I would make the movie myself, with of coarse the permission of all the owners and creators of Exo-Squad.
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