Date Night (2010)
Funny and Heartwarming
9 April 2010
Tina Fey + Steve Carell = A funny and surprisingly heartwarming film. Their on-screen chemistry is very good. They're basically aces when it comes to playing modern-day parents in ridiculous situations.

"Date Night" is a movie about a couple, named the Fosters, who are running in the biggest rut of their life. They want to spark it up, and decide that one night they will change up the routine.

Date Night has many of the traits I enjoy in a comedy with a good balance of laughs and sentimental value.

The diner scene is adorable and Felt rather realistic. I could feel the relationship the Fosters were experiencing, if that's a proper way to decribe that. Kudos, to the writers for masterfully writing some emotional dialog.

Overall, Date Night is a very enjoyable film.
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