Tooth Fairy (I) (2010)
29 April 2010
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson seems content to churn out mindless family comedies (I'm betting Disney has a lean on his soul), and this latest film could be the worst yet. I say "maybe" because I only managed to watch the first 15 minutes before my brain kicked in emergency defense and had me eject the disc. So it's possible it got better but I doubt it. The Rock plays a washed up minor league defense-man who once played in the NHL but due to an injuries is stuck in minors where he has a bit of cult following because he is such a hard hitter that he often knocks the teeth out of the opposing players thus garnering him the nom de plume "Tooth Fairy." When he dashes a little boys dreams and tries to tell a little girl that Tooth Fairys don't exist he is sentenced by Julie Andrews to two weeks as a Tooth Fairy. I managed to make it through the horrible Billy Crystal suiting up scene but failed to survive the "Learn to Fly" from hip black Tooth Fairy. It was so unfunny that it caused actual physical pain.

Question: Like movies with Santa Claus the filmmakers never address the fact that parents in these movies don't believe in the Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus and thus they are the ones who fill stockings and put coins under their kids pillows, so what is the "real" Santa and the Tooth Fairy doing? Are they switching out the items mom and dad placed there and replacing it with a fairy approved dollar?
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