What do these other critics expect? Ridley Scott? puhleeze
10 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, its a Troma Film... which doesn't hold much water personally. I'd say roughly 3 out of 5 Troma productions I've seen annoy the @#$% out of me, and I end up either sleeping or turning it off entirely.

But lets admit folks, every now and then those crazy quasi-exploitation nut jobs who call themselves the Troma Team make a truly entertaining flick.

And while Lust For Freedom is pure cheese, what the heck do most of the other reviewers expect? Fellini? Jodorowsky? Leone even? That is IMHO where most of these horrifying reviews go wrong. The critic obviously didn't go into this film with a light heart and a total lack of seriousness.

With that I wholeheartedly admit that I gave this action oddity a score of ten, solely for the purpose of (innefectively) giving this forgotten gem a slight boost in score. (currently at 2.9, c'Mon folks lighten-up!)

So for those that like a solid dose of imaginary yet strong exploitation, and isn't all film exploitation in some regard, this film pulls no punches.

Behold a few reasons why this film is underrated, with respect to its intended target audience, and without giving away direct spoilers..

+ I counted somewhere around 33 dead people by the end of this film.this should give the action fans something to get a kick out of.

+ almost every character except the protagonist is a villain, and its hard to determine which is more despicable.

+ A good portion of the violence and murder occurs off camera, and yet it still carries impact. Splash in some scenes that even got trimmed by UK censorship (poor blokes) and we have some versatility.

+ Yea I counted, and I could come up with over 30 felonies committed by the corrupt warden and his twisted staff. Drug Dealing, extortion, murder, kidnapping, rape (and actually done mostly off camera too), corruption of minors, Folks these bad guys are out of this world wicked.

+Lots of pretty women in prison. Its a WIP film, so right there you should know what you are getting yourself into.

+The acting drifts between lousy and noteworthy. kudos for Judi Trevor and her character Mrs. Pusker.

+the soundtrack fits perfectly and actually "rocks you to hell" as the theme promises repeatedly

Action craver's. Horror fans. Gorehounds. Open minded film buffs who can suspend belief for more than 5 seconds, I say go for it!

Everyone else, good luck.

so there you go. Its a WIP film, and a damn fine one indeed.
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