The Designated Victim:The Re-Edit Uncut Version
16 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Reading down the list of titles that DVD company Shameless have brought out,the first title which really got my attention was a complete re-edit of lost footage for a Viana set,near forgotten Giallo.

Finding out that this movie is meant to be a Giallo-riff on Patricia Highsmith's novel/Alfred Hitchcock's film Strangers On A Train,I decided to get the very first ticket for this exciting sounding Strangers On A Gondola!

The plot:

Feeling that he is stuck in an unworkable marriage,Stafano Argenti attempts to convince his wife Lusia that this is the perfect time for them to sell off the shares to their business which they both co- own.Unlucky for Stafano,Luisa stone walls his idea and refuses to get involved in the conversation.

Angry at his wife messing him around,Stafano secretly forges his wife's signature so that he can start the separating of their lives without her having any knowledge about it.Feeling that he needs some time to relax,Stafano decides to spend some time with his mistress :Fabienne Beranger.Hanging around the casinos and Celtic market stalls in Venice,Stafano finds himself weirdly constantly running into the same man.

Eventually striking up a convocation with the strange man,Stafano finds out that the man is an aristocrat called Count Matteo Tiepolo,who is being constantly tormented by his brother.Finding a strange bond in Tiepolo's suffering at the hands of his brother,and Stafano's own troubles of being stuck in a loveless marriage,Stafano starts to spend a lot of time around Tiepolo and begins to become a firm friend of his.

Deciding that he has developed a strong enough friendship with him, Tiepolo tells Stafano that he has come up with a plan which will cure his marriage troubles,and also put an end to the torment from Tiepolo' brother.Confident enough that Stafano will approve, Tiepolo tells him that his plan is for him to murder Stafano's wife,and for Stafano to murder his brother.

View on the film:

Presenting this fantastic movie fully uncut for the first ever time,the team at Shameless have gone into painstaking detail to get every previously cut moment from the film,which despite being a noticeable drop in quality to the rest of the movie due to how neglected the reels of film have been,the extra footage does really help to add a bit more flesh to the relationship between Stafano and Tiepolo.

Since having last seen Tomas Milian play a ruthless slime ball in Umberto Lenzi's brilliant 1974 Italian Crime film Almost Human,I was astonished by the restrain and delicately which Milian displays for his masterful performance as Stafano.Although Stafano is shown to be pretty keen on getting away from his wife,Milian gives the character a strong conflicted conscious,which takes him away from being someone who makes snap decisions,to instead being a character whose completely uncomfortable about either going forward or back with his relationships.

Fully embodying Patricia Highsmith characters such as Tom Ripley,Pierre Clementi gives a perfect shaman-like performance as Tiepolo,who Clementi shows goes from being a sweet and innocent looking guy,to someone hiding a horde a demons underneath his eyes.

For the screenplay of the film, (written by…deep breath!:Maurizo Lucidi,Augusto Caminito,Leslie Daniels,Fulvio Gicca Pali,Antonio Troiso and Aldo Lado-who along with also being an assistant director here,would later do his own Venice based Giallo:Who Saw Her Die?)

the writers smartly make sure that the progression in Stafano and Tiepolo's relationship never feels like an abrupt change,but instead a natural progression for the characters,as Stafano is shown to be feeling a mix of interest and extreme uncomfortableness over his friends plan,whilst Tiepolo is shown fearing that Stafano might no longer want to be his friend,due to him having "crossed a line"

Soaking up the beautiful,dream-like misty Venice atmosphere,co- writer/director Maurizio Lucidi uses a number of elegantly done,side- ways shot tracking shoots to show the gradually strange direction that the two mens friendship is heading towards.Smartly building up the tension and atmosphere of this transfixing Giallo piece by piece,Lucido puts the clues for the ending of the movie quietly at the beginning, so that they can slowly start to unravel as Stafano begins to decide on if he should accept Tiepolo's offer.
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