Review of The Beast

The Beast (2009)
an example of the best of American television series
16 January 2013
This television series, sadly cut short after one season due to the untimely and lamentable passing of Patrick Swayze, would I am sure have been a massive hit. It is dark, gritty, tense and different from the usual clean-cut you-know-which-side-you-are-on cop shows littering Americam and British TV. Swayze plays Charles Barker an undercover covert assignment cop, who takes on the big cases and seems to have the moral flexibility that is required in law enforcement sometimes to get the right moral result. His partner Travis Fimmel plays the wet behind the ears but riding the learning curve under the mentorship of Barker. Together with his pretty face, which opens a lot of doors, and determination to impress Barker, and Barker's die hard attitude, things get done. Each episode is a good, interesting case, out of the ordinary but the overall story arch is whether Barker despite his good results and intentions is as bent as the proverbial nine bob note. And you really don't know.

Dove (Fimmel) is constantly courted by the FBI to snitch on Barker's dealings in order to ascertain once and for all whether he is just as crooked as the guys he's putting away and the angst for Dove's conscience is what drives the back plot. Ultimately Dove is a do-right-guy and is often shocked at Barker's methods, which seem a little far-fetched to get away with but he's a veteran, is slick and experienced but obviously does have secrets that he's hiding.

This is good TV. It's not all guns blazing, gratuitous sex and violence, cars blowing up and ridiculous plot culmination. People don't fold under routine questioning and hold their hands up and say - "Yes okay I did it." It's far more complex than that, and the viewer will have moral quandaries to negotiate. What would you do in so and so situation? If you want brainless entertainment, this isn't for you.

Great television. Whilst it was a great show, and ended high and off a cliff (hanger), I'm glad it wasn't continued. I read somewhere that Patrick was undergoing treatment during filming but refused pain medication as it made his performance more gritty and determined. Dedication to the craft, and it shows. His passing is still sorely felt and this television series is prime example of why he was a shining light in Hollywood and will not be forgotten - stunning acting in the episode "Mercy". Fimmel I hope goes onto bigger and brighter things as he's a very talented actor himself, and I'm sure will be glad he had the chance to work with a professional such as Swayze.
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