Review of 300

300 (2006)
A picture says more then a thousand words
28 February 2013
A great example on how well you can tell a story without much dialogue.

A old saying is that a picture says more than a 1000 words, that is a saying, I very much find to be the truth.

The movie in a sense reminds m of another movie called "The Fountain". Both movies there is very little dialogue, it is all about that word again, picture. Pictures of men, pictures of battles, pictures of passion. Passion in men, and feelings scenery and music can stir up deep inside of us.

That is what this movie does, tells a simple, yet beautiful story, through very little dialogue, but through beautiful emotions shown in the actors and actresses. That tells us much more than words could ever do. The cinematography is simply beautiful and brilliant. Some would say this movie has too much slow motion, but like I already said the movie is more telling its story visually than any other way, and this is one of the very few times it really works.

To sum it up, beautiful emotional performances by Gerard Butler (his best showing I've seen) and fellow costars Lena Headey and David Wenham.

If you are one who can with simple, yet powerful storytelling receive enjoyment and excitement, this movie is for you. If you can only find excitement in character progression and dialogue heavy stories, this is not for you. For me it is a 9/10. Very close to 10. (I keep changing from 9-10)

Have a good day.
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