Review of White Cargo

White Cargo (1942)
Hedy speaks Pidgeon-English
2 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe not a great film, but definitely watchable. First of all, I really enjoyed seeing Frank Morgan in his role as the doctor who uses liquor to cope with the backwater environment of an African rubber plantation. And Walter Pidgeon's role as the burnt-out manager of the plantation was an interesting contrast to some other roles he is known for. He is a firecracker ready to explode at the slightest provocation. Just the mention of certain words will set him off.

I do think the script was lacking, partially because it was repetitious. Okay, we understand what words trigger the boss man's rage. We don't have to hear them over and over. Regarding the lines that Hedy Lamarr was handed, they are sometimes silly, but we know that the only English she has heard was from Pidgeon's character and a few others. She does as well with her lines as anyone could.

Tondaleya's entrance is iconic. Whether you like the eyes accented by shadows and light, her presentation is a gamble that is consistent throughout the film and memorable. The first shot of Rita Hayworth in Gilda is similarly iconic.

Another thing that bothered me was the comic ending. Was it tacked on in hopes of undercutting the dramatic "real" ending of the film? Could be. It was totally worthless. An afterword with a dramatic or ironic ending would have been more suitable and effective.

I rated this a 5.
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