The Headsman (2005)
Not good enough
26 August 2013
All right. The movie being a movie has got to make money for the team that made it. It serves that purpose, only. And as such it is rather mediocre. Why would I say that? Well, because the reality it is trying to convey to us was 100,000 times worse. Because no movie would ever approach the banality of horror that was everyday life in the dark ages of history. Yes, I have such high standards. Sorry. However. This movie is yet another (among countless) that show how the religiosity is being a scrounge of human race. From the dawn of time to the modernity. I do not hold my breath that within my lifetime (whatever has left of it) this plague will go away never to return. Because it must be something somatic. Some gland malfunction on a protein level that makes men and women identify themselves with in a supernatural entity being in fashion of worshiping at the time in a given place. From this point, they are willing to violate all rules and laws - lie, steal, degrade, and kill - all for the glory of an imaginary dude in the sky. Or "everywhere".

Just out of purely statistical evidence, accounting for millenia of the history of human civilization - one must conclude that religion is a disease of the brain, a medical condition - and NOT necessarily psychiatric - that is a danger to the fabric of civilization itself, now and more so in the future. I only hope that someone somewhere is working on a cure. And please do yourself a favor by watching this movie:
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