Gang Related (2014)
Fox just sucks
18 December 2014
Like The Chicago Code, FOX has absolutely No Clue when they have a gem on their hands. A show that makes you think instead of insulting your intelligence. So many stinkers out there and this is what they choose to cancel-smh. Smart, complicated, layered characters, difficult and uncomfortable story lines. This show had so much potential, but no... Rupert Murdoch will surely remain a mortal enemy of this TV viewer. Much like when Firefly was cancelled except there has been no outcry from the masses over this show or The Chicago Code. So I guess we are essentially getting what we deserve, more and more mindless codswallop TV. More and more profane & lascivious pseudo fantasy, more ridiculous fairy tales twisted to include any and all characters. I had high hopes I thought FOX had maybe not stepped on their own ==== on this one but nope I was wrong.
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