Deadly Game (1991 TV Movie)
Interesting mix of Action, slasher and mystery
17 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I remember catching this on TV many, many years ago and just loved it, and tried for years to find it and couldn't remember the title, but when recently I finally got round to seeing this again and found that I loved it just as much as I did back then.

The storyline had me intrigued we have a group of seven strangers summoned to an island by a mysterious millionaire, who has something else in mind for them, such as forcing them into a game of survival as they end up getting hunted down by armed gunmen, and it turns out that they have all wronged this unseen person at some point in their lives.

The mystery aspect really had me hooked all the way through, and I was very interested to see what the outcome would be and boy it didn't disappoint, as it does lead to a very exciting climax. The elaborate set ups throughout the woods are also another interesting aspect, as we get to know each characters confessions and story arcs, which adds to the depth of the story. Even with the interruption that doesn't stop this from being a one hell of an entertaining movie, successfully mixing action with slasher elements and all intertwined with a mystery that fully works. Even at the end with the revealing twist that was a total shock and came out of nowhere, but still totally believable, and nobody will see it coming.

Of course it's the interesting batch of characters and actors that make this fully work to its true potential. One of the standouts is Marc Singer who is ridiculously over the top and chews the scenery to utter brilliance and makes him one of the more memorable cast members. Mitchell Ryan is another standout as the cowardly jerk whose out for himself and even sacrificed his own wife to save himself. Michael Beck who plays the main hero/leading man is also very decent and adds depth to his character and has great chemistry with the only leading female Jenny Seagrove who's very strong willed and holds her own when up against the men. Also Roddy McDowell is also another great addition to the cast as the kind hearted doctor that adds another great aspect to this. Finally the main villain Fredric Lehne as Osiris was kept in the shadows and was neatly pulled off.

All in all there may not be much on screen violence, but for a TV movie this doesn't feel watered down or run of the mill at all, it's definitely worth a look and it's a fantastic roller-coaster ride.
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