Tomorrowland (2015)
Why do people hate this movie?
3 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Don't listen to the haters giving this movie ones and twos, because this movie is phenomenal! This was my favorite Disney movie… before Inside Out came out (then it became my number two favorite). The characters are nice and fun with just enough screen time and character development to make them likable. The story: Brad Bird's GREATEST PREMISE since a Superhero family! The world is going to end because someone has implanted that idea into everyone's heads. So it is up to a girl with a great imagination and determination to save it. But the twist is the bad guy in this movie isn't George Clooney for making the device, or the Audio-Animatronic girl, or even Hugh Laurie. It's US. Because we didn't know any better, we didn't try to fight the idea of the end of the world. So, in a way, WE are the reason that this movie exists. I guess the only reason people hate on this movie is because of the continuity errors and the fact that they are the bad guys. Speaking of, this movie does have it's faults, but who cares when you have a great story and characters AND amazing special effects. And, yeah, the effects in this movie are beyond amazing. When I saw Tomorrowland for the first time, and the rocket in the Eiffel Tower, I was blown away! I saw the trailers and the effects made me gravitate towards this movie! And the trailer is probably another reason why people don't like this movie. The trailer made it look like an early preview for Star Wars 7. I was also expecting that, but when I saw the actual movie, the trailer didn't matter. So what if you didn't get a dumb action sci-Fi flick. You have a new original idea acted well, directed well, written well, and made at the right time that this movie should have been a hit! Tomorrowland: Disney's dream on the big screen, and I LOVE IT.
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