Hooray for the Red, White and Blue
14 February 2016
Michael Moore seems a bit tired in this one. It's obvious that he's growing weary of trying to change the minds of a vast and brutal herd of mean people who won't change. They like people like themselves, and hate people who aren't like themselves. They want everyone to act, think and believe alike and they are afraid of anything that doesn't align with their stunted values. Moore is tired of talking to these people. He's old and he's tired, just like me. I can't wake them up. Mike can't wake them up. It's just too darn hard.

So stay asleep, you defenders of mean and cruel and nasty and rough. Better them than us, huh? Better not try to change anything or do anything better. America is best, by definition. A million stuffy offices full of bitter, politicking old ladies of both genders can't be wrong. A million corporate middle managers who do all the work and get none of the reward can't be wrong. A million schools full of poorly nourished, poorly educated kids can't be wrong. A million prisons full of sadistic guards can't be wrong. A million bankers laughing all the way to work can't be wrong. A million anything American can't be wrong, because we're free, except when we're wage slaves or actual slaves in prisons working for next to nothing. A million executioners killing people wrongly convicted of crimes by crooked DA's can't be wrong. A million sick people dying from lack of medical care--even under Obamacare--can't be wrong.

But a million Frenchmen are always wrong, because they're French.

Har har.
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