"Bologna 2 Agosto i giorni della collera"
17 May 2016
An excellent cinematic reconstruction of the massacre, produced and distributed by Virginio Moro for Telecomp Planet Film Production. It describes with great clarity the context in which the bomb detonated at Bologna Station , after ten years of history , between 1970 and 1980 , dotted with bombings , killings , massacres , kidnappings and claims. Very good acting performed by Giuseppe Maggio, Marika Frassino, Lorenzo De Angelis, Roberto Calabrese, Tatiana Luter well directed by the duo of directors Giorgio Molteni and Daniele Santamaria Maurizio. In a gentle, dedicated and concisely manner, manages to bring public in those years and in those dark moments of the Italian republic with almost journalistic style, without falling into banality.
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