White Cargo (1942)
Four lonely white men in 1910 Africa rubber plantation
10 August 2016
First of all I took this film to be a stage play with all four actors having declaimed those lines hundreds of times. It turned out after the ending I went to the reviews, yes, it had been a stage play in London and the playwright was hired to write a film script. I think he just rearranged the scenes for the camera setups. It works very well as a stage play -- the actors in the film deliver the lines as if they had said them for months and each word is carefully enunciated --- no mumbling naturalism or words not made clear to the audience in the back rows. Some of the reviews denigrate Hedy Lamarr's performance.. I'm not a fan but I don't see how she could do anything else with it given the times and the restrictions. I say it is well worth watching for cinema students looking for how to rework a stage play
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