Highs, Lows and Pet Pigs
27 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers

There is no way they could do a revival and make everyone happy. Fans are bound to be disappointed in something.

I can't write all I'd like because of IMDb.com limits, but will try to get the highlights.

The Bad:

1: Rory is not who we would ever expect her to be. She has a completely forgettable boyfriend that clearly cares more for her than she does for him. It's supposed to be a running joke that she keeps forgetting him, but it's not funny, it just makes Rory look like a jerk. To compound that, she is Logan's mistress. Really? After the whole Dean thing, Rory would be "the other woman" again?

Also, it seemed against character for Rory to be so upset at the suggestion she become a teacher. I'm not saying she should be psyched about the idea, just that it didn't seem right that she found it almost offensive.

2. The Naomi Plot Line: The character was beyond obnoxious and we knew from the get go it would fall through. A waste of time.

3. The Musical: Just a bad idea. So painfully bad. And when all was (finally) said and done, it added nothing but cringes galore and chances for the writers to make a lot of pop culture references. But aren't they supposed to do that anyway?

Side note: Sophie from the music shop, always a grouchy curmudgeon, has apparently been reborn as a smiling, chipper, joiner. So wrong.

4. Life and Death Brigade: At first I was sure it was a dream. Why would she be going to the paper late at night? What's up with the talking bird? And Esther would never go in on anything with them. Another musical number? Rory breaking into Doose's? Shooting golf balls off the roofs? The dance number in the tango club? Sorry, should've just been a classic Logan Grand Gesture to say good-bye to Rory.

5. The Chef Parade: I know Sookie couldn't be there, but the story line fell flat. We got it. Michel was angry and Lorelei can't accept anyone else. Could have been done without the hoopla and name dropping. Would've been better to write it in a way that moved the story and characters along.

6. Needless Cameos: I realize they wanted to have as many characters reappear as possible, but some were SO incredibly forced and unnecessary to any plot line that they were almost an insult. Dean - no point. Seriously there just long enough to say he was there and no purpose. Francine? Really? Why? Just why? April, ugh! It didn't further anything. No show of her and Luke's relationship. And Lane's dad! One of the biggest mysteries of the show and we get the lamest cameo. Either make him a real character or leave him a mystery.

7. Wild: I thought this was the worst departure in the whole series. Lorelei and Luke are set. They have been together 9 years. We didn't need another Lorelei road trip. She was in therapy. She could have had her epiphany there. And come on, we ALL knew she was never going to hike.

8. Emily's New Maid: Emily Gilmore, who holds the World's Record for firing maids would never, ever, under any circumstances accept a maid she cannot understand and she would certainly not allow her whole family to move in and over run her home.

The Good and Bad (Mixed Things)

1. Rory's Book: I love the idea of Rory writing about her and her mom. But Lorelei's reaction was wrong. She is always Rory's biggest champion and never shies from being the center of attention. I can see her saying she wouldn't want certain things written about, naturally, but not to be dead set against it.

2. Jess: I have never liked Jess one bit. Could not stand his character. But the scene where he suggests the book to Rory is one of the best. It makes sense he's there, and their dialogue is easy and authentic.

3. Rory Takes Over the Gazette: I love the idea of her saving the paper, but ... trite stereotypes and jokes. Eh. Seemed lazy.

The Good:

1. Back to Stars Hollow: it was like visiting an old, dear friend to go back to the endearing, quirky town that celebrates everything.

2. Remembering Richard: The way all 3 of the Gilmore girls mourn the passing of their patriarch feels true and right.

3. The Evolution of Emily: More than any other character, we go on a journey with Emily. We watch her deal with her grief and her new situation in a way that is satisfying like nothing else in this series. Relocating to Nantucket, Emily finally puts her history degree from Smith to use along with her flair for the dramatic (that she would never admit she shares with her daughter).

4. Kirk: The town chips in and buys him and Lulu a pig (named Petal) when they discuss having a child. Petal gets a starring role in Kirk's second short film. Not as funny as the first film by Kirk, but it's funny. And you will never hear anyone say Uber again and not think "Ooo-ber".

5. Emily Tells Off the DAR: Seeing Emily tell off the DAR ladies and tell the trophy wife she wasn't getting in was one of the best moments of the whole thing.

I'm sure I'm forgetting lots of stuff. Plus stuff that doesn't warrant enumerating, like what the heck is up with Cesar's hair?, why can't anyone figure out what language Berta speaks? etc. But all in all, I have to say I enjoyed it more than I disliked it.
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