The Predator (2018)
Another Classic Ruined
6 June 2019
I guess the main question is why. Why did they make this sequel? Why was the story so bad? Why were the characters so bad? Why did they take a classic movie and dump on it? More importantly, why did I watch it?

Everyone believes they need to put a new spin on things as though movies need an upgrade. Shame on you Shane Black. Yeah, you added more flash, more bang, more action, more everything but it lacked other more important things: quality, character, uniqueness.

They tried to incorporate too many characters, too many fields of expertise, and too many variations of the original. It just ended up being a dismemberment orgy of red and green blood with tons of one-liners, quips, and inept government henchmen. It was terrible.

In an attempt to be bigger, badder, better it came off as a cheap cash grab trying to profit off of the sacred name of a legend. I watched. I didn't pay but I watched. I knew better but I thought just maybe... A guy can wish can't he?
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