Cliched and exaggerated
13 November 2020
I feel we often confuse good entertainment with a good movie. Was this movie a good time pass and entertainment? Yes, it was - mainly because it has played to many formulas - an overly idealistic male protagonist, love that blooms against all hardships, a super brutal villain, blow after blow to good people, and good triumphing over evil. This is the basic hero victory plot that many movies try to follow - but thanks to tight writing, good actors, and other camera elements, it succeeds here.

That said, to follow this formula, the writer has taken huge liberties with logic and realism. I don't expect movies to have complete logic and be totally realistic, but I do expect a good portion of these in a semi-biopic. Also, by following the cliched arc, the director has let go of a more nuanced character development. The protagonists are all oh-so-perfect. The antagonists are laughably over-the-top horrible. The wife is loyalty and encouragement personified. The villagers are all touchingly generous. Please give us a break.

I am okay with people saying they liked the film. I am just concerned that most of them claim they identify with Maran and they are inspired and such bs. Anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur or "change the world" or some trope like that - please take this film with a pinch of salt. Everything is a lot more grey in reality. Also, please don't go around claiming this is the best movie of the decade and such. It sounds too funny.
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