Castle Rock (2018– )
Intriguing, but could have been better.
4 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was highly intrigued by season 1, due to the sinister and menacing atmosphere and the weird goings-on, that became more and more unfathomable with every new episode. Unfortunately even the last episode of season 1 didn't deliver any solutions, leaving me puzzled and a bit disappointed. This in spite of all the positive things to praise, like some fine acting, especially by Sissy Spacek and by Bill Skarsgård, the latter playing the pivotal, intangible Kid from... well, from hell, heaven or maybe from nowhere. So I placed my hopes for answers on the second season.

The second season seemed to start with multiple new story-lines and a totally new set of characters. The storyline of Annie being on the run with her daughter Joy, and the gradual revealing of their background, was exciting; the other major storyline of the Somalian community unfortunately turned out as rather tedious. At last, with some flashbacks, pieces of the puzzle from season 1 were put together with the new ones from season 2, but to call it rewarding answers? Not really, it all turned out as a hotchpotch of farfetched ideas, with things like zombies, sorcery, and religious mania, to name a few. And although the mysterious Kid (aka Angel), is forever being mentioned by everyone, actor Bill Skarsgård was only made to show his face two times, for about 5 seconds each, which maybe was the biggest let-down to me.

Anyway, as a positive thing I have to mention Lizzy Caplan as the tormented Annie, she was really great, and young Elsie Fisher was equally impressive as Joy. To me their storyline was the biggest asset of season 2.
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