Die Hard (1988)
Yippee Ki-yay it's Christmas
15 December 2021
When most people think of Christmas and USA, they will often think New York and snowy. Most men will think the Fox Studio's LA (Nakatomi Plaza). I believe the film makers foresaw the 'Christmas Movie' debat when making the film. When JOhn McClane is on the plane travelling to LA a passenger tells him an antidote to go barefoot to overcome travel sickness. John McClane is barefoot throughout the rest of the movie. Setting the foreshadowing rules from the start. John McClane shortly after gets a limo ride. He asks the driver to put on Christmas songs. The driver states it is Christmas music (it clearly isn't to the average viewer) showing this is clearly an alternative Xmas movie and the fact opinion on what is Christmasey is subjective.
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