The Dropout (2022)
Surprisingly entertaining and insightful look at the rise and fall of Elizabeth Holmes
12 March 2022
As Episode 1 of "The Dropout" (2022 release; 8 episodes of about 50-55 min each) opens, it is "July 11, 2017" and Elizabeth Holmes, CEO of the Silicon Valley startup unicorn Theranos, is in a court deposition, answering uncomfortable questions about whether/how she misled investors. We then go to "Houston 1995" as young Elizabeth is running track awkwardly. We then move to "2001" as her dad loses his job in the Enron corporate collapse.... At this point we are 10 min into Episode 1.

Couple of comments: this mini-series is the brainchild of Elizabeth Meriwether ("New Girl") and directed by Michael Showalter ("The Big Sick", "The Eyes of tammy Faye"). In other words: top talent is on board here. Let me admit that I was somewhat skeptical of this mini-series, having seen the excellent 2019 HBO documentary "The Inventor: Out for Blood In Silicon Valley" that made me wonder what additional insight this mini-series could provide on what drove Elizabeth Holmes to do what she did. Turns out: quite a lot. We learn of origin details that I hadn't heard before (such as how Elizabeth and Sunny actually met). And to top it all, Amanda Seyfried is in top form and delivers a more than credible performance as Elizabeth. One of the big advantages of this mini-series over the HBO documentary is that we now know how it all plays out, as a verdict in the law suit against Elizabeth Holmes was rendered in early 2022. Bottom line: having seen the initial 2 episodes so far in "The Dropout", and regardless on how you feel about Elizabeth Holmes, "The Dropout" is a surprisingly entertaining mini-series that has caught my attention, and I'm looking forward to seeing the remainder episodes.

The initial episodes of "The Dropout" premiered on Hulu on March 3, and are now available on demand (where I caught the initial 2 episodes), with new episodes being released on Thursdays. If you have any interest in Silicon Valley or in corporate malfeasance, I'd readily suggest you check out "The Dropout", and draw your own conclusion.

UPDATE 3/17/22 I'm now 5 episodes into it, and I admit I'm outright transfixed by it. A train wreck is about to come and I can't wait to see it all happening.

UPDATE 4/7/22 Just watched the 8th and final episode. I have updated my rating for this mini-series to 9 stars, yes it is that good. This fascinating mini-series simply got better with each episode. The last 2 episodes, when the house of cards finally falls apart, is TV-viewing at its very best. The performance of Amanda Seyfried is towering, and surely worthy of an Emmy nomination, if not win.
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