Review of Windfall

Windfall (2022)
Tries hard to do nothing
22 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was definitely a noir style film, it felt like they were trying to recreate 1970's slow burn thrillers, even with the extended opening credits, but it fails spectacularly as a film in the genre.

I get it, we had a pandemic, this explains the barebones cast, no issue with that. But, despite a limited cast, it's possible to still make an engaging film if it's actually engaging.

There was just so much sitting around and staring in this film. Scores of empty pages of dialogue...then a ludicrous "accident" happens 3/4 into the movie in an attempt to raise the stakes, but it just comes off as absurd, and then the ending just sort of happens, and I shrugged my shoulders and said to myself "that was a waste of time."

This film would have only worked with the ending as it was, if we were given some deeper reason for the wife's actions other then "poor little rich girl feels trapped", which is why she (checks notes) shoots her husband dead. O. K.?
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