The Kung Fu Zombie Is Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy, Fun-Fun, Fun-Fun, Fun!
28 March 2022
Greetings And Salutations, and welcome to my review of Kung Fu Zombie. Before we get into it, here are my ratings:

Story - 1.25 Direction - 1.50 Pace - 1.25 Acting - 1.00 Enjoyment - 1.25

TOTAL - 6.25

Kick-ass ghosts, ghouls, zombies, and blood-suckers have seldom been so much fun. I have to admit I was a tad dubious about watching this film. However, now I am so glad I did. It has brightened my day up to no end.

The story packs in a lot of folk superstitions and spell casting - these black magic wizards are pretty awesome compared to our Western ones. Not only do they have to remember the wordage of the spell, but also the bodywork they need to perform. Each has its own Martial Arts routine, which adds to the wachability and enjoyment of the movie.

The story is packed with twists also. These mainly concern the dead and their cunningness to rejoin the living. Who knew you only have three tries to be reincarnated(?) These situations also add a superb comedic element to the film. And put loads of smiles on my face and coaxed a few laughs from my lips.

As for the martial arts, these build up to a crescendo. At the start of the movie, they are kinda like, "okay, not bad, but not great"; halfway through, "okay, now that's better"; and by the final fight, "Oh my God! That guy's hands and foot are on fire...they are really on fire!"

If you like your martial arts, then this film is for you. If you like comedy, this film is for you. If you like horror, this film is for you. Me, I love all three so Kung Fu Zombie has made it onto my Guilty Pleasures list. Do yourself a favour and treat yourself to at least one viewing of KFZ it's rib-ticklingly good.

Feel free to come and visit my Guilty Pleasures, Absolute Horror, Just For Laughs, and Holding Out For A Hero lists to see where KFZ Kung Fu'd its place in my charts.

Take Care & Stay Well.
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