Glass Onion (2022)
Nothing technically wrong with the film
29 December 2022
I don't think there is anything technically wrong with the film. It's beautifully filmed and I think the wardrobe department did a good job conveying personality and character through the outfits that characters wear. Like Knives Out, the predecessor, this movie suggests that the simpler answer if often the right one; the person who you think is the murderer probably is. I liked that twist for Knives Out, but I think I would've liked to see a less similar plot in Glass Onion. I think it definitely came across like the actors/actresses had a great time filming this movie. The morally corrupt characters make it clear who to root for. Even still, I found the ending to be a bit odd. I got secondhand embarrassment about the tantrums and it almost felt like it became a sitcom. It just needed a laugh track. The end, admittedly, did feel like it was actually the middle of the movie. But that's really all I have to say in terms of critiques. It's a good movie to pass the time. It's not bad, it's not exceptional. It's better than most movies on Netflix, so how about that? So, should you watch it? I can't see why not.
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