The Offer (2022)
This made me want to watch "The Godfather"
30 March 2023
I like movies in general but somehow "The Godfather" has eluded me. Maybe it's the lengthy running time, dark lighting, or gangster shenanigans, but it is just something I haven't sought out to sit and watch. Now I hear about a TV series called "The Offer," its critical acclaim and high ratings, so I get intrigued, especially when I learn that the subject matter is about the making of "The Godfather." Is it a documentary? Why is the rating so high? I give the first episode a whirl and quickly realize it's a dramatization of events in the making of this classic movie, of course. As the series progresses, because it is so exquisitely made, I become more and more interested in the actual movie and so I finally give it a watch. All this time, I have been missing out on the burgeoning talents of Al Pacino in the early days, the artistic storytelling, and all the drama from everyone involved. "The Offer" does great service to viewers like me, and without it, I would have been deprived of this classic cinematic experience.
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