Baby Blue (2023)
Nothing New, Been Done Before
24 June 2023
The premise is old, tired, and played out. What truly sucks about it and is its major downfall in my opinion is this annoying, slobbering, caveman looking kid, Cyrus Arnold. Someone never taught him how to swallow his spit and anytime he gets erratic, which is often unfortunately, he starts drooling every where. Also, when he talks, his mouth sounds like it's full of his spit 24/7. Last, he is one ugly dude, hence the caveman reference earlier. So, sucks looking at him, sucks listening to him talk, makes him a weak link.

Aside from that, it's like every other pile of garbage coming out these days with a young/teen leading cast, full of angst and piss and vinegar which keeps the viewer from connecting with the character or giving 2 squirts about what happens to them or if they live or die.

Of course there's the other "admirable" trait the "ask Google" generation oozes, the know everything when really knowing nothing mentality because they are almost solely educated on Google and the internet. Which makes them think they know everything with the ease and speed of merely looking something up on their smartphone for any and all answers which, anyone with half a brain cell knows you can't believe or trust anything on the internet without taking a grain of salt with it, except for the Gen Z/ask Google generation, they take it all in full stride.

So, if these kinda things don't bother you or your just a young reader of this review, feel free to watch this, there's far worse out there trust me, just don't pay to watch it, it's free on Tubi.
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