Deadly Game (1991 TV Movie)
Bad but I like bad
21 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In this USA Network movie, seven people - Lucy the dancer (Jenny Seagrove), Peterson the teacher who has Vietnam PTSD (Michael Beck), Jake the quarterback with a secret drunk driving accident on his consciousness (Marc Singer), Chang the yakuza member (Steven Vincent Leigh), Dr. Aaron (Roddy McDowell), Admiral Mark Nately (Mitchell Ryan) and Charley the businessman (John Pleshette) - have been brought to the island of Osirus, a masked maniac who wants revenge on each of them for reasons only he - and they - know. If they can reach the other side, they can each make a million dollars. Osirus also doesn't plan on letting that happen, as they have a heavily armed gang ready to murder the defenseless protagonists.

This movie is so much fun. You get flashbacks to how each character met Osirus - I'm not revealing who they are - and the best is how Lucy had a love affair with this movie's villain complete with a love scene where Osirus never removes its disguise. There are also plenty of kills, lots of jungle action and clues that trigger those memories. And oh yeah, Marc Singer playing his character in high school despite being 43-years-old when this was made.

Thomas J. Wright also directed the Hulk Hogan movie No Holds Barred and painted all of the artwork for Night Gallery. The fact that both of these things are true should make you happy to live in the reality that you occupy. Writer Westbrook Claridge did the scripts for all the TekWar stuff on USA and shows up as a security guard in The Incredible Melting Man.
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