Signs of Life (1968)
Typical First Movie Attempt
24 January 2024
This one felt strained, like every scene was just aching for something more. If there was ever more uninteresting people in a movie I cannot recall which movie it was. All these exceptionally bland characters do is complain, and when they're not complaining spout the most inane garbage you've ever seen. At least there's a gorgeous woman to give the viewer's eyes something pleasant to settle upon occasionally. I am not kidding. The men, without exception, are total idiots. Here's an example of the stupidity of the feeble attempts to give them something interesting to do. The bald idiot makes a trap for roaches and is delighted to catch a few. Um, he could have walked around and stepped on all he wanted in a fraction of the time. See? Dumb, and it took several minutes to get this across. It would be almost a decade before Herzog hit his strike with gems such as Stroszek and The Enigma Of Kaspar Hauser. I'm not sure why so much praise gets heaped upon this guy's films, when less than half are remotely worthy of attention.
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