It's Snoop, what do you expect....
22 February 2024
6.7/10 (Recommend)

It has Snoop Dogg.... What do you expect with a film expecting him? A clean film that's rated G and full of roses and daisies?

I wouldn't call Snoop anywhere close to being one of my favourite artists though I've listened to his music over the years, but his ability to bring about the comedy with Easter eggs involving his life is good.

This isn't a top-notch film and the story of the underdog has been told many times before, but the sort of fresh energy that is brought to the film is that it isn't a G/PG film. I'm not saying I'm a fan of the children swearing, but it works within the dynamics of the film.

All to say this isn't entirely a family friendly film despite it being family oriented. Definitely not geared to everyone. It's a little motivational and funny. The runtime is perfect and caps out right where it needs to. Chemistry and actor selection was enjoyable all-round. In the end I recommend for some, but not for others.

That's all for now. Thank you for taking the time to read my review. Until next time.... Enjoy the show!
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