Laughter with Tears
19 April 2024
One of the things this film does exceptionally well is give us a snapshot of the experiences Aine 'Niamh James' has, while still filling each moment with so much meaning and emotion. This is not a film about a teenager actively going through the world, it is about being in your 30's and looking back at your teenage youth. An Irish Angel does not rest on any single experience for very long and this is because when we remember our youth, we don't remember everything, and we don't remember all the sides to the story, we just remember how the door slammed and everything went silent or how we used to stare longingly at the dream house a few streets away, wishing it were ours. The criticism that this film touches on too much and discusses too little, is a misconception that this is a play by play of a young woman forced into being an adult. This is how life is remembered, in moments, slivers, glances. More over, Danny Patrick creates a female lead character that is at once self-conscious and determined. She does not wilt or waver in her goals even despite the mistakes she's made. Aine is a new female lead that does not ask "what will I do now?" when something goes wrong. She simply keeps going, until she arrives.
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