Evolution's Child (1999 TV Movie)
Intense movie, both directly and indirectly
25 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
At first, I rather raked this movie for having a short sighted view of things when, even back in 1999, we realized the different capabilities of the modern and hunter-gatherer (for lack of better terms) mind, those who were good with animals, and the like. Thinking about it a few days after watching the movie, maybe that was exactly what the underlying theme was, of science where we think we know all the answers versus understanding nature as an art. A downside to the movie making is the tagline, "My Father was a Caveman!" for that ridicules much of the intense feeling this movie communicates. The movie does require that one puts aside science as they have learned it at some points or, at least, be more understanding of the limbic nervous system. It is not Sci Fi with technology, much, but it is a Sci Fi movie for it asks the question "What if?".
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