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SnoopyStyle18 August 2019
Confederate soldier Rod O'Meara (Rod Steiger) is bitter following Lee's surrender at Appomattox. He almost takes a shot at Grant. He travels west to escape the Union. He is befriended by a Sioux named Walking Coyote who is returning to his tribe after working for the Americans. The two are captured by Crazy Wolf who leads a band of young warriors. Walking Coyote demands a Run of the Arrow. Crazy Wolf is forced to oblige and O'Meara manages to survive with help from Yellow Moccasin. He is the first man to survive the trial. He joins the tribe and marries Yellow Moccasin. He is assigned to scout for the Americans as they built a new fort. Conflict soon arises and O'Meara is forced to choose a side.

Filmmaker Samuel Fuller is known for low budget B-movies which sometimes gained critical praise. O'Meara may not be an appealing protagonist but he has a point to make. It is a look at the world through the loser's side, both the Confederates and the Sioux. Both groups are in the last days of independence. It's a conflicted film about a conflicted world with conflicted characters. The movie is trying to say something but like O'Meara, the movie is unsure of its own point of view. This is interesting but it leaves me conflicted.
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Peculiar Western with violent and tense scenes masterfully directed by Samuel Fuller
ma-cortes6 August 2010
This is the story of an ex-confederate Army soldier , circa 1865 , it begins in Palm Sunday , April 9, 1865 Appomatox , Virginia , the last day of the war between the States . During surrender General Lee to the North commanded by General Ulyses S Grant at the end of the Civil War an ex-confederate soldier(Rod Steiger) does his choice , to see the Union killed his brothers , as he changes his life . He flees , meets , understands , joins and eventually becomes a member of a Sioux tribe , engaged in war against the white man . Meanwhile he befriends an Indian scout ex-soldier (J.C.Flippen) , marries an Indian woman (Sara Montiel) and adopts a kid . At the final of the movie is told a particular phrase : ¨The end of this story can only be written by you ¨.

It's an interesting and competent story with images tremendously exciting and tense and powerfully rough-edge moments . It depicts a thought-provoking perspective on the plight of native Americans and with scenes of epic proportions as the manhunt . The intriguing premise fails to satisfy completely but gets breathtaking moments as the human chase and Indian customs . This sometimes too objective film lacks a sense of definitive character undermining its important message . Overacting and distracting performance by Rod Steiger ; boasting a most restrained playing from Brian Keith, Sara Montiel , Charles Bronson and Ralph Meeker . Lively musical score by the classic Victor Young and colorful cinematography by Joseph Biroc who reflects splendidly the gorgeous scenarios.

In this picture Samuel Fuller proved his talent of vision and intelligence . Fuller made various Western as ¨I shot Jesse James(49)¨, ¨The baron of Arizona(50)¨, ¨Forty guns(58)¨, and ¨The meanest men in the West (76)¨ , but his most fluid and strongest work lies in his war films as ¨Steel helmet(51)¨ , ¨Fixed bayonets(52)¨, ¨Hell and high water (55)¨, ¨China gate (57)¨ , ¨Merrill's Marauders (62)¨ and ¨The Big Red One (80)¨. Rating : Better than average . Worthwhile watching .
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RUN OF THE ARROW (Samuel Fuller, 1957) ***
Bunuel197614 January 2009
Interesting, unusual Western to emerge during the genre's heyday given writer/director Fuller's typically uncompromising viewpoint. Starting off on the last day of the American Civil War, it deals with Southerner-of-Irish-descent Rod Steiger's inability to cope with defeat which sends him the way of the Sioux (the renowned Method actor, making a surprising third genre appearance in as many years, brings his customary intensity to the traditional Western canvas). After meeting up with renegade Indian Jay C. Flippen(!) and surviving the titular challenge, he's accepted by the Redskins and even lands himself a squaw (Sarita Montiel aka Mrs. Anthony Mann) and a mute foster-son; the latter is then involved in a startling sequence as, about to drown in quicksand, he's saved by a passing American horse soldier…except that he's rewarded for his good deed by falling headfirst into the slime himself! Steiger's past also comes back to haunt him at this point, with the arrival of the Cavalry (led by sympathetic Brian Keith and nasty Ralph Meeker – the latter was the last man to be shot during the war, by Steiger himself!) who want to build a fort in Sioux territory. Though the Indians (with Charles Bronson as Chief) desire peace, one of their number is a rebel and wages a one-man war against the whites…but Steiger has him do the 'Run Of The Arrow', which is then callously interrupted by Meeker. With Keith murdered by a Sioux arrow, the younger officer takes over command and, obstinately but unwisely, takes the unit further into Indian territory in search of a more strategic point for constructing. As Steiger's entreaty for surrender is rejected, the Cavalry are massacred (quite a violent scene for the time) – but Meeker is kept alive, since awaiting him is the fate allotted to those who willfully obstruct the 'run'. It's here, though, that Steiger draws the line for, whatever his feelings for Meeker personally, he can't bear to see his fellow man tortured: ironically, he uses the bullet he had shot him with originally, kept all along as a token, to end his ordeal. Looking on, Bronson – and, even more so, Montiel (voiced here by Angie Dickinson!) – realize that his place is with the white man after all; a wonderful scene has her throw the U.S. flag at Steiger and bringing him to admit that his home state of Virginia is equally represented on it. The concluding scene, then, has the surviving unit starting off to rejoin its ranks with Steiger (accompanied by his 'family') at the head.
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One of the best openings ever. Then Steiger starts talking.
rick_711 June 2010
Run of the Arrow (Samuel Fuller, 1957) is an embryonic version of Dances With Wolves in director Sam Fuller's familiar tabloid style: short, flamboyantly written and with the best stuff right at the top. It begins on Palm Sunday, 1865, "the last day of the war between the states", with Fuller taking us to the very heart of the conflict via a mesmerising opening tracking shot. Corpses are strewn across the smoking landscape, where an unmanned cannon has fallen silent, smashed to pieces. An air of desperation and exhaustion hangs heavy over the action. A Yankee soldier on a knackered horse staggers towards some unknown, meaningless destination. A shot rings out and he slumps to the ground. A Confederate infantryman (Rod Steiger) lowers his gun and moves forward. Ransacking the man's pockets, he finds a food parcel and begins eating the spoils off the dying man's stomach. That line from The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down comes to mind: "We were hungry, just barely alive." Having had his fill, Steiger straps the man to the guy's own horse, and takes him to a field hospital. It's a brilliant intro. But then Steiger starts talking and the film goes downhill.

Accents are a funny thing. It's nice when someone gets a voice down pat, but it often feels like window-dressing. And illogical window-dressing at that, since Nazis don't generally converse with one another in heavily-accented English. Jimmy Stewart gave a great performance in The Shop Around the Corner without attempting a Hungarian accent, and Claude Rains was a fitting French captain in Casablanca despite his distinctive English tones. Keeping your own accent also means you avoid taking a road to supposed 'authenticity' that's full of pitfalls. A terrible voice can sink a film, or at least prove a major distraction, and that's the case here. Playing a second-generation Irish immigrant fighting for the Confederacy, who finds a new home with the Sioux, Steiger opts for an accent that can best be described as 'South Asian Norwegian'. Perhaps he was confused about playing an honorary Indian, because no matter how bold and progressive the film is, offering an insightful look at Sioux customs, it still has a hero who sounds like a sort of Slumdog John Qualen. By d'yevil.

Such self-satisfied broadsides aside (I'm sorry, I really do like Fuller), Run of the Arrow turns out alright. The titular rite-of-passage - which sees Steiger forced to outpace some rampaging Sioux, or else find a new skin - is exciting and well-paced, with an intelligent follow-up in the second half. Fuller's much-celebrated focus on the feet during that sequence was actually enforced by Steiger's sore ankle, but elsewhere there's some strong direction that makes the most of several ambitious, realistic sets. Steiger is periodically effective, even hampered by that ridiculous voice, with Ralph Meeker perfectly cast as his main nemesis - a cigar-chomping Indian-hater - and Brian Keith an effective moral yardstick, though the rest of the cast is largely nondescript. The interesting, well-researched portrait of the Native American lifestyle is ultimately overtaken by a drawn-out action climax that begins effectively, with an interesting subversion of Western folklore that sees the Indians riding to the rescue, but frankly goes on a bit. Fuller's script also lacks clarity, even when dealing with his favourite theme of redemption, which is very unusual for this filmmaker.

In the end, Run of the Arrow is a fascinating, admirably ambitious film, but it's a long way from being a classic, with confused plotting and an inability to build on its fascinating opening scenes. On this evidence, it's a damn shame that Fuller never made a full Civil War picture, as he seems ideally suited to the material. But then again, every Fuller film starts and ends with a bang, and though John Ford's 21-minute section of How the West Was Won ('The Civil War') is extraordinary, his feature-length treatment of the conflict he remained so obsessed with, The Horse Soldiers, is a shambles.

Trivia note: This was the first movie to use blood squibs. No Run of the Arrow, no Wild Bunch. A small price to pay for that peculiar thing Steiger is doing with his larynx.
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The film that danced with wolves first
The_Void4 September 2004
Run of the Arrow is the 50's equivalent of 'Dances with Wolves', so if you wanted to watch Dances with Wolves in the 50's, you had to watch this. That's not such a bad thing, however, as although this film isn't brilliant; it's better than Dances with Wolves. The story follows the adventures of Pvt. O'Meara (portrayed impressively by Rod Steiger), a soldier on the losing side of the American Civil war. He is dismayed by his side joining with the other side at the end of war, and he wants no part of the unified American nation. So, he travels south to the land of savages, because "at least they have pride". On the way to the south, he meets up with a renegade Sioux Indian scout and he finds an admiration for the Sioux culture. He later becomes the first man to beat the 'run of the arrow', and finds himself taking a squire and being accepted into their tribe.

The visuals are gritty and fairly brutal. There is also lots on offer in the way of entertainment: the scene in which our hero beats the run of the arrow is well filmed and exciting, which is just the way it should be. Aside from this, the movie also features a quicksand scene, a near skinning alive sequence and a great Americans vs. Indians battle scene. It also stays entertaining all the through, and that is much to the movie's credit; it's something that Dances with Wolves couldn't manage anyway. The film also features two great actors, which very much impress. The aforementioned Rod Steiger is the first, who takes the lead role. Although he doesn't ever set the screen on fire, he is always believable in his role, and that is enough. Aside from Steiger, the film also features the talents of the very talented Charles Bronson as a Sioux Indian.

The story is nothing new for those who have seen films like Dances with Wolves, or Witness; but remember, this film predates both of those by nearly thirty years, so it's not unoriginality on the part of this. In fact, my only major criticism of the film is that it's under-ambitious. It never really gets under the skin of it's story, and that is a loss to the film as if it had have done; it would have been a more well rounded film. Smaller criticisms are that it's very short, and related to that; the ending feels very rushed and doesn't really satisfy the viewer. Still, The Run of the Arrow is a classic film and one that should not be missed by anyone lucky enough to see it.
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I'll hang before I recognise that flag.
hitchcockthelegend29 July 2012
Run of the Arrow is written and directed by Sam Fuller. It stars Rod Steiger, Sara Montiel, Brian Keith, Ralph Meeker, Jay C. Flippen and Charles Bronson. Music is scored by Victor Young and Technicolor cinematography is by Joseph Biroc.

As the American Civil War closes, Confederate Pvt. O'Meara (Steiger) finds he just can't bring himself to be part of the United States. With his head full of memories about what the Yankees put his kind through, and a heart full of bile, he decides to go West and live native. Here he encounters the Sioux and his life takes on a new meaning.....

Run of the Arrow, and director Sam Fuller in general, has grown a sterling reputation over the decades. Where Fuller's rep as the American Primitive auteur is well deserved, Run of the Arrow's is not. It seems that the themes at work, and they are strong and potent, have made many forget the glaring flaws in the production.

Churning away in the screenplay are themes of nationalism, identity, loyalty and racism, with the dialogue well scripted, but these themes are hardly presented as complex issues. Literally overnight O'Meara has a grasp on Sioux customs and language, with the Sioux not afforded any characterisation outside of O'Meara's musings (the authoritative voice after one day of going native!) and a brief scene where Blue Buffalo (Bronson) bizarrely accepts the Christian faith is the same as the Sioux faith. Ultimately the presentation of the Sioux is so one dimensional it's nigh on impossible to accept that O'Meara is now conflicted in his calling.

Then there is the small matter of Steiger's miscasting. As some critics have fallen over themselves to laud the film as an ambitious masterpiece, they have forgotten about the lead man's misplacement. The attempt at an Irish accent is woeful, it comes off as more like an Eastern Europe and Asian mix, thankfully he gives up later in the film to give our ears a rest. But he is also physically wrong as well, we are asked to believe that his stocky frame can outrun lithe and muscular Sioux warriors, it's insulting even when taking artistic licence into account. Amusingly some critics of the time praised Fuller for fluidly tracking running feet as opposed to full bodied character, truth is it wasn't artistic intent, Steiger had sprained his ankle so Fuller had to shoot another actor running! It's just one of the many irrelevant scenes in the picture.

The use of white actors to play Indians always causes friction with Western fans, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Here it cuts both ways, Bronson gets away with it, he looks the part, but Flippen is embarrassingly unconvincing as Walking Coyote and Montiel as Yellow Moccasin is done up like a porn version of a Sioux squaw! (voice dubbed by Angie Dickinson as well). It's hard to focus on strong thematics when Steiger is talking through a mouth full of beans, Flippen looks like he has wandered in off of an L.A. street and Montiel is making you horny with a shapely thigh! Where the film lifts itself above average is with Fuller's knack for stylised violence and the location photography of Biroc (latterly Ulzana's Raid). Officially the first film to use squibs for bloody impact of weapons, Fuller utilises this to the max, there's also some excellent flaming arrow work as well. Even though the print I viewed of the film is drab and scratchy, you can still see the great work of Biroc as he brings the beauty of St George, Utah, to Fuller's harsher human edges. While Young's score is inventive in blending Civil War and Irish tunes into the otherwise standard Cavalry and Indians mix.

I consider myself a big Fuller fan, I love Forty Guns, Shock Corridor and The Naked Kiss, but Run of the Arrow has too much wrong with it to deserve the "great" reputation it has. While those trying to put it forward as being this great inspiration that Dances With Wolves copied! Are seriously barking up the wrong tree. Each has a disenchanted soldier venturing West and encountering the Sioux, from there on in, though, the films vastly differ. 6/10
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A bloody little Western in the accustomed Fuller vein of unpleasantness...
Nazi_Fighter_David26 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Run of the Arrow" has an ex-Civil War soldier taking an Indian wife (Sarita Montiel) and here the Indians are less idealized…

Steiger, deserter from the Southern cause, is a highly credible character, tough and able to effect a compromise with the Sioux until he finds one aspect of the culture he can't stomach, let alone assimilate—that of skinning a captive alive…

He still, however, rides out of the picture with his Indian wife alongside…

Whether she will assimilate what she finds in a different culture remains unanswered…

The film remains a bloody little Western in the accustomed Fuller vein of unpleasantness...
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Strange and Flawed, but well worth seeing
julesfdelorme20 September 2017
RUN OF THE ARROW This Western is about as off the beaten path of classic Westerns as I think that you can get. Made by Samuel Fuller in 1957, Run of the Arrow is an odd and strange film. Fuller, and particularly his film Steel Helmet, has been cited as an influence by directors from Quentin Tarantino to Stanley Kubrick. Fuller was also known to be more than a little bit of a nut, and the closest thing that the studio system came to releasing independent film in those days. The premise of Run of the Arrow, a southern civil war veteran who decides, rather than live in the surrendered south that he'll go out west and living among the Sioux, is both original and strange. The dialogue is often overwrought and Rod Steiger, in the lead role often falls into Charles Laughton like overacting. Steiger could be a very good actor, with the right director to keep him in check, as in On the Waterfront, or the exquisite The Pawnbroker. Here he is not kept in check and the price paid is often ham handed delivery. The Indians of course are played by white men with spray on tans, which adds to the strange almost surreal quality of the film. One of those actors, the only one who does not seem to require a spray tan, is Charles Bronson as the Sioux Chief. Bronson's extreme muscularity seems somehow out of place in this period piece. His bulging biceps and ripped abs seem too modern at a time when people were still buying gimmicks from Charles Atlas ads (And let's face it, Atlas was anything but buff by today's standards.). (As a side note, I once had to audition for Bronson for one of his Death Wish movies. It was a second or third reading and the character was required to perform some martial arts. Bronson asked me how high I could kick. I said something cute like high enough. He walked up to me and asked me if I could kick above his head. I nodded. He wasn't that tall. He said "Show me.". So, without thinking I threw the kick. I remember that as I did I heard gasps from around the room that I would be crazy enough to do such a thing to a man who was still a pretty big star back then. Bronson, though, never blinked. He never took his eyes off of mine. And I remember thinking that, despite the fact that I had already been in more real fights than I could count, that this was no Hollywood actor. This was a hard man. And, despite his being in in his 60s at the time, I had the feeling that I would not want to mess with him. He shook my hand. He didn't squeeze, but I could feel this iron strength in his grip. I think I read somewhere that he had spent his youth as a coal miner. All this to say that this was had a very impressive presence...). Run of the arrow is a flawed and often melodramatic film. I know that all of this sounds like I'm not recommending it. But I am recommending it, for two reasons. First, if you are a lover of classic movies, and Westerns in particular, as I am, then Run of the Arrow is as different from the Westerns of its day as it could possibly be. And, second, as someone of native heritage, Run of the Arrow is the first film that I can think of, a rare film even by today' standards, in that the Native characters are the good guys, and it is white characters who are the bad guys. That alone makes Run of the Arrow, to me, more than worthy of seeing. It isn't perfect. It's very flawed. But it's not like any Western made in its day and its not like many Westerns made today. You may laugh at the wrong moments at times. But you'll probably remember Run of the Arrow long after you've forgotten more polished and well laid out classic movies. So I do recommend it. I recommend Run of the Arrow quite highly. Because it is strange. Because it is different. And because it tries to do something that far too few movies have to courage to do. It at least tries to be truly original. #movies #film #filmcritique #classicwesterns #runofthearrow #samfuller
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Like Ethan Edwards, Rod Steiger doesn't believe in surrenders
bkoganbing21 November 2011
Among the films giving a realistic and three dimensional portrait of the American Indians this item that stars Rod Steiger is curiously overlooked. Run Of The Arrow is a story about Confederate veteran who goes to live among the Sioux after Appomattox.

Like John Wayne's Ethan Edwards from The Searchers, Steiger doesn't believe in surrenders and won't accept the Union victory and domination over the south. But unlike Edwards Steiger's Clay O'Meara has no problem with the Sioux or any other Indians. He goes into their country and after passing a brutal initiation from the Indians with a little bit of help he's accepted into the tribe.

Eventually the Union blue reaches the Sioux country and Steiger is part of the negotiating team and guides the cavalry to land where they will build a fort safe from Indian hunting grounds. Extremists on both sides make the peace impossible, H.M. Wynant for the Sioux and Lieutenant Ralph Meeker for the whites. Eventually Steiger makes a choice and he faces a most uncertain future.

The Indians are nicely played albeit by white players such as Charles Bronson as the chief. Sarita Montiel of the Mexican cinema plays the Indian woman whom Steiger takes in wedlock. Brian Keith has a nice part as a sympathetic army captain. But who I would have liked to see more of are Olive Carey as Steiger's mother and Jay C. Flippen as the philosophical Indian scout who comes back to die among his people. I wish Flippen hadn't died so soon.

A certain kind of cosmic justice is meted out to one of the cast at the conclusion. You'll have to sit and enjoy watching Run Of The Arrow to know what I mean.
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An ex-rebel without a cause
NewEnglandPat26 March 2003
This oater is a rather gory affair of a bitter ex-rebel's quest to put the Civil War behind him. The Confederate soldier heads west and decides that life among the Plains Indians is preferable to being a citizen of the United States after the war. Rod Steiger was probably the best actor to play the unreconstructed southerner in this grim cavalry-Indian western. The unhappy southerner finds companionship with an Indian maiden in his adopted tribe and harbors as much hatred for the soldiers as do the Indians. The film starts slowly but finds its own groove and delivers fine action sequences although some scenes are not for the squeamish. Brian Keith, Ralph Meeker, Charles Bronson and Frank de Kova are good in supporting roles. Pretty Mexican actress Sarita Montiel pairs up with O'Meara's but her overall effect is diminished by the obvious dubbing of her voice.
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Jay C. Flippen is a Sioux Indian?! Huh?!
planktonrules17 August 2019
I was excited to see that Sam Fuller wrote, directed and produced this film. After all, Fuller was a genius in squeezing the most out of a buck...making some amazingly good low-budgeted films. Sadly, however, this movie turns out to be among Fuller's weakest...and it is deservedly not among his his famous pictures.

When the film begins, O'Meara (Rod Steiger) is bitter because the Civil War ended and his beloved South lost. So, he packs up his stuff and heads west...unsure where to go but hating the United States. There he eventually meets up with Natives and he becomes one of them. However, when the tribe later attacks the US Cavalry, O'Meara's loyalty is tested.

The major problem with this film is the casting and Fuller's allowing this. Jay C. Flippen was a fine supporting actor...but him playing a Sioux was about as realistic as having Keye Luke play one! He neither looked nor sounded like a Native American....and never even tried to approximate an appropriate accent. But it wasn't just him....Steiger sounds nothing like a Southerner and rarely like an Irishman (though occasionally he remembered and used an Irishy accent). Add to that Charles Bronson as a Sioux and you've got a film that not only is insulting but really stupid--after all, he sounds EXACTLY like the same Charles Bronson who made "The Dirty Dozen" and "Death Wish"! It's sad, as MANY Native Americans DID appear in the film....but were all relegated to non-speaking rolls! What a huge missed opportunity! They could have played very convincing characters if given the chance.

So, if you look past the crappy accents and bad casting, it the story any good? Not especially so. It's different enough that it's still worth seeing but the overall picture lacks the Fuller touch and instead seems like a cliched western so typical of the era. There are a few interesting bits (hence my score of 4), such as the speech made by Brian Keith...but otherwise a bit let down.

By the way, I am NOT a super politically correct guy. My biggest quibble is simply realism....and few of the principle actors were realistic.
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Run to This Movie
Richie-67-48585222 November 2017
Most excellent Western with a unique set of ingredients all designed to entertain and give rise to several emotions. This one has so much going on too. Indians, their culture, US Calvary, horses, dust, whiskey, civil war, forts, good and bad guys and a love story all done very well. This movie has part Last of the Mohicans, The Naked Prey and a mix of several other familiar themes scene in many Westerns over the years. Their are several highlights worthy to mention. The feelings of the South after losing the war dialog is potent and accurate so listen up. Great scene of Lee surrendering to Grant (with tears) and respect on all sides. then there is the Indian way, their beliefs and point of view. If that is not enough, the US Calvary wants to develop the West and set up forts and approaches the subject humbly. This movie had me riveted to the screen as there was so much going all entertaining that I didn't want it to end. Even the end music played out very well helping you to accept the ending. Good movie to eat beef jerky, a sandwich and a tasty drink. Also worth mentioning is all your favorite and familiar TV and movie stars are in this one looking and sounding good earning their paychecks as well as all being destined for long careers too. Run of the Arrow...thank you to all involved here. Mount-up
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Interesting to watch....once
mgtbltp24 April 2009
Watched this the other day and it was an interesting Cavalry vs. Indian (Sioux) film taking place before the establishment of Ft. Abraham Lincoln, and Custer. Steiger (who personally I think sucks at accents) plays a Confederate soldier with a weird Irish/Southern accent who fires the last shot in the Civil War, at Ralf Meeker, who he wounds.

He basically refuses to surrender after Appomattox and heads off to the Northern Great Plains along the way he befriends an old Sioux cavalry scout, and he undergoes the ritual "run of the arrow" and becomes accepted by the tribe, where he continues the fight against the US.

During the negotiations with the Sioux over establishing posts to separate settlers (keeping them off the hunting grounds) traveling West and the natives their chief, played by Charles Bronson, and the chief cavalry engineer played by Brian Keith they agree to select Steiger as chief Sioux scout for the expedition, not all of the Sioux are in concert with this. Keith and Steiger sort of hit it off but Meeker is a hot headed second in command who after Keith is hit by a renegade arrow decides to locate the new post in a different location than agreed, to igniting a war.

Its an interesting take on the subject and the film is worth a watch but its nothing outstanding.
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I Was Disappointed
damianphelps2 February 2022
Mostly boring until around the last 20 minutes where it picks up enough to make you not completely hate it.

Bronson is great to watch but does nothing too noteworthy, Steiger (unlike him) was mostly awful.

Put aside who passes for a native American or you will hate it even more.

Has a message but the film is too dull to make you care about it :)
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Unbroken arrow
dbdumonteil3 July 2010
Itself influenced by "the most dangerous game" (Cooper/Schoedsack,1932) "run for the arrow" inspired in part both Cornell Wilde 's overlooked "naked prey" (1966) and Gibson's overrated "Apocalypto" .All these films ,including Fuller's display a lot of sadism.

A confederate ,after a war he just lost ,sick and tired of his compatriots, wants to live among the Indians.Is it crazier that the journalist who gets admitted to an insane asylum to unmask a murderer? ("shock corridor")or the GI who after the war wants to marry a German and unmask the "werevolves" these youngsters who want to carry on with Hitler's "work"?("Verboten" )or the prostitute in search of respectability who wants to help disabled children and believes that songs can cure them?("naked kiss")

Sam Fuller's westerns are something different ;"Forty guns" and "run of the arrow" cannot be compared to the classics of the era (Ford,Mann,Daves ,etc)just as "shock corridor" is a thriller of its own kind or as "pick up on South street " is a spy thriller with no connection with those of Hitchcock and Lang.The hero portrayed by Rod Steiger thinks he has found a place and a new home in a new people ;but when war breaks out between his former compatriots and the Indians ,he does not know where he stands anymore .The frontier between the two worlds is frail .You can say the same for most of Fuller's movies
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Mixing the blood.
brogmiller24 February 2022
This film alas fails to fulfil the promise of its opening and despite some good moments it remains a 'B' film with a predominantly 'A' cast. The scene from which it takes its title is brilliantly conceived, after which everything else seems something of an anti-climax.

The highlight of Samuel Fuller's piece is the duologue between the renegade malcontent O'Meara of Rod Steiger and Brian Keith's voice of reason as Captain Clarke.

Veteran Jay C. Flippen is woefully miscast as a Sioux and Charles Bronson, still serving his time as a supporting actor, fails to convince as an Indian chief albeit a well-buffed one. Wholly convincing is H. M. Wynant as the appropriately named Crazy Horse. The female interest(and what a female!) is supplied by scrumptious Spanish import Sara Montiel as a squaw. Her character is however little more than a cipher and she is ineffectually dubbed by Angie Dickinson.

On the plus side we have a customarily lavish score by Victor Young and stunning cinematography courtesy of Joseph Biroc.

As one would expect from Mr. Fuller some scenes are extremely visceral and the off screen agonised cries of Ralph Meeker's character being flayed alive linger long in the memory.

Despite his unevenness as a director, one simply cannot be indifferent to him and what a critic has referred to as this film's 'unbridled audacity' cannot be disputed.
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Bardotsalvador31 July 2010
Idont like this movie , i saw this movie only because sarita montiel was in it , she play an Indian and some of the review said the pretty Mexican actress please She was born in Campo de Criptana in the region of Castile-La Mancha in 1928 as María Antonia Abad (complete name María Antonia Alejandra Vicenta Elpidia Isidora Abad Fernández). After her unprecedented international hit in Juan de Orduña's El Último Cuplé in 1957, Montiel achieved the status of mega-star in Europe and Latin America. She was the first woman to distill sex openly in Spanish cinema at a time when even a low cut dress was not acceptable.sarita was not Mexican and she became the biggest European star of the cinema after Brigitte Bardot and today she make fun of American she said back in the 50s the American were so ignorant they don't know the different between Spain and Mexico they don't even know where Spain was located,Sarita thank god went back to Europe and the rest is history, BY THE WAY BACK THEN SHE WAS MARRIED TO ANTHONY MANN
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Ahead of its time
simonqbb19 August 2019
"Run of the Arrow" is an interesting movie despite some significant flaws. What makes it most worth a look is its complex take on its various peoples: Southern rebels, Sioux (Lakota) Indians, and the U.S. Cavalry are all treated with complexity, neither the Southerners, the Sioux, nor the Americans rendered entirely good or evil. Indeed, the story is seen through the eyes of former Confederate States infantryman Private O'Meara (Rod Steiger), who leaves the defeated (and what he sees as the prostrate) South for the far West--where he chooses to live among the Sioux after an especially evocative and brutal "initiation." He marries a Sioux woman and then is recruited as the Sioux liaison to scout for the U.S. Army a new location for a fort that is acceptable to both parties. Suffice it to say, things don't go entirely as planned: individual men on both sides have their own ideas which they put into action, and O'Meara and the others are caught in the middle.

Where "Run of the Arrow" tends to miss is in its rather rushed screenplay - and in Steiger's choppy performance. Steiger looks the part of Southern Reb, but his performance leaves something to be desired, especially given his shaky Irish accent--which, like much of the dialogue, is also obviously, and rather painfully dubbed. (Dubbed dialogue is most often a big stumbling block for me, so readily does it take me out of the movie, and it does so here.) The screenplay also has O'Meara learn the Sioux language awful fast (though all the dialogue is in English), and doesn't even bother with any kind of a courtship between O'Meara and his Sioux bride, Yellow Moccasin. The pacing never quite gels, and a couple of very good actors (Ralph Meeker and Brian Keith), if not exactly wasted, are underserved by the somewhat tepid drama, while the direction and cinematography are above average in some places, merely competent in others.

Overall, not as good as it might have been, but still worth a look for Western fans. (The Movie Czar 8/19/19)
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Decent Movie Plagued With Distractions
atlasmb29 April 2014
"Run of the Arrow" seems to have noble intentions. It portrays the conflict between the North and South in the Civil War as actually having two sides to it, as opposed to most films that only portray the North as having a moral imperative. It also shows the later conflicts with the Indians with more balance than most westerns, which usually make the Indians out to be heathens who impede the (rightful) progress of the American juggernaut across the continent.

Rod Steiger plays O'Meara, a rebel infantryman who hates the Yankees and heads westward at the end of the Civil War. There, he confronts the Sioux who adopt him as one of their own. The story is all about allegiance. Does O'Meara identify more with Americans or Sioux? He hates the U.S. because it symbolizes the demise of the South, but what really is his country?

He even marries a Sioux woman, Yellow Moccasin, played by Sara Montiel (dubbed by Angie Dickinson). For an interesting read, check out Montiel's bio; this film was not the highlight of her career.

Despite a story that might have been riveting as a Louis Lamour novel, "Run of the Arrow" is plagued by technical glitches (problems with light/dark sections, continuity in a chase scene and regarding the use of flaming arrows, a bad special effect depicting the trail of an arrow) and numerous distractions.

I could have done without some of the irrelevant religious symbolism. Did the Indians use so many flaming arrows just because it was more dramatic on film?

And the heavy-handed ending is the worst. Wait till you see the written message.
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Much better than similar 'Dances With Wolves'
amolad18 December 2000
Jaw-droppingly similar to DANCES WITH WOLVES in story and overall theme, this is a clearer, simpler, shorter, and in every way better movie. Fuller is one of the most visual, cinematic directors who ever worked, and he starts with a premise that is itself utterly visual: Steiger, a Southerner at the end of the Civil War, is so alienated now with both the North and the South that he does the only thing he can -- head West. And so he does, eventually finding himself caught between another war of cultures -- the Indian vs the white man.

Like all of Fuller's movies, this one is hard-hitting, brutal, emotional and stimulating. It does not sentimentalize the Indians or offer any easy choices for its characters. This is one of Fuller's rare pictures -- not often shown on TV -- but it is highly recommended.
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Great cast in well-meaning, somewhat mixed up Western
adrianovasconcelos8 February 2024
Director Samuel Fuller put out several above average films, notably PICKUP ON SOUTH STREET, STEEL HELMET and SHOCKPROOF. He did not display the same form in RUN OF THE ARROW, even though he had more than a serviceable cast at hand, including such stalwarts as Rod Steiger, Brian Keith, Ralph Meeker, Sarita Montiel and Charles Bronson.

The acting is more than satisfactory across the board. Samuel Fuller's own script brings in the stances of Unionists, Sioux and ex-Confederate now white Sioux Steiger, but the final concoction is a trifle mixed up, and not very much helped by action sequences, especially the final attack on the fort, which seem amateurish.

The villain is Ralph Meeker as the Union lieutenant who decides to change orders from above regarding the site of the fort that is to be built in Sioux territory, after Captain Keith perishes due to a renegade Sioux's arrow in the chest. In a sense, that renegade mirrors Steiger as the loner, defeated Confederate, now a man without a nation, who belongs nowhere but has developed a relationship with beautiful squaw Montiel.

The key sentence, first spoken by Keith and repeated at the end, is that the death of Lee is not the death of the Confederation but the birth of a nation, and that it is up to each American to ensure that it happens. As indicated above, it is a well-meaning film. 7/10.
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Time has inflated its reputation beyond reasonable belief...........
ianlouisiana3 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Rod Steiger's accent is so bad I didn't realise until some way into this picture that he was supposed to be Irish.German?Polish...Lithuanian?He certainly had me guessing I can tell you.Fortunately when he got to make "Henderson" 18 years later he got the Belfast accent down a lot better. Being a Reb does have a certain romance to it I suppose,fields full of waving cotton, ante - bellum houses just like "Tara",blinding white in the Southern sun,slaves singing in their quarters........sorry, my pity for the beaten Confederacy is strictly limited.And,of course,being an Irishman,he would be a natural reb anyway,so he would.Mr Steiger,when I finally sorted his accent out,is portraying a glorious double - cliché figure,a man without a country who,even if he had a home,wouldn't want to go back there. He marries the Indian woman who saves his life (the way you do),becomes accepted in the tribe and represents the Sioux nation in talks with the treacherous white eyes.After lots of adventures he decides he doesn't fit into either culture and wanders off with his family and some survivors of the U.S. Army unit his erstwhile people have pretty much slaughtered.That's "Run of the arrow" for you.Jay C.Flippen,one of the best known Western character actors plays an Indian scout with a ludicrous syrup.Where's the respect for Native American culture there? He looks as embarrassed as I felt watching him.The voice of Steiger's wife is dubbed by Angie Dickinson.Charles Bronson - under gleaming gold make up - plays a Polish Indian chief . Samuel Fuller,beloved of the auteurists,was a good pro who did what he had to do and,if he could,did at least a bit of it his way. Unfortunately for "Run of the Arrow",not much of it was done his way.
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Three dimensional
drystyx21 October 2012
Steiger plays a Reb who won't surrender, but unlike Ethan of "The Searchers", he embraces the native American culture when he loses his own country.

We get a great adventure story here, with shades of the searchers, the Naked Prey, Dances with wolves, and long before those films were made.

More important, we get three dimensional characters. Even the two "heavies", one from each culture, are depicted with added dimensions. They are cruel, but their cruelty is motivated. They aren't "rebels without a cause". Indeed, what we see is "rebel with a cause" throughout.

There is much one could say to endorse this film, but I feel that would spoil it. What sticks out is how many of the characters behave in "humane" ways, even when they're expected not to, from both sides. Charles Bronson and Rod Steiger portray characters you feel actually existed, who mirror each other, and come to understand each other. The way this unfolds is amazing in script and directing, as well as acting.

This is action packed, but also thought provoking drama. You could put this on a stage and get much the same reaction, but it works great in cinema, too.
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An Angry Man Without a Country to Call His Own
Uriah436 September 2023
This film begins with a Confederate soldier by the name of "O'Meara" (Rod Steiger) shooting a Yankee officer and, after discovering that his bullet failed to kill his target, he then takes him back to a surgical tent to see whether the doctor can save him. While there, he notices "General Robert E. Lee" (Frank Baker) talking to his counterpart "General Ulysses S. Grant" (Emile Avery) and is informed that the war is now over. Infuriated over this, O'Meara decides that he wants nothing to do with the United States and sets out west to live beyond its borders. On the way there, he happens to meet an old Sioux warrior named "Walking Coyote" (Jay C. Flippen) who also served in the Civil War and the two ride together in search of the tribe he left behind. Unfortunately, they soon come upon a small group of hostile Sioux warriors led by a man named "Crazy Wolf" (H. M. Wynant) who rejects Walking Coyote's tribal membership and decides to kill both of them. Fortunately, being knowledgeable in the ways of the Sioux, Walking Coyote invokes an old tribal custom which would give the two of them a running head start equivalent to the distance of an arrow shot from Crazy Horse's bow. And if they can survive the hunt by the next morning, they will be allowed to live. Naturally, not wanting to look weak in front of his warriors, Crazy Horse grants them this opportunity. What he doesn't count on, however, is a young woman named "Yellow Moccasin" (Sara Montiel) taking pity on O'Meara and helping him out. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was a rather peculiar Western which benefitted, to a certain degree, from the presence of Charles Bronson (as "Blue Buffalo"), Brian Keith ("Captain Clark"), Ralph Meeker ("Lieutenant Driscoll) and all of the other aforementioned actors. Conversely, it also requires the viewer to endure some rather bad dialogue--along with the obvious appeals to nationalism--that crop up from time to time as well. Even so, I still found this movie to be somewhat entertaining, and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.
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Beautiful setting, lame story
david_weinstock30 July 2023
First of all, most of it looks like Arizona, not Sioux prairie. No wonder there's no more buffalo. Making the tribe Apaches would be a start. Production value was tops, actors were tops and I won't give spoilers, but the man who wrote Big Red One shoulda been able to come up with a better plot. It's always nice to see Frank de Kova playing an Indian. They should have had Larry Storch Forrest Tucker in there too. I know fuller knows more history and a couple of Brian Keith speeches showed fuller was not as dumb as the script, but maybe ken berry could have added something to the story, too. The cast of thousands was something that would probably be CGI when they make the remake.
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