Outrage (TV Movie 1973) Poster

(1973 TV Movie)

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Look Out!
johnozed21 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I remember this movie. Quite intense for an 11 year old. Good editing, I felt terrible for the St. Bernard. I'd watch it again if it were rebroadcast, but the signal is passing Pluto as I write this. Robert Culp. A highlight of his career. I am just glad I didn't live in THAT neighborhood. Oh those 70's. What a decade. If they remade it I bet it would be very violent and bloody. So what are they waiting for? An excellent movie for pre-pubescent suburban boys. It was very intense. I think it was filmed in Los Angeles. Certainly not made in Lodi NJ. The shot with the St Bernard was the best and obviously the most haunting image from the film...and then they left the carcass on the stoop. Rotten kids.

5.29.2011- It is on YouTube, http://youtu.be/zAeglSpymWM
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Huzzah for Vengeance!!!
Nicholas Sedillos22 October 2000
Robert Culp (they call his character "doctor"...I think he's a vet or something) and family move to an affluent, low-tax, zero-law-enforcement suburb. Lantern-jawed Culp and his dog are nearly killed when some local idiot neighbor kids get drunk and "go cruising" through his front yard at 60mph. He presses charges, which arouses the kids' ire, and suddenly him and his family are the victims of a violent and disturbing prank campaign.

Marilyn Manson, er, Marlyn Mason rather, plays his fretful, boiled-celery wife, who urges him not to use violence against his sneering nemeses, and who really just wants to move somewhere with decent public services. But The System is getting Culp nowhere, and he's not about to leave his house because of some punk kids and their crazy rock and roll music. And we all know what movie people do when The System fails...(but this is based on a true story, which makes it even better).

It should be noted that while the villainous hooligans do have convenient '70s funk-o-matic "teenage" theme music that warns us when they're up to no good, this film actually ends up treating the age brackets even-handedly (really!). It doesn't make a big generational thing out of it. Kudos for that.

Anyway, if you like dogs (or at least believe in protecting their civil rights, like me), and you like justice, and you like fire, and you like justice for dogs by way of fire, and you think people who skitter nervously out of troubled communities are "too damn soft," then this flick's ethos is up your alley. No, it's not really "good," at least not in any widely recognized sense of the word. There's nothing subtle or understated or clever about it, it's just sort of a feature-length PSA for vigilantism. It does, however, capture the feeling of some memorable scenes in other, beloved works. Remember in Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns when Batman leads the Mutants on horseback to reclaim Gotham City? Remember that scene in A Christmas Story where the kid pounds the bully's face in? Remember how cool that was? Or do you just really hate being looked at funny by your neighbors? Yeah, mon.

Unfortunately, this was a 1973 made-for-TV movie that I just happened to catch at 4am on my local WB affiliate, and it's probably not destined for DVD release. But after being inspired by this film, do you think I'm gonna just sit here and take it!?!
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Outrage 1973 vs. 1998
bob_meg23 May 2011
I first ran across this title in the remake version, with Rob Lowe and Jennifer Gray in the roles of put-upon working class couple terrorized ruthlessly by spoiled rich punks.

Yes, it was a TV movie, and yes, many of the plot devices were over-the-top and borderline ridiculous...BUT...it was effective. The sheer evil of the torments in the '98 version were creepy (the Time Tracer phone calls...ugh) and couldn't help but put you in the place of the couple...seriously, what *would* you do? Easy to say pull out your AK, blow 'em away...another thing to do it.

My problem with that version was Rob Lowe, who I like as an actor but whom I believe was completely miscast. No, you need an actor who looks like he's going to blow at any minute. Granite-jawed Robert Culp? Yeah, that's more like it.

I got the '73 version bootlegged from a friend and was pretty shocked that the tormenting was maybe MORE vicious than the '98 version. It was just as taut with maybe more believability (odd for the era). The '73 thugs pour trash into an old lady's pool after demolishing her fencing, set fire to Culp's place, trash it with paint...it's sadistic to the nth degree. My big problem with Outrage '73 was the denouement, which I felt (though creative) didn't match up to the evil that preceded it (less the bit with the hose and living room window --- very neat!).

The '98 version was just as much about Lowe's character's problem with anger. It almost made him as much a part of the problem as the kids...and I liked that twist. I also liked that they took the '98 plot "all the way". Perhaps the "real life" incident was more like the '73 version, but the '98 film plays out more satisfyingly. The '73 version ends as more of a simplistic morality play. Still, both films will disturb you, if only for the degree of evil being played out on the screen. Both make you squirm, which, I guess is the point.
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(Temper)ature Rising
a_l_i_e_n29 January 2006
Watching Robert Culp display barely contained anger is mesmerizing. Whether he's playing a murderer who must endure repeated visits from Lt. "Columbo", or, as in the case of this ABC "movie of the week", a decent man pushed to the breaking point by rich sociopaths, it's always thrilling to watch his patience being tested. You see the anger building in the way he clenches his jaw. The slow, deep breaths he takes that indicate how his patience is being tested. And, of course, that unmistakable edge in his tone- a clear warning that if he's pushed...one...inch...further...

Yes, Robert Culp was a perfect choice for the role of Dr. Jim Kiler, a man who finds that the police and court system are ineffective in protecting his family from harassment by a group of privileged young thugs. Some might rightly disapprove that in the end Kiler solves his problem by giving in to his primal urges. As this movie is allegedly based on a true story, one cannot help but wonder if the incidents really did cease after he took his revenge- and if there were really no legal reprisals in response to his vigilantism? But beyond questions of it's accuracy, this is quite an engrossing movie with a memorable performance from it's star, and there's something immensely satisfying in watching the good doctor pay his tormentors a late night visit.
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Underrated story of neighbourhood violence and one man driven to the edge
Leofwine_draca19 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OUTRAGE is one of those long-forgotten American TV movies of the 1970 that turns out to be as tight and compelling as it ever was, and perhaps more so than it was on first release. It's a story of ordinary man Robert Culp, pushed to the limit by a neighbourhood gang of car-racing delinquents who proceed to make his and his family's life a misery after he crosses them at the film's opening.

What follows is a tit-for-tat portrayal of increasing violence as Culp finds himself going down the dead ends of the justice system and eventually takes the law into his own hands. Shades of the vigilante classic DEATH WISH, of course, although inevitably this story is less violent although still just as powerful. It's also more realistic, and Culp gives a better performance than Charles Bronson; this and his various villainous turns in COLUMBO remind us of what a very fine actor he was.
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I Recall this movie as a youth...
webwonders28 May 2004
This is a very good, made for TV film. It depicts trouble in suburbia circa 1970's and the sort of neighbors one certainly does not want to have around. The worst & most upsetting part of the film was when the punk teenagers killed the family dog. The teens do everything to annoy and harass this poor family. But boy!, does the lead character take vengeance on those punk teenagers in the end. The father/homeowner surely does not take all of the aggravation from the punk teens lightly and is quick to retaliate after lack of help from the police that is. He stands up to them and protects his home and his family. A very good actor..I might add.

I watched this on TV when I was like 8 or 9. I have never seen it again on TV and would like to. Definitely a good one! It's the sort of movie one may catch on a weekday night very late at night and can't stop watching or an afternoon film on a weekend. It's the kind they just don't show anymore.

It is definitely worth seeing!
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What was the real story?
highwaytourist6 June 2016
I saw this years ago and it was an OK made for TV drama. The climax was satisfying. The buildup was convincing. I caught the growing mood of the country when "Death Wish" was a box office smash. Robert Culp displays the growing frustration with bad neighbors and ineffectual law enforcement. In addition, Beah Richards makes the most of a small role. What caught my attention was that this was based on a true incident. But what really happened? Where are the real people now? If this were to happen now, it would be featured on an episode of "Fear Thy Neighbor" from Investigation Discovery. Does anybody know the real story?
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great made-for-television from a lost age of true art
giovanna9926 November 2000
This is a great movie from the lost age of reactionary made-for-television drama. My all-time favourite actor, Robert Culp skillfully plots a trajectory through uptight liberal fairmindedness and faith in the system, kneejerk conservativism and fear of crime, and homicidal psychosis. The teens are a collection of pure sneering evil stereotypes, and the eventual message of this film makes episodes of Dragnet look evenhanded by comparison. But what really shines in this is the great pace of the movie, building the fear and paranoia by degrees, as well as the feel of the whole California setting. The cars are really great as well, as I recall. I give this film a 10, and I defy anyone to watch this film and not enjoy every minute. Remember, just because it's made-for-television doesn't mean it isn't great art.
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Teen punks run amok...and Culp's gonna stop 'em.
planktonrules2 November 2016
This made for TV film was remade in 1998. I haven't seen the newer version, so I cannot compare the two.

When the story begins, a group of punk teens are running amok in a nice California neighborhood--pouring loads of garbage into a lady's pool, nearly running over pedestrians, dogs and horses and acting like they are above the law. When one of the folks being menaced by them tries to be constructive and work to have speed bumps and more policing, Jim Kiler (Robert Culp) is attacked by the thugs and they nearly kill him. When the law seem either unable or unwilling to do much of anything, Kiler is backed against the wall and has no other choice but to approach the teens' parents...who don't seem to care in the least. So what is to happen next? Well, considering that the boys go essentially unpunished, you can only assume things will escalate! But Kiler STILL tries very hard to work within the system through much of the movie. Find the film on YouTube and find out for yourself what's next in this family's nightmarish lives.

While the plot might sound quite a bit like "Death Wish", this film came out a year earlier...plus it was set in the suburbs. Additionally, Kiler did NOT react like Bronson did in "Death Wish"-- he didn't go out at night shooting the boys...though considering how awful they were, you certainly wouldn't have blamed his character!

Overall, this is a very well made and exciting film. Culp did a very nice job in the film and it's not just some revenge picture. Plus, it's apparently based on a real case...which adds to the realism. Well worth seeing...and filled with all sorts of funky 70s music!
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Very good movie!
Movie Nuttball5 December 2003
Outrage is pretty good movie! Robert Culp was very good in the movie and was perfect for the part! Its hard to believe that this is a true story but what can you do? When I watched this I thought why do they have to do all of those things. It isn't right but they learned their lesson when they picked on the wrong man! Anyway if you ever see this movie on TV watch it because its a good one!
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Unsatisfying TV-movie from behind the headlines...
moonspinner5512 September 2009
True incident becomes 'relevant' ABC TV-movie wherein a suburban doctor and his family are vandalized and terrorized by the teenage punks living just across the street. "Outrage" runs just 74 minutes, yet it takes 73 minutes to make its point: when the chips are down, revenge is the best weapon. When the doctor (adequately played by Robert Culp) tries complaining to the police and the neighborhood committee after his home is pelted with paint, he gets no place. He also runs into a dead-end with the courts after his barn is nearly burnt down. He's helpless after the hooligans kill his dog (no witnesses!). But when his maid is seriously injured, Culp goes after his neighbor's property...and we're told that put an immediate end to the violence in this community. I didn't mind the eye-for-an-eye angle, I just think it took too long to happen. Also, I don't see how wrecking a delinquent's car can bring adequate satisfaction to a man whose dog was intentionally run over, nor do I see how destroying the neighbor's yard can equate a flying brick through a window, nearly taking a human life. Though the scenario is lifted from an actual occurrence, the details of this telefilm don't sit right, with every avenue of the law utterly incompetent (and indifferent) to fighting crime. Of course the ordinary man has to take action into his own hands, but this particular man waits a very long time to do so. The tag at the finale, telling us everything is OK now, is rather insulting; that when violence is responded to with more violence, it brings an automatic resolution. One senses in this bit of wisdom that the intrinsic power-struggle at the heart of the story is merely swept under the carpet.
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Looking for VHS copies of Robert Culps' "Outrage" television movie
rmeinel24 December 2002
I remember this story well was very exciting and want my dad to see it but there don't seem to be a video for sale. It's a great movie and I had hoped someone made have taped it and would sell me a copy.The story must have been a television show only but was one of the greatest examples of the rage that can be instilled in a person when several outside forces are against his way of life and no one of authority will help
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Great show for it's era
Rdlagace9 February 2015
The first time I watched this show was in grade10 in 1975 and absolutely loved it. Our teacher in drama brought the movie for our class to watch and everybody really loved it as much as I did and it's a movie I will always love and remember.

Robert Culp was incredible in this show and so were the cars that the teenage punks drove!

I totally recommend this movie if you can find it.

10 out of 10!!

Taught us all some good life lessons back in the day.

A great show if you have children to help show them what respect is all about.
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Saw this once years ago.
Rwwood4820 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Robert Culp was a good actor back then,and got better over the years in "I Spy". You could feel his anger build up every time the "Punks" did something to him,and his family. I actually still have the car magazine that featured the yellow 1956 Chevrolet Nomad station wagon used in the movie.Not as famous as the "American Graffiti" 32 coupe,or the "The Calafornia Kid"34 Ford coupe,but was still a cool ride. Being a young guy when I saw it,and a dog lover...the killing of the dog upset me a lot. That's when I got as upset as Mr. Culp did,because it upset his kids. I have forgotten how the movie ended.It should be a good lesson on "Karma".Hope it gets released on DVD someday.
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Well done movie, Robert Culp very convincing
HTrisler11 November 2013
This is one of my all-time favorite movies... Robert Culp plays an average American citizen who is forced into seeking his own justice when local law enforcement is unable to help him fight a group of wealthy- family hotrod punks in the neighborhood he just moved into. The movie is a treatise on how ineffective local law enforcement can be in a situation involving local people of influence and money. Robert Culp exhausts every resource at his disposal before resorting to personal vengeance, and at that point in time he 'pulls out all the stops'. You will be cheering him at the end of the movie, and want to see it again. I have been watching this movie for years, and I never get tired of it. Robert Culp is the perfect actor for this role; very convincing.
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It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Gets Hurt
elvimark0114 May 2016
Robert Culp is one of my favorite actors, whether he's a hard-ass (i.e., the Texas Ranger in Trackdown), the suave hero (I Spy) or the smart-ass sidekick (Greatest American Hero). There's also a dark side to Culp, the side where he's pushed and pushed and pushed to the point where he loses it and has to react. That was evident in his classic guest appearances on Columbo, and it's also used to great effect in Outrage.

Based on a true story, Dr. Jim Kiler (Culp) moves into a fancy-schmantzy cul de sac with his family. Almost immediately, the good doctor is nearly run down while jogging with his dog by a gang of reckless teens. Jim files a police report, but nothing comes of it. The teens immediately begin a campaign of retaliation against Kiler and his family. Eventually, he takes his complaints to the town's mayor, which angers the parents of the punk kids, and not long afterward, Kiler does indeed press charges against the kids, one of whom gets a slap on the wrist due to Kiler speaking on his behalf. Throughout all of this, the vandalism gets worse and worse. Eventually, these punks lure the Kilers' lovable sheepdog Oliver into the street with a treat...then brutally run the defenseless animal down!

The moment that finally pushes Kiler to the brink comes after they hire a black housekeeper, a no-nonsense woman played by the great Beah Richards. She REALLY is willing to not take guff from a bunch of punks and turns a hose on them. Not long afterward, a rock is thrown their window, and she is struck and seriously injured. Now Culp is finally pushed to the limit...and it's HIS turn to break windows, flood houses with a hose and end the whole thing with a huge explosion of a hot-rod car. As he's walking away from the explosion back to his home, a disclaimer tells us that no charges were filed against him, nor were there any more incidents of violence.

Culp, as always, delivers a great performance, but he gets a great deal of help from a great supporting cast. Frequent guest star Marlyn Mason shines as Culp's more level-headed wife, who tries to talk some sense into one of the boy's fathers, only to have the lout get in her face (this leads into a memorable scene where Culp punches the guy out. He's played by Mark Lenard, best-known for playing Spock's dad on Star Trek). Beah Richards is great in her usual no-nonsense type role. There are also a number of familiar faces in small roles, such as Ivor Francis, Don Dubbins, Ramon Bieri, Philip Pine and Nicholas Hammond.

Outrage is definitely a classic in the 'vengeance film' genre. I most certainly do recommend seeing this movie.
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Who'da Thunk?
inspectors713 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Big controversial movie comes to the big screen in the late 60s and early 70s, and you're going to see a pale knockoff on the ABC Movie of the Week. Straw Dogs and Death Wish come to mind. Oh, well. If you expect anything really great from this long-running anthology of cheapo TV Movies, you're going to be disappointed most of the time.

On the other hand, there's 1973's Outrage, the story of some folks being terrorized by a band of suspiciously old-looking high schoolers in a gated community. You've seen the story before, you'll see it again.

Ya, know, outrage, right?

Yet, the pacing of the 71 minute mini-flick is so tight that I found myself becoming absorbed against my will (that sounded so Borg, huh?). Even the daffy ending and the graphic that says that the hero dad wasn't charged with anything other than wearing high-water- johnny slacks couldn't take away the fact that I actually enjoyed Outrage.

Who'da thunk?
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Will Certainly Make Your Blood Boil
Michael_Elliott25 August 2015
Outrage (1973)

*** (out of 4)

This made-for-TV gem features Robert Culp playing Jim Kiler, a man who grows tired of the teenage punks wrecking his small town. The police can't do anything because no witnesses step forward but after being ran over, Jim decides to press charges. The trial date is three months ago so the rich teenagers decide to harass Kiler and his family in countless ways, which finally pushes the man over the edge.

OUTRAGE came a year before DEATH WISH so the entire vigilante sub-genre hadn't been beaten to death yet. A movie like this is meant to entertain you for 74 minutes and there's no question that this one does that and there's also no doubt that you're blood is going to be boiling throughout the picture. This was based on a true story but as we all know things are often blown out of proportion or made to look worse than what really happened. I really hope that's true here because it's hard to believe that what we see here actually happened in the way it did because these teenagers and the town had to be without a question some of the dumbest in history.

With such a short running time there's no time for any character development so the reasons behind the teenagers doing this is never explained. I mean, most teens cause a little trouble here and there but what we see in this film is crazy as there's attempted murder, arson, violence towards animals and countless other scenes where they break the law. You have to wonder what they were thinking but as the viewer all of this just makes your blood boil and you hate them even more. The Kiler character is someone you can certainly root for and there's no doubt that he's put up against some great villains.

Culp is certainly entertaining in his role and although he does go over-the-top at times, this here just adds to the entertainment. Marlyn Mason is good as his wife and Beah Richards is great in her small role. The actors playing the punks in the film are all good and help sell their characters. OUTRAGE features a rather wild and over-the-top ending that's not 100% satisfying but there's no question that the movie does its job in keeping you entertained throughout.
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How to deal with unreasonable, violent kids whose parents allow them to get away with everything.
mark.waltz20 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"We're not moving, and that's that!" affluent Robert Culp tells wife Jacqueline Scott, eventually relenting when she can't take it anymore, concerned about their young son. She goes to stay with family while Culp remains behind to deal with a bunch of rich teen punks, riding around and terrorizing the neighborhood, dumping trash in swimming pools, paint bombing houses and chasing Scott out of town to further maintain their control. It's a disturbing series of crimes to witness because a good majority of the white wealthy parents turn the tables in threatening Culp with repercussions, claiming harassment.

In supporting roles, Beah Richards as the cook and Ivor Francis as the judge on the case are very good, with soft spoken Richards absolutely no nonsense, hysterically turning a hose on the harassing teens and Francis unfortunately stuck behind the red tape of the law in not being able to do much to stop the violence. An unspeakable crime leads to an ugly twist, and thar leads Culp to take serious action for revenge. This is a well made but difficult to watch film, as far from the clichéd teen exploitation films of the 50's as possible. It builds up audience emotion as they witness these atrocious actions and puts Culp in the sympathetic light especially as his anger expands.
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Robert Culp at his smouldering best!
Brilliant film, well made, well acted and even though made in 1973, is still relevant to this day! Well done to everyone in front and behind the camera!
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50 years ago and still resonates
wadesrmail22 August 2023
Haven't thought of this movie in decades. (Too much of) witnessing low-lifes, punks, thieves, hooded scumbags, looters, shoplifters and mayhem-causing-Aholes on the news brought this movie to mind. This isn't a Bronson "Death Wish" scenario. Culp isn't going out waiting to be accosted. I can still remember how I felt when I saw Culp do what any "Ain't gonna take this cr@p anymore" person would do. If the police and so-called justice system aren't going to address this problem of lawlessness...whether it's the theme and plot of "Outrage" or what, in particular, the "mom and pop" businesses are faced with ...then a form of vigilanteism is coming. It's hard to watch the "smash and grab" incidents with the scumbags having ZERO accountability.
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dukeakasmudge6 June 2017
Did you witness them do it? Unless you catch them in the act & can make a positive ID, there's nothing we can do about it.If I were you I wouldn't upset myself about it.Did you see the boys? Did you get a good look at the car? As long as nobody saw you do it back in the day, it seems like you could get away with anything, Maybe even murder.The stuff the boys were doing, they wouldn't be able to get away with at all nowadays especially with technology & the way things are.The stuff they were doing & getting away with you wouldn't believe.When they went to trial, the only kid that got punished was the kid whose family didn't really have any $$$.The kids with $$$ got their charges dismissed, of course.The best & my favorite part of the movie had to be the final scene when Jim Kiler...... I won't even spoil it for you, you'll just have to see it for yourself but trust me it was good.Even better than that, Jim Kiler saved the best for last.They picked the perfect title for this movie.How can you NOT be outraged by Outrage? Without a doubt, I'd recommend anybody & everybody go see it
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Outrageous BS
adrianovasconcelos23 June 2023
I have no idea who directed this B or C TV production, but it is a real cheapo with a sloppy screenplay to boot.

I realize that times have a-changed and in the United States these days the last thing you want to do - besides taking revenge against your neighbors such as blowing up their vehicles - is to identify yourself as Jim Kyler ahead of wreaking damage on someone's property.

The characters of all involved, including Robert Culp as Jim Kyler, are rather flat and lacking in motivation for their damaging deeds, especially after one of them actually pleads with Culp to drop charges. If one shows enough conscience to at least convey a semblance of repentance, it makes no sense that the boy Dibble should get the backing of his parents and expecially of his sidekicks to step up urban terrorism.

Supposedly based on a real incident, which must have occurred in the 1970s, it is outrageous, not to say downright unthinkable, that even back then the authorities should have allowed Dr Kyler to flout the law so openly for retaliation. 5/10.
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I remember this movie; only saw it the one time.
thesinmin11 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The thing that most impressed me about this movie (I was a lug-nut then and I'm a lug-nut, still.) were the hopped up cars the neighborhood kids were driving. There were quite a number of sweetly tricked out automobiles that were, to me anyway, as much "star" quality than was the acting and/or actors. I nearly cried when the yellow '57 Nomad was torched at the end of the movie. I had much the same reaction at the end of American Graffiti when the '55 rolled and burned near the end of that movie.

Cars like these are getting extremely rare, and because of the rarity, they are getting extremely costly. Destroying classic real steel like these two examples just pains me.
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Overdone TVM
Theo Robertson25 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting how highly rated this TVM is . One believes this might be down to two simple things

1 ) The funky soundtrack

2 ) The fact that a vigilante taking the law in to their own hands dishing out rough but deserved justice has become cinematic cliché since DEATH WISH . In 1973 this would have been a relatively fresh plot

Supposedly this is based on a true incident but one wonders how much truth there is in this TV movie ? It's not helped much in the story construction either running a mere 71 minutes. Even before the opening titles finish we're already introduced to the anti-social youths and they already have it in for Dr Kiler . I'm just trying to think of a single scene that doesn't feature a confrontation between Kiler and the punks.

One also can't help thinking there's a large amount of embellishment involved . Did the true life incident really end with Dr Kiler going round to someone's house , smashing their windows and blowing up their car ? Did the Kilers' dog really get killed etc ? You really do get the impression that everything is a bit overdone

That said it's interesting that the trouble makers come from a very well to do middle class background that works much better in a 1973 context . The Vietnam war was coming to an end and with the it the harshly unfair and unjust Draft system that often didn't extend to the sons of well to do professional parents so the working class American audience will hate the punks in question . But this isn't enough to make OUTRAGE more than just another TVM whose themes would be better explored in cinematic movies
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