American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt (1989) Poster

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Not as bad as you think
Jsimpson528 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of people will tell you that this film is not that good. I didn't think that this film was that bad. I mean most 80's martial arts films, were not meant to be Oscar winners, it's your standard B movie of the 80's.

Basically when Sean was a young kid, he dad was killed, and he learned the ways of the Ninja from Izumo. Sean then becomes a karate champion and goes to a world championship karate tournament at a paradise type island.

The film itself has all of the typical things of a B grade martial arts movie from the 80's. Mediocre acting, cheesy one lines, but some good fight scenes.

I don't know why a lot of people think that Michele Chan it's not that good looking, I don't think she's unattractive, but that's my opinion.

If you like campy acting and cheesy one liners, then you will like this film.
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It Was of Like Karate Kid Meets Ninjas
alucard_castlevania8613 June 2011
When I found out that Dudikoff was not going to feature in this sequel, my heart sank immediately but still, I decided to give this one a chance. Sadly, it didn't live up the expectations that I had hoped for

First off, I thought that the character Sean Davidson written for newly American Ninja star David Bradley here was kind of out of place. Hands down to David for an impressive performance here but I felt that he was portrayed more of like of the grown up version of Daniel from karate kid and has no Ninja background within him whatsoever which for me seemed out of place

Apart from that, I felt that the script for film was quickly rewritten after Dudikoff's exit. Rumors had it that he and the director (and probably Steve James) had some kind of argument backstage which led to Michael's departure from the franchise. James did a decent job in trying to make the film entertaining but in the end the film failed to impress me due to the fact that the title itself didn't really connect to the film

I think that if the crew took time in developing Bradley's character better (by giving him a more convincing ninja background), then it would have made the film better than what was given here
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Lots of karate combats , fighting and plenty of suspense and thrills .
ma-cortes12 December 2021
New installment in which the American Ninja encounters ample reasons and opportunity to use his deadly skills . Lots of action , thrills , shoot-outs and non-sense fighting and plenty of silly intrigue . Jackson (the late Steve James who early died of pancreatic cancer) is back, and now he has a new partner, a karate champion , the tough Joe (or Sean Davidson) , 'The American Ninja' (David Bradley) , as they travel to a far island to compete in a martial arts tournament, there the two-fisted duo must face a deadly terrorist known as "The Cobra", who has infected Sean with a virus , while manufacturing mass-produced an army of violent Ninjas by means of genetic engineering . Some people are disappearing and they must investigate their location. The prime suspect is a villain , drugs dealer , The Cobra (Marjoe Gortner) and mastermind Gen. Andreas (Yehuda Efroni) boasting his badness with hammy panache . Sean and Jackson have no choice but to fight the nasty ruler who has imposed a dictatorship at a country supported by the Cobra and his bands of ninjas . But Sean is kidnapped and Jackson goes into action, as he must save his friend from experimentation , while the Cobra threatening with his horrifying biological weapon. The super-Nijas dressed in black, hooded, a blade on the back and using Shinkaisen, a metallized star they throw . Now his most deadly enemy ... is time. Evil with no cure. A warrior with no fear.

This is plenty of action , adventures , fights , suspense in a comic book style . It's a gripping story of one man's revenge , as Sean Davison carries out a merciless vendetta against the villain who killed his father , including graphic violent scenes . The film displays a Norris' style but Chuck does it much better . This violent art-martial film is the third entry about our heroes , the brave Sean Davison : David Bradley along with his proficient sidekick , Jackson : Steve James who undertake a difficult mission at a island where takes place the Karate world Championship . At the beginning this movie was not originally intended to be part of the American Ninja series ; however , producers Avi Lerner , John Stodel and Harry Alan Towers changing their mind , this explains why star David Bradley plays Joe, a different role than the Sean Davidson character Michael Dudikoff played in American Ninja 1 and American Ninja 2 . Stars two expert fighters : David Bradley and Steve James , as they'll wipe out a passel of violent Ninjas , as the invincible pair running afoul while facing off evil criminals . David Bradley who is beefy as ever plays a two-fisted karate man utilizing efficiently his deadly skills . The movie is well co-starred by Steve James(1952-1993), a corpulent fighter , who's as sympathetic and charismatic as ever, he usually acted partner to tough stars, Michael Dudikoff (three times), Chuck Norris and David Carradine . Boring , embarrassing and pedestrian screnplay by actor/writer Gary Conway based on character created by Avi Kleinberger and Gideon Amir. Atmospheric musical score composed by synthesizer is musicalized by George S Clinton . The soundtrack for the movie is mainly just a sample from composer George S. Clinton's former score for Avenging Force (1986) by Sam Firstemberg . The film was lousily professionally directed by Cedric Sundstrom , he's a low-grade expert about art-martial and Ninjas sub-genre and in Delta Force rip-offs . ¨American Ninja¨ has various entries starred by Michael Dudikoff substituted by David Bradley and Steve James and mostly directed by Firstemberg and Cedric Sundstrom .

The series is formed by the following ones : the first two "American Ninja" series entries produced in middling/low budget by Yoran Globus and Menahem Golan, Cannon Productions , ¨American Ninja I¨ (1985) by Sam Firstemberg with Michael Dudikoff , Steve James . ¨American Ninja¨2 (1987) by Sam Firstemberg with Dudikoff , James , Larry Poindexter , Gary Conway , Jeff Celentano . ¨American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt¨(1989) , but Michael Dudikoff turned down the lead role in this film for various reasons , among them being the fact that he didn't want to get burned out on martial-arts movies with Steve James , David Bradley , as David Bradley's character was originally offered to Kurt McKinney, who turned it down for fear of being typecast as a martial-arts actor. Michael Dudikoff returned for the fourth "American Ninja" : ¨American Ninja: Annihilation¨ by Cedric Sundstrom with David Bradley, James Booth , Ken Gampu. And ¨American Ninja V¨ by Bob Bralbel with David Bradley , Pat Morita , this film was not originally intended to be part of the American Ninja series. As Cannon Pictures made it under the title American Dragons but the title was changed to American Ninja V before release. This explains why star David Bradley plays Joe, a different character than the Sean Davidson character he played in American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt, and American Ninja 4: The Annihilation .
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A new lead was not what this series needed
sveknu13 May 2005
OK. "American Ninja 3 - Blood Hunt". Starring David Bradley as the lead. I don't know why Dudikoff quit, but I wish that it hadn't happened. Not that I dislike David Bradley, but Dudikoff is just a better actor, without doubt. On the contrary, Bradley is better in the fighting scenes, which (as always) makes up an important part in the movie. The problem is that Michael Dudikoff and Steve James had a special chemistry between themselves that now is gone. But it was a relief finding out that James was in this movie. Without him, it had been much worse. "American Ninja 3" has much of the same as in the two first movies, but with lower quality.
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Unsatisfying sequel
Wizard-816 May 2004
I don't know exactly why Michael Dudikoff didn't return for part 3, but apparently some conflict did emerge between him and Cannon, seeing how his agent (when contacted by a Hollywood gossip column) refused to get into it and simply said, "He's appearing in no more ninja movies!" (Oddly, Dudikoff did return for part 4.) Upon examining the finished product (and remembering the details from the previous movies), it seems that part 3 *was* originally written for Dudikoff's return. Sure, the movie showcases Bradley's character, but as you are watching the movie, you can mentally do some minor rewrites in your mind and see Dudikoff in the role. The fact that there are a number of scenes that do absolutely nothing to advance the plot, as well as a third-wheel character who proves to be absolutely unnecessary, just further the suspicion that the movie was hastily reconstructed upon Dudikoff's exit.

Whether or not the movie was rewritten or not, the end results are pretty poor. Once again, Steve James proves the better actor (and martial artist), though this time around he barely gets a chance to show both of those talents. Bradley proves to be even more underwhelming than Dudikoff, if you can imagine that. The low budget is starting to become pretty evident, and the whole enterprise is poorly directed. Not just with the fight scenes being remarkably unexciting, but even simple scenes of dialogue are at times done with incredible incompetence. The story itself is pretty garbled at times - that is, when it *bothers* to try telling a story. But what do you expect from notorious schlock producer Harry Alan Towers? It's hard to believe, but he has you fondly remembering the days of Golan and Globus!
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Catching Arrows has never been this good
sebastic27 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Don't worry, reading this won't actually spoil anything.

I give this movie a one only because laughability isn't a metric for movies. Since this is IMDb, I guess story structure, believability, continuity, production values and special effects are paramount. In each of these areas, American Ninja 3:Blood Hunt, fails. Speaking of Blood Hunt, let's start there.

The title of a movie generally focuses on some aspect of the film. While the Ninja is American, I saw no Hunts that were bloody and no blood that was hunted. I guess the title was suppose to make me go...ooooo, a Blood Hunt! I gotta see this.

Here's the idea. The American Ninja comes into town and wins some contest for world class ninjas. Then, in broad daylight, someone is kidnapped by fully clothed ninjas in front of at least a few dozen people. From about two blocks away, The American Ninja sees it and decides to chase them.

The ninjas scamper, still in full ninja attire, across an open field. Then there's the fighting. (I can't actually find the right words to describe the fight scenes. I think I'll just call it "The Bad") The biggest flaws of the movie, if you can call it a movie, are the ending and special effects. The whole movie, our protagonist, THE American NINJA, is looking for his missing sensei. THE American NINJA discovers that he's probably hidden in some factory. He gets in, kicks everyone's tail and then leaves the place...

Did anyone catch that...

no one...

The plot is completely dropped in the final climax. No one even cares about the sensei. Not to mention after murdering about 2 dozen people, he doesn't even kill the archvillian, just kicks him in the chest. That's it.

During his little rampage at the factory, he gets an arrow shot at him, catches it and throws it back at the guy who shot it, killing him instantly.

Did anyone catch that...

no one...

That's what this movie is about. Laughing at it is actually worth seeing it. If you have 80 minutes to kill and this is on, it's worth the laugh. You'll love American ninja in the same way you love a cheesy horror movie. Ninjas running through crowded streets, terrible stunts, even worse acting and an even more miserable plot, this movie fails so terribly on every level, it's difficult not to look at it like the small kid who gets picked last in Kickball. You can't help but think "how cute, they tried to make a movie. Better luck next time."
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Lackluster entry in the series
Woodyanders17 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
American army soldiers Sean Davidson (woodenly played by Dave Bradley) and Curtis Jackson (the late, great Steve James, who's as likable and charismatic as ever) journey to a remote island to compete in a martial arts tournament. However, the duo run afoul of evil criminal mastermind The Cobra (essayed with hammy panache by Marjoe Gortner) and his terrifying biological weapon. Director Cedric Sundstrom, working from a pedestrian script by Gary Conway, allows the routine story to plod along at a sluggish pace and stages the infrequent fights in a bland and unexciting manner. Moreover, the insipid Bradley makes for a poor substitute for the much more appealing Michael Dudikoff while Evan J. Klisser seriously grates on the nerves as irritating comic relief doofus Dexter. Worst of all, this picture lacks the crazy energy and sense of campy fun of the previous movies; instead this flick is a strangely listless run-of-the-mill chocksocky outing. Cruddy ending credits theme song, too. Pretty blah and forgettable.
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Blood Hunt
Scarecrow-8830 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
David Bradley slides into the role once occupied by Dudikoff as Sean who, as a boy, saw his father shot by The Cobra's(Marjoe Gortner)henchman Andreas(Yehuda Efroni). The Cobra needed the money at the karate tournament to fund his ongoing germ warfare experiments for sale to terrorists, and ten years later has the disease ready. He needs a strong lab animal and David Bradley is that very animal. They use Sean's master(Chan Lee, played by Michele B Chan, impersonating him)to persuade him into considering drawing near East Bay Labs where the Cobra is waiting with bated breath for him. Steve James returns as Curtis Jackson, out of the Army, and attending the same karate tournament as Sean..except he's in the sword competition. But, when danger threatens Sean, Curtis is only willing to help out a friend(how they are friends is never elaborated upon). Dexter(Evan J Klisser, the supposed comic support/lackey)joins up with them to find out what The Cobra and East Bay Labs are up to. Though, soon Sean will find himself in the clutches of The Cobra and the deadly virus within his system. He'll not only need his friends to help rescue him, but the antidote as well. Chan Lee will see the error of her ways(she thought The Cobra was behind solving the world's disease with cures)and assist the team in trying to stop the mad man.

Not very good, with lots of plot problems and stupid behavior by the bad guys who go out of their way to be taken down by Sean and Curtis. The ninjas are merely wimps in costumes(even Dex is able to beat the crap out of them). The fight choreography is not very good as ninjas pop out for certain beat-downs. The good guys seem to rarely suffer the effects of blows to the face, but the ninjas drop pretty quickly. It's fun seeing James kicking ass, but even that can not save a dire, lame plot. The sequence towards the end where Sean tries to battle the virus within him through meditation is a howler. Even worse is Marjoe as Cobra who seems to have peed in his pants at the end as he tries to fight Bradley. The film ultimately is about watching Bradley and company mowing down men dressed up because real ninja would have finished them off rather quickly. Still, Bradley at least has a physical presence and seems to do most of his own martial arts work which helps at least add a hint of realism to his part, but watching these ninjas come out of the woodwork only to be thrown around and their limbs snapped with ease doesn't help the film any.
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They should stop here
Maziun21 July 2013
David Bradley replaces Michael Dudikoff as the main star . Cedric Sundsrom replaces Sam Firstenberg as the director. Those are the only really important changes here . The plot here borrows heavily from part 1 and part 2 . Once again our hero is a mysterious young American trained by Japanese master of martial arts . And once again he has to stop bad guy from taking over the world . Once again (for the last time in series)Steve James will help him.

Bradley is awful actor . Dudikoff had some sort of charisma and mysterious aura around him . I liked him . Bradley has nothing . No acting skills or charisma. I didn't like him and many fans of the original also. Well , at least Dudikoff appeared in forth movie of the series , even if it was a fruitless effort to reanimate the franchise.

The fighting scenes are weak and the whole movie feels tired . Maybe because they changed director too ? Anyway there is nothing here worth watching . It's trash , but not in enjoyable way as the part 1 . Part 2 was already forced nonstop action flick . Here we have boredom.

I give it 1/10 .It's better than "American ninja 5" (considered to be one of the worst movies ever) and it has Steve James in it.
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A New American Ninja
ebiros218 October 2012
I agree that they should have made this movie with Michael Dudikoff as the American Ninja. Not that David Bradly was bad, but it killed the momentum that was going for the series. It's like bringing in another actor in place of Chuck Norris in the Missing in Action series.

The movie actually has few good things going for it. The story, the actors (asides from the above mentioned fail), and the overall quality was on par or better than the first two installment of the American Ninja series.

This is a seriously well crafted movie considering the budget restriction they've made it under. It's probably under 1M USD in today's money to make this movie (maybe that's why Michael Dudikoff is not in this movie).

This was a pretty good series that they could have grown as it progressed, but I believe the producers saw it to be too risky to put more production effort into it.

The two female action stars were good. If all the actor's talents were put to use in the story, this movie could have been a real blast.
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bronsonskull7210 July 2003
David Bradley takes over for Michael Dudikoff as Sean Davidson a martial artist who must take on bionic ninjas who are developing a chemical virus to sell to terrorists in this incompetent sequel. Michael Dudikoff is a poor actor, but when compared to David Bradley he almost seems like the next Laurence Olivier, Steve James returns but ultimately this sequel is far too awful to dig up any entertainment value in this garbage.
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American Ninja 3-Blood Hunt
retta-8818 April 2006
I don't think any action movies they make are Oscar material. But,for the insomniac in all of us thank god they do make them. If you did watch the movie BLOOD HUNT, retribution was not on the agenda.!!!! Sean saving his master Izumo was the plot of the movie. It just so happens that he became the guinea pig and that the murderer of his father happened to be one of the bad guys. The movie sidekick Dex was utterly the worst even smegal would have been better. More of David's martial arts would have been better I do agree. And considering he was a martial artist who became an actor instead of an actor trying to martial arts like Michael Dudikoff..Hey don't get me wrong I like Micheal too. My favorite movie of his was AVENGING FORCE with our fav sidekick Jackson.
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manitobaman8123 August 2014
You could say that the film is built on a firm base, but it's also one big pile of self-obsession. Jackson is back, and now he has a new partner, karate champion Sean, as they must face a deadly terrorist known as "The Cobra", who has infected Sean with a virus. Sean and Jackson have no choice but to fight the Cobra and his bands of ninjas. If you end up watching this, you will probably be like me in saying that it starts off great then gradually begins to suck. It holds the attention but demands complete suspension of logic. I could've cared less what happened to these characters because there was no depth to them and I didn't feel attached to them at all. Ninja fans will like it. We've seen these clichéd characters a million times.
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Not even for diehard fans of the series
DunnDeeDaGreat13 March 2003
American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt isn't half bad it just was as good as the previous two. David Bradley is an ok fighter but Mike Dudkoff is much better and the late great Steve James is back as Jackson and always he's a smooth pimp. The film does have some fight scenes but that's it.
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Oh please.
crossworlds@hotmail.com21 December 2002
American Ninja, yet another series of movies which failed from the word "go" brings us yet another sequel; American Ninja 3: Bloodhunt.

Chop socky is not the word for the American Ninja movies...boring comes more to mind. I've seen American Ninja 1, 2 and now 3 and each one is just so boring. I think the 3rd installment tops it off.

No Dudikoff this time, maybe he's seen sense and got the hell out of the American Ninja movies before it completely wrecks his constant down hill career. Although Mr badass himself, Steve James (Jackson) returns, who looks so out of place. There's also a new guy in town, David Bradley, who in my opinion is just a beefier version of Dudikoff, but with less acting abilities and more facial expressions.

As usual the countless number of "ninja's" if that's what you want to call them (I personally think they are the local thugs dressed in pj's) are back. These ninja are possibly the biggest pushovers in movie history, they can't fight for toffee. James and Bradley have to wade through them all, displaying awful choreographed fight scenes (which is the highlight of the movie, as it's so pathetically funny) and kill the usual bad guy...whose also a pushover.

American Ninja is bad, I mean really bad. Don't watch these movies if your like me, a big martial arts fan. The fight sequences are so badly choreographed it's an insult to every decent martial arts movie out there.

You'll see what I'm talking about when Steve James attempts to "display" his wonderful martial arts skills. I'm sorry but the guy just hasn't a clue, it's obvious that he's clueless...just watch the double broadsword scene towards the end of the movie and you'll know what I'm talking about. Wooden isn't the word for him.

2/10 - boring but hilariously crap in parts
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ChristianBach_DK28 November 2000
This movie has warped my fragile little mind! Seriously besides Lawnmower Man II and I assume American Ninja 4 this has to be one of the worst movies ever to appear out of Hollywood. The stunts are more than poor, the plot is horrid, the acting worse and the cinematography of it is a joke. Spare yourself: Don't watch it. If you're a movie-lover this production will make you sad.
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The death of a series...
fmarkland3222 May 2006
This time we are introduced to a new hero, who was trained as a ninja when his father was killed by an armed robber. Through learning the ways of the ninja he uses it to make the inside cover of karate and compete in championships. However the tournament is a cover for "The cobra" to find the strongest man to use his virus on. Suffice to say our new hero ninja is the man. David Bradley took over for Michael Dudikoff for reasons unknown, however American Ninja 3 is a lifeless bore which features a hero so blank that it's almost quite humorous. If it wasn't so boring. Bradley really registers utterly zero rapport with the audience and it's really only Steve James and the campy antics of televangelist turned actor Marjoe Gortner. Also a big let down was that Dudikoff actually fought a ninja master but here Bradley's one on one is with Marjoe Gortner. Talk about a cheat. The action sequences are badly staged and it's fairly easy to see why people noticed Dudikoff's absence.

* out of 4-(Bad)
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Is this a freaking joke
martinfresh10 April 2006
Never in my life have I just for one second think, seeing such crap is possible. It's important to stay cool right after killing fifty weird-funny looking men in pidzamas. Of course one cannot abide the fact that movie is nothing more than the lecture for kids that studying in school is more important than training for NINJA status. That lesson comes in as the last quote of the film: 'you can find me in the school any time.' Putting grade on such disaster-piece would be degrading, so my opinion of it is none other than awful. Cedric has really outdone himself this time and only one thing comes to my mind in time of writing this review, SOMEBODY STOP HIM! PS: Three days after seeing it, I still couldn't stop laughing...
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So bad your brain will actually edit it for you.
Ripe Peach19 March 2001
Warning: Spoilers

So, a badly acting kid's badly acting dad gets killed by some badly acting bad guys. For no apparent reason, badly acting kid teams up with Yoda or something, and learns one move badly from each of 87 different martial arts, while aging 25 years in about 6 years of movie time, becoming a badly acting short guy with a hypnotically Big Head.

After that, things go downhill rapidly. For no apparent reason, badly acting masked ninjas jump out of nowhere and attack people, badly, to the accompaniment of four piano notes played up-up-up-up,down-down-down-down over and over and over. Yoda is kidnapped, probably, it's kind of hard to tell, he was acting so badly.

Badly acting Big Head Guy is joined by the ubiquitous badly acting Strong Guy and badly acting Red Shirt Guy. More ninjas attack them badly, or it could be the same five identically dressed ninjas taking turns to crawl off screen and then leap out of elevators, outhouses, fridges etc. Strong Guy takes his shirt off a lot. Some badly acting people unwisely try to introduce a plot about something, I dunno what, there's flashing lights and needles and Fourth Reich kinda guys, then some woman pulls off a mask and WOW! she's really old Mr Jones from the abandoned amusement park, and some more ninjas attack people very badly indeed, and make "whoosh-SMACK!" noises, and then aliens attack and Will Smith blows them up KA-BOOM! but then Darth cuts off Luke's hand, and he's all like "Aargh, I have no hand!", and old Mr Jones uses the Force to heal Big Head guy's soul and Will Smith pulls off his mask and he's really Joan Cusack but with Yoda's beard, and at that point I woke up and thought "MAN, that was a wierd dream", but then back in the movie, Big Head guy turned into the hulk or something, and I realised that my fevered imagination really has nothing on the guy who wrote "American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt".
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No Dudikoff? No Thank You!
utgard141 January 2014
The American Ninja series has a limited appeal to begin with. But I think it's safe to say most fans of the movies like them because of the special brand of weird charisma Michael Dudikoff brought to the table. You take Dudikoff and his "blue steel" gaze away and you're left with this: a generic martial arts action movie. Even the inclusion of Dudikoff's sidekick Steve James is no help. David Bradley is Dudikoff's replacement and he's just awful. You have to be bad when you're in a movie with Marjoe Gortner and he outclasses you. The whole thing is lifeless and unenjoyable. That there were two more American Ninja sequels after this boggles the mind.
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Skip this one
I remember buying American Ninja 2/3 on the same DVD and I heard bad reviews about 3 so I looked at the box and decided for a second. Do I dare attempt to see this bad movie. So as time went on I finally decided to see it. And I gotta tell. I was let down. I saw the first 2 films and compared to this one, 1 and 2 blow this movie out of the water.

David Bradley looked really lost during this movie. Steven James did OK as Curtis Jackson but if you look very carfully he looked really reluctant to be in this movie and he looked very pale at times from his cancer. And what can you say about the ninjas. Geez. These guys have gotta be the stupid ninjas around. The ninjas in the first 2 films put up more of a fight. For example. In the scene where Bradley is watching the female fight the ninjas from the top of the building. And these guys just walked right into it. The women just lightly swung the sords and these guys went flying. I mean come on.

And finally. I didn't like seeing a American movie with Michael Dudikoff. This guy was awesome in the first 2 films but he wss smart to turn down this movie. The Joe Armstrong character is more tougher and believable then Sean Davidson character played by Bradley.

Skip this movie.
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Different star, same old action!
GOWBTW1 September 2005
This sequel is slightly different from the other two movies. The star in this movie is David Bradley. What happened to Michael Dudikoff? Well that's not the problem there. The only person I know is Steve James; Curtis "Powerhouse" Jackson. Everyone including the young fighter who has some fire in him. I liked it when he deflects the ninja's action with an oar, and decks him with a crescent kick. Jackson grabs one of the ninjas and drops him on his knee and delivers an elbow strike to the chest. Kind of like a power-breaking feat. Sean(Bradley) was drugged at one point, and the lady ninja, teaches him mind of matter, which he uses at the end. The bad parts are which the ninja and the young guy was killed, the kid tried to catch the arrows, a little too late. The bright spots is when Jackson had the dual-bladed sword and slices one ninja, and orders him to "DIE!" on Jackson command. It was Steve James last AN movie, at least he'll be remembered as Curtis "Powerhouse" Jackson. RIP Steve James, you're the man!
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not quite as good as the two previous movies
disdressed128 April 2010
i didn't mind this movie all that much,although i don't think it measures up to the previous two in the series.Michael Dudikoff may not be the greatest actor,but in my opinion,he's much better than David Bradley,who plays the American Ninja in this i also like Dudikoff's character more.the plot in this one is almost a carbon copy of the second one,save for the beginning sequence,which sets up the rest of the movie.Steve James appears in this one as well,and has some good lines.he's probably the best actor of the bunch.the fighting sequences are lacklustre to me and not that well executed compared to the previous movie.still,the movie is entertaining enough.for me,American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt is a 6/10
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Rushed and disjointed
rollernerd5 February 2021
Welcome back to another edition of Adam's Reviews!! **queue in intro music**

Today's movie review is American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt (1989), where we have Sean as the new American Ninja played by David Bradley. From the original flicks, Steve James returns as Jackson, the charming ex-military guy who loves his knives and head snaps. Now remember, this is a B-Grade Martial Arts flick, so don't have any expectations. Sloppy story line and poor choice in character development in particular the main bad guy. That what this film lacked -a true villain. In the first two flicks you knew who the baddies were and what they were capable of. In this one, you have no clue or have no real interest. Bradley does well for his take on the Sean character but his performance is smashed by his lack of story which makes him out of place. James does well to make the film entertaining with his comedic turns as he has in the first two films but in the end the film failed to impress me due to the fact that the title itself didn't really connect to the film. Where is the blood hunt? Its cool how the story has a unique connection to current global affairs around a man made virus but failed to capitalise on this. Yeh like the other films there are campy acting but to me this film lacked creativity. The sword fighting and the karate championship were cool snippets of this film but overall it felt rushed 4/10
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