The Suburbans (1999) Poster


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Some moments, but poorly structured
bass-player-blues21 October 2009
When watching this film, it seems to have a big identity crisis throughout. It has all the right components to be a hilarious comedy, but doesn't deliver when it should; often merging into boring drama and romance side plots for long periods of time. After seeing the powerful cast consisting of Ferrell, Hewitt, and Stiller, it's easy to build up high expectations. Here's my analysis of that: Will Ferrell's presence in this film is so insignificant that he shouldn't even have been in the movie at all. He was already pretty big, so I don't get why he was in such a menial role and literally has about 3 light chuckle lines in the whole film.

Stiller has a menial role as well, but his character is funny and one of the higher points of the movie. Jennifer Love Hewitt does a good job with the decent-bad material presented to her, and she gets a lot of screen time. Her character is cute and one of the better aspects of the film.

There are some notably funny elements here and there, but nothing that grabs you as a whole.
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Unfunny writing and weak comedic performances
SnoopyStyle12 February 2014
Four guys Danny (Donal Lardner Ward), Rory (Tony Guma), Mitch (Craig Bierko), and Gil (Will Ferrell) are 30something friends who were once a big 80's one-hit band called The Suburbans. When they perform at Gil's wedding to help Mitch with a hot fan, a record company scout (Jennifer Love Hewitt) in the audience gets them a comeback show for their nostalgia showcase.

Donal Lardner Ward wrote/directed/star in this movie. Quite frankly, I don't know how he got so many then and future stars in this one movie. Ben Stiller and his dad try to ham it up as record studio suits. Will Ferrell is channeling an idiot bass player. However Will can't save this. The fact is the band doesn't have the comedic chops. Craig Bierko is fitting for the lead singer jerk. But the two writers Donal Lardner Ward and Tony Guma should not be lead actors. They really need to search for better comedians to do those roles. The writing is broadly unfunny, and the performances are generally flat.
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When it's good, it's very, very good
thefan-218 March 2000
It's a strange mix of broad satire and angsty romantic comedy.

The satire is hilarious. Ben and Jerry Stiller are wonderful as a father/son team of record company execs. Jennifer Love Hewitt is equally wonderful as long as she stays on the satire side of the line; when the script shoves her over onto the romantic comedy side, she never quite recovers her balance. She has to play two completely different characters; she can't be blamed if it doesn't quite work.

Amy Brenneman, stuck on the romantic comedy side, does her formidable best to make her character work. In fact, she is by far the most sympathetic and memorable character in the movie.

Definitely worth a rental.
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Drags On
UACW28 May 2006
Almost every comment or review you will read about this one is accurate. Whether you like it or not is up to you. You might also see someone write something about the team making a good effort. This is true too.

You'll see some people saying there's just too much dialogue. This is true as well. And they'll mostly say Amy Brenneman is the one that stands out. And that's true too.

But the movie drags. For all the good intentions, for all the clever skits, it drags - and that's unfortunate. It's fun to watch - Bierko is a riot and Hewitt is gorgeous, and let's not forget the Stillers in a wacky portrayal - but it's bits and pieces, it's too disparate, it doesn't grab you through a well organised and successful plot - it's bits and pieces with a thread someone tried to sew through it all afterwards. The story doesn't have momentum of its own and the plot mechanisms seem contrived and arbitrary. And you don't feel any empathy for any of the characters - not even for Amy's. Not enough to keep you enjoying, really enjoying the movie, on the edge of your seat, and so forth and so on. And stylistically it tries to attack everything at once - and that's never going to work.

You may enjoy this one - minimally. And it isn't for their not making an effort. But there are important ingredients missing. The acting's mostly great, the writing too - there just isn't enough good plot packed story. It drags on.
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Never before has a movie done so little with so much
ItsMeWil25 August 2000
I have rarely watched a movie I didn't enjoy at all. This is one of those movies. When I opened up the box, I noticed that the tape was halfway rewound, but now I realize that whoever had rented it before me had the good sense to turn it off halfway through and not even waste time rewinding it. This may be the worst movie I've ever seen. The premise is intriguing and Hewitt's presence attracted my attention, but I soon realized that 80 minutes is too long a time to watch these dull, pathetic characters in a directionless story that falls on its face. Toss this movie out in the road where it may be mercifully run over by a Suburban.
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SnoochieBoochies8923 February 2008
there are just some things Long Islanders love: good pizza/bagels, mafia movies, the beach, and hearing shout-outs to towns and landmarks on our beloved home. Goodfellas takes care of the mafia movies and the shout-outs, and the Suburbans basically use the latter to keep me watching the sorry piece of film. I was practically jumping out of my seat when they said "sunrise mall" and the house that was in Wantagh... so all that being said, that was the only part of the movie that was in any way enticing or watchable. And Will Ferrell was pretty funny, but definitely needed to be featured better. Forget this movie. Oh wait, you've never heard of it and never will....for God's sake im only watching it cause it's on some secondary HBO channel and they know no one's watching.
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More of a '90s time capsule
HotToastyRag2 September 2022
Fans of That Thing You Do will probably want to rent The Suburbans, a pseudo-satire about the comeback of a one-hit-wonder band from the 1980s. While Craig Bierko, Donal Lardner Ward, Tony Guma, and Will Ferrell had hope for their future back in the day, fifteen years later they've traveled down different paths. Will has a successful tech business, Donal is a beach lifeguard and won't commit to his girlfriend Amy Brenneman, Tony has children with Bridgette Wilson but won't marry her, and Craig is still his girl-crazy self. When a music executive, Jennifer Love Hewitt approaches them with the idea for a comeback on television, they decide to give it all a second chance.

All in all, this movie was entertaining, but it's not one I would really recommend or want to watch again. The humor was surprisingly crude at times, and the plot felt a little thin. I loved the comedy Music and Lyrics, which has a similar '80s-comeback band theme, and this one didn't hold a candle to the 2007 film. The brief flashbacks to '80s hairstyles are funny, and the 1999 style personified by Jennifer really take you back in time. When else can you find blue lipstick, glitter eyeshadow underneath the eyes, and twisted, spiky hair? Only in 1999, when it was actually cool to look that way.

DLM Warning: If you suffer from vertigo or dizzy spells, like my mom does, this movie might not be your friend. The interviews feature a handheld shaky camera, and right after the tv promo for the reunion, the camera tilts back and forth as it zooms into the garage, and that will make you sick. In other words, "Don't Look, Mom!"
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Watch only if your high on Jennifer Love Hewitt and skip the rest in fact I suggest you watch only the Love Hewitt scenes.
Brian-2724 May 2001
I watched this on Cinemax months ago and I must say skip it only watch the Jennifer Love Hewitt scenes the only bright spots of this film. The, Suburbans just has poor acting a bad script and the all to familiar story that people get tired of that being an 80's one-hit wonder band trying to battle the problems of life and come together again for another hit. I love the scene when Jennifer Love Hewitt pulls her dress up and you see her in those purple panties. Sure guys I know that's not nudity but that is sexy enough. I think just the view of Jennifer is a knockout she is so beautiful and young and let me add very very sexy. So you get my point only watch when Jennifer Love Hewitt has her scenes and ignore the rest you will be glad you did.
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Dance hall days come back to haunt us.
Hootie-217 October 1999
"The Suburbans" makes an interesting bookend to the British film "Still Crazy", in that they both deal with the same subject matter (old band reunites after a long absence) but deal with different eras and different conflicts. Having said that, they're both equally uninspiring, although The Suburbans manages to be somewhat funnier than Still Crazy. Some quality work by the actors is found in The Suburbans, especially from bit players Amy Brenneman and Jennifer Love Hewitt. A last minute cameo makes the film seem funnier than it really is, but those in the mood for some retro baiting may find something the laugh about here.
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Good Movie
ThomasColquith27 February 2023
I am surprised at the low rating and poor user reviews of the film "The Suburbans"; it is only a 4.2/10 on IMDB. I rated it a 7/10, I think it is better than that low user rating suggests. Is it some deep epic? No, but it is a nice light film that captures the more bright and optimistic mood of the time period around 1999 and also the preceding years. Does that mean there is no conflict or troubles in the plot? No, of course there are, but nothing seems as dire as it could be if filmed today. The audience is not left depressed and shell-shocked here, nor is it filmed with some dim gray filter. It is not really laugh out loud funny but it is droll in its own way. While not a film for kids, it is a decent film for adults, especially those who miss those old days, its music, or are fans of the cast.

This was my second viewing; I remember seeing it on TV years ago and liking it, so I just bought a cheap used DVD copy of it and watched it again. I am glad to have a copy of the DVD as this is the sort of film that is never on TV anymore and may become lost to time and forgotten about. Worth getting if cheap, though I wouldn't pay top dollar for it in my opinion. And Will Ferrell was in it but had a small part which reminded me of the beginning of "Old School" filmed 4 years later. I think he even had the same TV wife (Perrey Reeves).
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Good idea...bad movie
Empire-312 June 2002
The Suburbans has a good idea, but it doesn't lead to nowhere. Idea could have worked, but somehow the film is boring and unfunny. The script is lame, too bad, because it could have been funny... Acting is ok, but he roles are so badly written, that the actors have almost nothing to work with. This one of those movies that watch only once and after that you forget it.

** out of *****
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LiLTORTYA12 November 2008
You have to be witty, hip and cool to see and enjoy this comedy. It's hilarious. I can't believe I hadn't seen it before. I love the backyard scenes lol. Or Jerry Stiller's parts, lol. Great fun.

Ooh and the cook omg that's hilarious. You just have to imagine being there with them and you know you'd be laughing. Living together with all craziness of trying to reunite the band. I know it's remake or take on a British project but regardless, it's a great rental and I am looking to own it.

It was just on HBO and now I'm hooked. Gotta love great finds like this.
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plesantly good film
Kid Vicious17 May 2001
Having read that the Love would talk litle Icelandic in this film, I decided to rent it asap. I was enjoyed this film more than I expected and had to atmit that it was plesantly good and I was able to have some fun to. Being such a patriot I loved the scene with my native language (although I had to watch that bit 5 times to understand what she was saying without the aid of subtitles)
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not too good
Mickey Knox10 January 2001
The story of an old rock'n'roll band who had only one hit in the 80s and now have the chance of landing again in the spotlight due to a young girl, Jennifer Love Hewitt. The movie isn't too good and it's awfully predictable, but it has good moments. Unfortunately Ben Stiller has a really small role, he is a great comedian and deserved more. Vote: 5 out of 10.
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Worst movie Ed Burns never made
jasonbrainard13 December 2007
I actually turned this movie off after an hour, when my wife suggested, "Maybe Oprah has something interesting on." No amount of booze could make this movie tolerable. I'm not sure what algorithm Netflix is using to suggest this film to me, but they need to hire some new mathematicians. Ben Stiller proves yet again he is a one-trick-pony here. Jennifer Love is...Jennifer Love. Will Ferrel -- god help me -- is under-utilized. Decent enough premise. Perhaps different editing could have helped? Maybe some T&A? If not, less adult-oriented humor so I could have played Candyland with the kids while suffering through the last 20 minutes? And for god's sake, a movie abut musicians sure could use a decent soundtrack!
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The Will Ferrell/Ben Stiller Comedy No One Told You About
NoDakTatum3 October 2023
The year was 1999. Will Ferrell was making a name for himself on "Saturday Night Live." Ben Stiller was a rising star, fresh off of "There's Something About Mary." Why did they sign on to this thing? The Suburbans were a fictional one-hit wonder band from the early 1980's. They appeared on "American Bandstand," but rejected the idea of a cable channel that played nothing but music videos, and their careers were over. Almost twenty years later, the former bandmates are attending bass player Gil's (Will Ferrell) wedding. Danny (director/co-writer Donal Lardner Ward) is a lifeguard and part-owner of a small club. Rory (co-writer Tony Guma) sells insurance and is dating a pregnant Lara (Bridgette Wilson), who has two horrible children and plenty of stories about her jerk ex-husband. Mitch (Craig Bierko) is a skirt chasing podiatrist who still dreams of rock stardom. Danny is dating photographer Grace (Amy Brenneman), who wants marriage (it's been 15 years already), and children. The group reunites to belt out their hit song, and are approached by Cate (Jennifer Love Hewitt), a young successful executive at a huge conglomerate record company. She is on a winning streak, and decides to pluck the band out of obscurity, set them up in a rehearsal house, have their every move videotaped by MTV, and get them ready for a huge pay-per-view television comeback. The guys decide to sign to Cate's record company, owned by father and son cameos Jerry and Ben Stiller, and then the drama begins. Everything that can go wrong does. Relationships are on the line, alcoholics falter, Cate's true motive is exposed, and the film makers don't let Will Ferrell do anything funny.

This is one of those comedies that had to have read funnier on paper. While the characters are all stock, this could have been the manic cousin to Tom Hanks' "That Thing You Do!," but instead, it just sits there. Obvious scene follows obvious scene, and what should have been a can't-miss satire of the music industry instead tries to involve us in Danny and Grace's relationship problems. Guma and Ward took a winning idea and stumbled with it. Ward's direction is stale, as if he is afraid to move the camera or try anything different. Of all the band members, Ferrell's character gets the least amount of screen time. The few lines and scenes he has are hysterical, and it is too bad no one recognized this in editing. The same goes for the Stillers' extended cameo- they flub lines, sleepily go for laughs, and have no sense of timing, but every second of them possibly shot seems to be included on the off-chance someone would find them funny. While the Suburbans' pretend one-hit is kind of catchy, the band itself is a little boring. The weird thing here is that half the cast is actually pretty good- Bierko is funny, Brenneman has some good scenes, Wilson tries as an underwritten harpy, and Hewitt is sexy and watchable in an awful role that mostly calls for her to stand around and be sexy and watchable. For every moment that works, there are "wha'?" cameos from the Stillers, Robert Loggia, Antonio Vargas, Kurt Loder, "American Bandstand"'s D. Clark (IMDb bots flagged his first name), and even A Flock of Seagulls- who reminds everyone what a good one-hit wonder was. "The Suburbans" does exist, I watched it on a DVD that was available in most stores. Ferrell and Stiller went on to be megastars, and the rest of the cast and crew have moved on to bigger things as well; did I mention this was produced by one J. J. Abrams? The viewer, however, will just wonder how this misfire was made to begin with.
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And the Beat Goes on, Even When It Shouldn't
ierenz21 September 2019
It's cute and jokey and has no particular edge. Rock-and-roll and relationships are his concerns, as was the case with the recent "Sugar Town" by Allison Anders and Kurt Voss, a better and more ambitious recent movie that wasn't lucky enough to find an audience.Even at their best, cheap movies have a way to get lost in the shuffle without a sting.
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The Suburbans is an average addition to the comedy genre that I would only recommend it if you can't find something better to watch.
kevin_robbins12 June 2024
I recently watched The Suburbans (1999) on Tubi. The storyline follows an '80s garage band that had a one-hit wonder and now occasionally plays weddings and side gigs as everyday people. When they are given one more opportunity to make an album and go on tour, they face a tough choice: should they drop everything to try and make it happen, or accept that the past is behind them and that making music might not be their calling?

This film is directed by Donal Lardner Ward (We Only Know So Much) and stars Will Ferrell (Anchorman), Jennifer Love Hewitt (I Know What You Did Last Summer), Robert Loggia (Big), Jerry Stiller (Seinfeld), and Ben Stiller (Zoolander).

Given this caliber of cast, the movie should have been much better. Unfortunately, despite the stellar lineup, none of the big names are main characters and they're all underutilized. Donal Lardner Ward (The Royal Tenenbaums) plays the main character and delivers a very average performance. While Will Ferrell is hilarious in his scenes and there are some funny moments, the comedy is more miss than hit. The female cast members, especially Jennifer Love Hewitt, are gorgeous. The ultimate wedding sequence is hilarious and provides a worthwhile ending.

In conclusion, The Suburbans is an average addition to the comedy genre. I would score this a 5/10 and would only recommend it if you can't find something better to watch.
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The Suburbans is great
dhagar27 March 2000
The Suburbans was a laugh fest. Mainly because of Will Ferrel. This movie was great, I'd recommend it to anyone, the original plot and hilarity of a bunch of 30 year olds reuniting a band thinking of it as a big 80's come back bash was hilarious. This movie sure kept me interested through the whole thing, if you like comedies see this movie!
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Good ThirtySomething Comedy
krbeyer18 November 2001
This is a silly comedy that I could relate to being in my thirties. Will Ferrell is quite good in this film. There is some good satire. If you don't take the film seriously you can get some good laughs out of it.
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A comedy that never reached it's potential
cosmicstallion11 October 2003
I admit it, I saw this film only because of Jennifer Love Hewitt. My heart raced when I saw her hike up her skirt to show off her tatoos. Why you ask? because not only did I see a very beautiful body but it was the highlight of a movie that I wished performed better. Perhaps with better writers or actors like Chris Rock, Mike Myers who improv could have breathed some life into this flat film. 2 stars out of five.
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Almost as dull as Chicago. (That's the band, not the city.)
Victor Field8 March 2003
"The Suburbans" is part comedy, part drama and all misfire - in 1981 the band of the title scores its one and only hit, and in 1999 the members are talked into performing at a wedding for a fan in the Navy. A representative for entertainment company EVI later approaches them about making a comeback...

Co-writer/director/co-star Donal Gardner Ward's movie positions the group as one-hit wonders who most people don't really want back, but the group itself is more problematic than intended; if their song had been either good (like the Wonders' "That Thing You Do" from the movie of the same name) or at least a believable 1980s pastiche, their status as one-hit wonders from the Neon Decade would have been plausible. Unfortunately neither is the case, particularly the latter - as well as being a limp rock track, it sounds way too 1990s to be passable. This proves to have a knock-on effect on the movie; the person who brings them to EVI turns out to have had an obsession with one of the Suburbans since she was seven. The trouble is, she's played by Jennifer Love Hewitt - who looks as if she was barely out of Pampers in the early '80s (and she was, since she was born in 1979).

The band members are universally uninteresting, the music's boring, and it's impossible to see what the point of it all is - it looks like a home movie, it's almost never funny, it's never dramatic, and the appearance of A Flock Of Seagulls at the end marks the only true taste of/nostalgia for the 1980s in the entire movie. The appearances of Robert Loggia as the father of the bride, Antonio "Huggy Bear" Fargas as a club owner, Ben Stiller and Jerry Stiller as EVI bosses, J.J. Abrams (creator of "Felicity" and "Alias") as a journalist, and JLH (whose display to Amy Brenneman in the kitchen is, to be honest, the highpoint of the movie) liven things up, but not enough to raise the movie's level.

At least the last time Jennifer Love Hewitt and Bridgette Wilson were in the same movie was "I Know What You Did Last Summer," which wasn't boring.
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cute movie, not great but cute
cajunbluesbaby25 May 2003
I rented this movie b/c JLH is one of my favorite actresses. I thouht it was cute. An interesting story line, some good music, & likeable characters. I really like Jennifer as Cate(of course she's the kind of actress that makes anything watchable). I also enjoyed Ben Stiller & Jerry Stiller (although should've been given more on-screen time) & Amy Brenneman (As usual) & Will Ferrell is always funny. Watch it if you get the chance. It's a great time filler.
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A rock 'n roll satire.
Cipher-J16 December 2002
There is a myth which holds that rock stars are somehow incredibly profound, when more often they are profoundly self-absorbed and shallow. When they're young and getting started, their posturings and prancings on the stage are all rather "carnivalesque," and very "glamorous" in contrast to the drab lives of their typical fans. Their egos tend to expand equally in proportion to their mass appeal, and both they and their fans confuse mere popularity with quality of mind. But for the few who survive to exploit the ignorance for their followers for a lifetime, legends of others come and go like "The Suburbans" of this story, middle-aged, and with their one taste of stardom behind them. If you find (and found) the rock scene to be hopelessly narcissistic and superficial, you will enjoy this film.

It is presented as a fable, but it is actually a parody. All four members of a once popular rock band are now in their late thirties, and to the extent that intensive shallowness can be divided into slices, each represents one of those fractions. One is an Elvis like hedonist, another a dreamer like Lennon, one doesn't like to think much, and the fourth doesn't know how. Separately they are collective losers, trying to hold on to their adolescence. But then something happens which offers them the opportunity to recapture their misspent youth, and even if "they" do not mature much in the process, we, as the audience, are invited to do so.

This is a film that should be viewed by adolescents addicted to the rock 'n roll virus. It should also be viewed by the rock-scene wannabees, most of whom will end up like "The Suburbans" in another fifteen years - fat, old, and balding, with more to look back to than forward. But alas, satire tends to be more amusing to those at the back of the crowd, who never became infected by the virus in the first place, and hence the point of this film will mostly be missed by those who could best benefit from its lesson.
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funny, charming, a complete delight
ckrooth3 May 2001
Donal Ward, besides being a hotty to watch, directs this delicious comedy that made me laugh out loud. The entire cast is excellent, with Craig Bierko and Amy Brennaman leading the pack. Donal, who, by the way should be on screen more please, has a gift for writing, directing and acting. I wish there were more movies I could rent to see Mr. Ward!
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