24 Hours in London (2000) Poster

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A movie which is so charmingly awful, it nearly works
Bulletta7 June 2006
When I was staying on holiday in Wales this year, I had the misfortune of being stuck in a house with a VCR player and a video of the cheapo movie 24 Hours In London.

After watching the first ten minutes or so, the acting seemed okay, the plot seemed to have potential, and the cutting on the titles section was first rate.

Then the film plummeted like a goose with no wings. Without giving too much away (The film does enough of that itself with heavily signposted plot elements), 24 Hours In London swings unsteadily between what appears to be an attempt at a cockney gangster flick and outright slapstick comedy.

The latter half of the film is particularly bizarre, with plot holes so large that the entire film seems to be progressing at random.

So why did I bother watching it to the end? Well, I keep asking myself that. Is it because, despite all the shockingly-bad acting, there were a few actors who could actually convey emotion? Is it because the lumbering comedy moments were actually pretty funny, in an oafish way? Or is it that maybe, despite all its glaring errors and hilariously wooden acting, the film's shoestring charm manages to shine through? I honestly couldn't say.
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The Screenplay Has So Many Holes That Looks Like a Swiss Cheese
claudio_carvalho14 March 2005
In London, the powerful gangster Christian (Gary Olsen) decides to eliminate the competition, killing all the rival gangs. In a park, after a slaughter, a black woman survives and becomes the main witness against Christian. The police force keeps her under protection, but a squealer informs Christian every step taken by the detectives in charge of protecting the witness. "24 Hours in London" has a screenplay with so many holes that looks like a Swiss cheese. Indeed, it is a cheesy movie, with situation so ridiculous that becomes funny. The problem is that it is not a comedy. There are many inconsistent plot points and the situations are amazingly absurd. I noted there are many votes, most of them from England, giving ten stars to this film and misleading readers like me. I believe these users were hired by the production to promote this flick, since all of them coincidentally have only one short review in IMDb eulogizing "24 Hours in London". Otherwise, they are from the same asylum. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): "Testemunha Chave" ("Key Witness")
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Seen it all before and better.
robh27 December 2000
I really don't understand why there are so many excessively positive user comments for this film. The story borrows heavily from lots of other films but never does anything as well as the originals.

As for being funny, I think the viewer would need to be very drunk to find it funny. Sure there are some humourous moments but they are few and far between. I doubt this film was intended to be funny apart from one scene where Christian sends a rival gang to do some of his dirty work, where it turns into farcical slapstick that's completely disjoint from the rest of the film.

Olsen does a surprisingly good job of playing Christian and most of the performances are fine. It's a shame that the script is so poor. It's riddled with clichés and sleep inducing dialog.
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Wow this is bad!
jawa09928 May 2005
I was at my local blockbuster and was turned on to this movie. Also I heard that it was Tarantinoesque. Me being a big Tarantino fan, was excited to see it. Let's put it this way, I put it in and wasted two hours of my life. The writing in this film is for lack of a better word, appalling. I wrote better stuff when I was a freshman in high school. The script was full of cliché and all around bad dialog. Another beef I had with it was the action. It was like they watched an 8 year old play with action figures and based the action in the movie on this. The plot is stupid as well, there is a twist at the end (which I will not disclose) that made me feel embarrassed for the writer. I also couldn't get a feel for what time they were in, it seemed simi future based on the police garb, but then the cars and everything else seemed modern...Weird. In retrospect, had they thought everything out a little more and took the thousands of clichés out of the script, this movie has potential for good, but just turned out a stinky crap fest. See it if you must, but don't say I didn't warn you.
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Utter Rubbish
petehazell19 January 2006
I was forced to endure this film a while ago, and can honestly say that it is one of the worst films I have ever seen.

The plot (such as it was) was completely derivative, nicking ideas from just about every gangster film since "Brighton Rock."

The characters make cardboard seem fully rounded, mostly being off-cuts from the Quentin Tarantino "chirpy-arrogant-violent-criminal-with-no-regard-for-anyone-else" block, while the script was abysmal.

The lack of anything good about this film is particularly disappointing, as it was the last film Gary Olsen made. It's a great shame that his last appearance should be as a barely thought-out criminal weirdo with pseudo-mystical characteristics forced upon him in a vain attempt to make the character seem interesting.

This is a heap of rubbish with no redeeming features whatsoever, and should be avoided at all costs.
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it hardly earns it's one star
Johnny1015 August 2006
this movie is the definition of awful, this movie really sucked. It was a cheap rip off of a Woo film were the main actors put on fake British accents and shoot anything that moves. Now that's no reason to give this movie a one it could still be fun, right? No it can't the action sucked. there is no cool action moves or stylish camera-work just the camera in front of a guy who pulls the trigger on his gun. The only reason i give this film (if you can call it that) one star is because of the movie's case lured me into actually buying it and the beginning credits music, if you are stuck with the movie don't watch it you'll have a better time staring at the case and listening to the beginning credits music. in conclusion, this movie isn't an action flick because the action just will give you a headache, this movie isn't a comedy because it's not funny, and it certainly is not a British gangster movie seeing that the creators of the film probably don't even know the definition of cockney is, to sum it all up, as a good British Gangstar movie would say "stay away from this Brad Pitt". Recomondations: for a good British gangster movies look up Snatch, Lock stock and two smokin barrels, and if you seen those try to find Gangstar no.1. not as good but pretty close
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This is by far the worst movie I have ever seen
craigslist19 October 2002
If you can sit through this movie without killing yourself or someone next to you who may have been involved in the selection process, then you are person who has a will of steel and should not be wasting his time watching movies but teaching some sort eastern Shinto religion.

This movie really really really sucks..I don't know how much more I can emphasize that!
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pathetic attempt at British cinema
rollingstone228828 June 2006
first and foremost, I'm an American. i live in the united states. yet for some reason I've become slightly obsessed with British culture, movies, literature, music and whatnot. my favorite film would have to be trainspotting, and lock stock blew me away. unfortunately, 24 in London did not. in fact, it had a reverse affect, inducing sleep. horrid horrid horrid everything, from the ridiculous dialouge to the plot that had more holes in it than a mesh t-shirt. there was virtually no plot, and literally no main character. i felt cheated by the end of the movie, cheated by the fact that I've lost a precious two hours of my life i could have spent reading a good book. rubbish, please don't fall victim to this movie, and anyone telling you otherwise needs to seriously reconsider what they are thinking.
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I've spent money with this.
residue30 December 2002
Really, it looked like a nice movie with lots of nice killings and nice bloody gore; all that i and my girlfriend love to watch in a Sunday afternoon. But no; this is one of the worst movies i've ever seen, it has bad acting, bad action sequences, bad scripting, awful sense of humor, it's all bad. I have to say that i'm a B Movie fan, i love low budget movies and i can say with every words --- THIS IS A COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY, TIME, ACTORS AND EQUIPMENT---. With 1/3 of the money that Alexander Finbow had to do this i would be able to do the Portuguese equivalent to "The Lord Of The Rings". I don't know how could anyone be interested in making movies like this one. PANTS!
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Worst film of the year
grimis91124 August 2002
I can't believe how many positive comments have been listed for this film. There was nothing original in the entire movie. The dialouge was awful. The acting was horrible and the action was so unbelievable that it took away from it's enjoyment (i.e. 2 people take on entire police force and police miss with every bullet). I wasn't sure who the main character was throughout the film and I still couldn't tell you now. The characters are all paper thin and can be summed up each in less then one line. Don't rent this or buy this. We need to send the message that we're tired of second rate lock stock imitations.
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Quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen
bigis4 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was initially sucked in by the cover of this movie. It promised 'gang warfare'. It was apparently somewhat futuristic. There was a review on the cover that described it at 'funny, sexy, clever slice of British action.' 24 Hours in London was neither. The characters were so typical and the acting was so poor I wasn't sure if it was meant to be satire. I guess it was kind-of funny due to the fact that it was so bad.

Not to mention the outrageous story. A bad guy that bombs heaps of other buildings (including the millennium dome) in order to create a police distraction. Why didn't he just bomb the hotel? I guess the story at base level is OK, and there's a semi-OK twist, but it's all let down by poor acting, 2D characters and some failed attempts at humor.

Don't waste your money.
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Horse-2016 March 2000
If you thought Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels was good wait to you see this. It was a blast from start to finish. Very stylish, with some very OTT characters, I thought it was hilarious. Gary Olsen was excellent and I have to admit I am biased about anything with Amita Dhiri (Milly from This Life)in it.
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Possibly could have been called "Bloody Confusion"
theowinthrop6 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"24 Hours in London" is one of those films you have to watch to know you have seen it once. Then you never bother with it again. Gary Olsen plays "Christian" (a misnomer if ever there was one), who is a sadistic crime boss centered in London at the start of the current millennium (he and his second-in-command reminisce at one point about their torturing a rival in 1996 at one point). Christian is in the midst of eliminating his rivals in London, and capping it off with a partnership with Lloyd (again a misnomer - a woman with a man's name played by Lorelie King) who heads an American syndicate. If his plans succeed he will be stronger than ever.

The story somehow is similar to that of the rise and fall of the Kray Brothers back in the 1950s to 1960s, usually at the expense of their rivals the Richardson Brothers. But for all the brutality of the Krays (and they were quite brutal), the Krays never really go to the crazy lengths of Christian. Totally amoral (something not quite true about the Krays - they were critical in their later years at the treatment of elderly people by punks), Christian is willing to spread terror to unconnected third parties as tactics in getting what he wants.

We see from the start the maniacal determination to remove obstacles when a young woman (Martha - Anjela Lauren Smith) stumbles upon the extermination of a rival of Christian (no better description) followed by his leading murder squad (including Sarah Stockbridge and David Sonnenthal). All witnesses are executed, but by an error Martha survives. She is taken to police headquarters and reveals what she knows. The police are happy because they've wanted to get the goods on Christian for years. But they are dealing with a dangerous opponent.

Christian has one officer in the headquarters under control, and is aware of every move made by Scotland Yard. He also is brazen enough to shoot his way into the Yard to get at Martha. Later he is also willing to give the London police a series of bombings (with high casualty rates) to occupy their time. This is not going to be an easy road to a conviction.

The problem is that the unstable nature of his own people work against Christian. Stockbridge and her fellow killer/lover are psychos who get the right mood by their mayhem. They do shoot their ways into the Yard, but Stockbridge's lover gets fatally injured by one of the police (he gets a spike in his eye). It unsettles her when she is alone to carry out her mission, so she goes out of an elevator guns blazing. She faces a lone armed guard (Polly Moore) who has been told to stay there or be shot. As a result of the double pressures on both women they succeed in fatally shooting each other (though a determined Stockbridge does get to the room where the witness is, only to die there).

The film is saved from being a total waste because the acting is okay (no more than that though). Stockbridge is a sexy enough killer, and Olson is threatening - but more should have been showed of his interest in the far east (he has personal judo lessons and Asiatic tattoos, and he likes using a sharp Japanese sword as a weapon). There is also some amusing moments (oddly enough), when Olson uses an annoying rival gang to try to kill the witness. That gang actually makes so many errors that they kill a man who is sleeping in bed (an undercover cop as it turns out), and one of their own members before getting shot by the police. But the film is best appreciated by people who just enjoy mindless violence. The plot actually gets so convoluted with hidden agendas and secrets of the characters, that the viewer finds it impossible to follow the mess. I wish that I could say something more positive, but that is about all I could say.
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Funny, kick ass, and the stupidest thing I have ever seen
watusi1714 December 2006
This is a movie I picked up on a whim. The cover had to guys with guns and I thought what the hell it's $5. Before I even opened this movie I knew it would be bad. This movie has a good plot line that is carried out horribly. This is a movie you watch if you wanna see stuff shot, laugh at horrible acting and stupid criminals, and some times forget where you are in the movie.

One thing that really bugged me about this movie was that one of the what you could call main characters name was constantly switched between paul and cameron. They "cover this up in the credits by calling him paul cameron, just somethin that bugged me.

This is a movie to rent or buy for really cheap. It is a sad representation on British cinema but god damn it! I laughed till i cried.
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A Cure For The Common (Bad) Movie?
formematesonly11 January 2009
Sorry, but it's not...

This is the WORST film ever made! I picked it up one day and made the mistake of watching this thing through, but it was quite a struggle to get to the end.

The plot is bad; the acting worse; and the writing would seem to have come from a Chimp with Down Syndrome.

If you watch this, I salute you for watching from start to finish. I had to take the batteries out of my remote to keep from hitting eject. I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment.

Unlike those films that are "So bad, they're good" this is the kind of movie that even a few pints can not make enjoyable...
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equals 90 minutes of garbage, this movie blows!
batzu15 February 2003
i can't decide what i hate most about this movie, so i'll tell you what i liked. i liked some of the plot ideas; organ thieves, london gangsters, crazy criminals, gore, although none of the ideas were developed at all, they should have taken one of these ideas and went with it. who was the main character of this movie? it was baffling trying to follow the plot. at some point i was hoping it would be funny, but it isn't even remotely funny. it seemed like the dialogue was written by someone with absolutely no imagination. the violence was so out of control it served no purpose-it was more over the top than Rambo. it tries to be like a Pulp Fiction/Lock Stock movie but fails miserably. and what's this rubbish about London? most of the movie is spent in a hotel room. Don't waist your time here, rent Lock Stock again.
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Don't waste your time
suikkari26 August 2005
I guess I should not be voting because I haven't seen the whole movie. But thats just what made me vote. I just couldn't watch it. I always watch the whole movie if I start watching one and I think I have only once before had to stop.

This wouldn't be so bad alone. It's just a really bad movie and I figured it out and stopped watching. BUT...

Then I go to IMDb and find out that the makers of the movie (I assume that the people that gave this movie 10 have to be the people behind this crap) are trying to boost their own exceptionally bad movie. There is no justice in world if this movie gets 10 out of 10. This was my first comment in IMDb but I just had to do my part to make sure that anybody doesn't spend any money on this crap.

Could be that the whole movie wasn't as bad but hopefully I'll never know.
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o-hendriksen30 October 2003
Amateuristic crap, nothing else to say about it. Sorry. Waste of any energy u put in to it.
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Really really bad
gkd10523 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***SLIGHT SPOILERS*** Maybe some spoilers, but it really doesn't matter...

Wow. When you look at the cover of this film, and see that it's a London crime film.... you kind of get high hopes for this movie. Make no mistake, this is really REALLY bad. I've never submitted a comment on a movie before, but I HAD to for this one.... that must say something. First of all, the actors in this movie make the actors in soap operas and pornos look like Oscar winners. The acting is that bad. There isn't one believable, entertaining, interesting character in this thing. Well, the one "tough guy" of the four goons (the short bald one) was mildly entertaining, but he got killed off pretty quickly.... darn. I also read that there were some great "one-liners" in this movie, but I didn't hear any. There's a really lame twist at the end.... big surprise. Oh, it's also a lot of fun when you can see the dead bodies breathing (I haven't seen that blunder in film in quite some time). The whole thing is just really sloppy and uninteresting. It could probably be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I guess it has some decent violence and gunplay in it, but even it is rediculous and unrealistic, with very poor effects (big flashes of light when someone gets shot from point blank range). It also looks like none of these people have ever fired or held a gun before, for that matter. Rent it if you must, but this movie is pretty much just a waste of time.
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24 Hours in London = 90 minutes of junk
Captnhook20 June 2003
Just a lame mobster flick attempting to be entertainment. I enjoy a good gangster movie but this one missed the mark by a mile. Poorly written and plain senseless & dumb violence insulted my intelligence. You'd be better off spending 24 hours elsewhere.
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Avoid like the plague. Pants Pants Pants and more Pants!
roger-s13 December 2002
Pants Pants Pants Rubbish Rubbish poor poor very boring and a complete waste of money. Pants Pants Pants cliched terrible script and dialogue which was from the start impossible to deliver and wooden the performances didn't help. Wanted my money back, tried to get it back and was given it back when I said the quality of the tape was so poor it looked like a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy recorded off a machine with dirty heads that were fifteen years old. A complete waste of video tape that could of been better used recording a shopping channels content. Avoid like the plague. Pants Pants Pants!
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I can't believe all the negativity...
boondocksaint2012 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
No, this wasn't the best movie ever, and I have my fair share of criticisms I'll expound on later, but how can so many people say this was the worst movie ever? I mean come on! That is a bold statement. Think of all the stinkers out there, that are universally considered bad...and to put such a label implies that the reviewer wasn't entertained in the least.

Anyway, this is an entertaining flick. It has spectacular gunfights, great characters, tons of double crosses and a great soundtrack. Though the plot is clichéd, the action unrealistic, and the setup ridiculous ***SPOILERS***(the main bad guy Christian, kept sending in his people like lambs to the slaughter...and the same thing kept happening...his right hand man kept calling them and saying, "No Answer...", well duh, you sent them into certain death! Two to four guys are no match for a platoon of swat members. This kept happening until he ran out of guys and he himself had to go in. This made me laugh out loud)***END SPOILERS***

Despite my negative comments, this movie still entertained the hell out of me. Take it for what it is even though it rips off Pulp Fiction, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, and of course, The Boondock Saints. The direction and action is what makes this film, and is perfect for a lazy Saturday night. Keep in mind, this is an action flick, it isn't going to win any Oscars by default...it's main purpose is to entertain and it did it quite effectively. I give it 5/10 stars.
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More hardcore than Pulp fiction
yoncenator28 January 2003
How come I never heard anything about this film??? Maybe cause it's foreign. Fasten your seatbelts, get a good stiff drink and what have you., and just freak on this HARDCORE film. I laughed my ass off, and was also pretty surprisingly grossed out in more than a couple places. KICK ASS violence and great slapstick. I LOVE THIS MOVIE. I definitely want it in my collection.
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Fun yet violent low budget British flick
domrulesok9 September 2005
A well written script and a surprisingly well produced film when you consider the money (or lack of) that went into 24 hours in London, it set the mould for the drivel that then followed it (lock stock, etc). Not having come out at the right time might have harmed the audience's acceptance of this film, but it stands none the less a pleasurable and at times very funny film. Steering away from the usual clichés and injecting humour where American toss would usually reside, makes this movie well worth a look. a promising start for first time director and writer Alex Finbow, and a welcomed break from the mind numbing boredom of blockbuster and art house cinema.
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Terrible waste of my time and theirs!!
RondoHatton20 October 2020
Really bad. Lousy excuse for a plot. Not the worst film I've wasted my time on, but right down there!!
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