Road Rage (TV Movie 2000) Poster

(2000 TV Movie)

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No redeeming value.
jannagal2 September 2004
Here's a movie that's hard to watch, but easy to review.

Acting = so wooden that it stinks. Likeability of characters = so self-centered that they stink. Story = so derivative and transparent that it stinks. Plot = so predictable that it stinks. Writing/dialog = not good enough to stink. Action scenes = so ridiculous that they stink.

A few people rated this movie a "10". I think they must include the director, producers, actors, maybe even the electricians who worked on this movie. But they must have had a few drinks, or no conscience when they voted.

2 stars out of 10(3 stars if you've had a few drinks, or no conscience.).
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Its an okay movie if you're too drunk to turn the channel
cwaris3 February 2005
This is nothing to do and you're too drunk to turn the channel movie. Its watchable but not a good movie. Any guy willing to jack up his ride for a plain Jane brunette either has serious personal issues or not all his dogs are barking.

Its a movie you can watch only once and realized you just wasted an hour and half of your life where you could have been drinking more beer. The thing I hate the movie it the end. I wonder if these people were just hungry for a pay check cause you knew from the first few minutes of this movie it wasn't going any where. I realized there are some movies made to be filmed and others that are just a waste of film.
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At least it has good driving scenes!
warmsox2 November 2002
This movie may be very weak plot-wise...but at least it does have good driving scenes! It is okay for mindless action. Caspar Van Diem is very one dimensional. The entire scenario of this movie is too unbelievable for words. Yet it is not a total waste of time. Those that like car chases will be pleased because it does have that. The stunt drivers obviously had to use alot of talents in this one.
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Very poor acting
wynkerts26 September 2001
I came across this film today on HBO, and what stood out was the ghastly acting by the cast, especially the girl in the car. The actress (Danielle Brett) is terrible in her expressions and the emotions displayed are so unconvincing. The dialogs between the driver and the girl are ridiculous and lame. The scene when they stop at the police station, and try to explain the situation is infuriating. The cop was trying hard to act unhelpful.

The car chase scenes were fine, but the hammy acting actually irritates the viewer. The kind that puts one in a bad mood.
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We have proof that Hollywood is on Crack
kms-65 June 2005
Pathetic doesn't begin to describe this drivel. There is nothing plausible nor believable in this crap. If I were one of the 'actors' (hah!) in this bomb, I'd change my name AND commit suicide.

Here are a few reasons to poke your eyes out, instead of watching this P.O.S.:

1) You'll see vehicles engulfed in flames still driving perfectly. 2) You'll see vehicles involved in crashes that magically aren't damaged in the next scene. 3) You'll see flying trucks still manage to drive perfectly after smashing to the ground (don't you wish yours could... AFTER ONLY HITTING A POTHOLE!!!) 4) You'll hear some of the most moronic dialogue ever to be recorded. They should have kept their mouths shut. Now these poor idiots couldn't even get a job doing voice-overs.

If you see this poorest-excuse-for-a-movie in your TV listings, and have nothing else to watch, consider watching the water going down the bowl in your toilet. Trust me, you'll enjoy it more.
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One of the worst of the worst!!!
ritalan28 April 2003
Absolutely positively the WORST movie of any kind of all time. I mean come on, first off, why does the dude whose truck is being used to pursue the couple keep b!tching about it getting dinged up?? Whyd he let em use it in the first place?? Secondly, the whole plot is just so boring and repetetive. I mean in the beginning, with the car chase, I thought cool, but then the WHOLE freaking show was the same thing!!! Casper Van Dien was average, and that maybe overstating, but Danielle Brett was just atrocious. A 5 year old could have done better. Maybe they were just victims of a bad plot. This movie should have taken a cue from similiar movies such as Breakdown or The Hitcher, sure, a little road chase is fine, but dont make it be the whole dam movie!! Throw some other stuff in there to keep the audience interested. If I could give this movie a negative score, I would. It was THAT bad. I felt I should have gotten a refund after paying to watch this garbage.
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I'm Sure There's a Worse Movie, Somewhere
mellowinman27 June 2012
But at the moment, I can't think of one. This is a badly written, badly acted, badly directed, STUPID film, and there is no joy to be had in it.

The lead actress gives the most annoying performance I have ever witnessed. I wanted all the characters to die. I didn't believe one word of the dialog, and none of the action made any sense. The chase scenes, (which make up most of the movie,) were beyond lame. You have Truck A chasing Truck B, and Truck A is much faster, but Truck B has four wheel drive, and Truck A doesn't.

You would think they could've filmed the chase so that those things played into it, but for the most part, they didn't.

I wish I hadn't seen it. I wish the Men in Black could zap me with their memory eraser gun, but then I might be in danger of seeing it again.
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One Of The Worst Movies Ever!
shadw2417 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was home on a Sunday afternoon and was looking for something good to watch. I saw the title Road Rage and decided that it looks like it might be a good movie to watch. I have never been so wrong in my life.

Everything about this movie was bad. I have seen better acting in a porn. The woman who plays the lead is the worst. She over acts in almost ever seen. Not to mention that the people in this movie are playing college students and they all look like they're pushing 40.

Lets no forget the fact that out of all the cars in the world they cut off, it's the one driven by her ex-boyfriend. Then this never dying truck flips over, crashes into a gas station and explodes, crashes into about a dozen different cars, jumps over a tractor trailer and yet never dies.

If I had to choose between watching this movie again or watch "How To Churn Butter" I would pick the butter.
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1/10 Seriously.
joe_nobody997 January 2004
Bottom line, don't waste your time.

If you must watch it for the car chases as has been suggested, make sure you mute the sound - the inane dialog would make any 6-year-old that has ever owned a Matchbox car cringe, much less anyone that's actually driven a car. In one 10-minute stretch of film, I learned (much to my surprise) that driving a truck on a dirt road will tear up the transmission (aka undercarriage?), that driving it on a paved road will tear up the engine, and that you can tell if a truck chasing you has 4-wheel-drive or not just by looking at the front wheels (odd, my mechanic can't do that). *Note to the writers (ha) & director: next time, ask your stunt drivers to explain a few things to you - you're paying them anyway. In this case, you should have had them do the acting, too - might have been cheaper and couldn't possibly have been any worse.

Anybody, of any age, with any interest in watching this film could write a better one themselves in 1/2 hour or so. If you want to watch a car-chase film, pick another one (any other one). If you like the actors and want to watch them, you won't after this one. If you want to watch a bad movie, there are plenty of them out there, most with at least some 'camp' value - this one has none. However, if you want to be insulted, annoyed, and ripped-off, well, this is is the film for you.
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Friday Night Crap!
Makerman24 August 2002
Attention insomniacs...I have found your cure! This has got to be one of the worst movies I've seen since Porkys!! Danielle Brett can't act to save her life!! She kept repeating lines like she was ad libbing. If you have nothing better to this movie or look for it on cable...I'm sure it's there!
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Road Rage? or A Friday Night Date? or Some form of Scabies?
dahmkiavelli14 July 2004
There's an old saying that goes, "If a movie is made called Road Rage, starring Casper Van Dien, and I watch it come I'm still breathing?" Well for the longest time, I was plagued by that old proverb. So you can imagine my relief when a search for said movie on this very website came up empty. I began to wonder, "If this movie didn't exist, then why do I have distinct memories of watching it twice and spending 5 bucks for it at Wal-mart?" The only reasonable explanation was that maybe I had witnessed some awful a bizarre race featuring a crazed Halle Berry flying down the road in reverse leaving a bloody trail of pedestrians in her wake, only to receive an Oscar when she crossed the finish line. Something this awful might have triggered my brain into creating the movie, Road Rage, so as to numb my body to the pain of reality. I left the computer feeling somewhat relieved that I hadn't wasted 5 bucks. This was short-lived however, because just then there was a knock on the door. I opened it only to find a very large basket with a sound asleep Casper Van Dien inside. There was a note attached, which basically said that since I had seen Road Rage twice AND bought it, that somehow I had agreed to adopt Casper Van Dien and raise him as my own. My heart sank with this realization that not only did Road Rage exist, but that I had basically bought Casper Van Dien and overpaid by about $4.37. So basically what I'm trying to say is never ever watch or buy Road Rage (or A Friday Night Date, as I was later told by Casper Van Dien was the alternate title), unless you want to spend the rest of your days discussing how "Shark Attack" and "Python" are truly great and misunderstood films, with a sad and bitter little man.
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This movie should be called "Come On!"
Briny_Marlin17 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
For a lot of reasons. For one, I think the phrase was uttered about 1600 times in 90 minutes. For another, it's the appropriate viewer reaction. This is going on my list of "So bad they're good" movies. Very fun to watch and pick apart. The whole movie is one long chase scene, with a bunch of 30-somethings who are supposed to be in high school (college?) spouting absurd one-liners. The pacing, dialog and plot are horrible, the two trucks spin some cookies in a field going about 5 MPH, then Casper says something like "Wow, that's a pretty view." and the girl says something like "It would be prettier if those guys weren't trying to KILL US!" Couple more cookies, then Casper: "Hey do you think you'd go out with me sometime?" Girl: "Sure, I will, if those guys don't KILL US!" Cut to bad guys: "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, go, go , go, go, go, f*&%!" Cut back to good guys: Casper (spinning steering wheel): "Hey you think you'd like to live on a farm someday?" Girl: "Sure, if those guys don't KILL US!" Wow. Casper is NOT worried about it. After all, he has an Armani suit! The bad guys drive about 6 different trucks. They are supposed to be the same truck, but one is a crew cab, with the fat guy in the back seat, the others are regular, with all three bad guys in the front. Hilarious. You must see this movie. 10 out of 10! Watch for the camera crews in the shots. Dialog at my house. Wife: "You want some dinner now?" Me: "Sure, if this movie doesn't KILL US!"
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Duel meets Mad, Mad World meets Animal House... sorta
tedphx27 June 2005
If you were going to parody Duel, how would you go about it? Certainly not with understatement and subtlety. I wouldn't think.

This movie started out rather normally - a bad breakup scene, a stranger aiding the damsel in distress, and the now ex-boyfriend seething as she drove off into the sunset with a guy whom we have a slight suspicion might be a maniac in his own right.

But then we immediately come to know they are not playing it straight with us when our savior/daredevil ends up barreling down the highway at 70 mph - backwards.

From there it's one riotous over-the -top scene after another, and that might have worn thin were it not for the wonderfully intentional overacting and absurd dialogue, the best example of which is Bo's hilarious take-off of Brando in Streetcar.

Adding to the fun is the endless parade of innocents a la Mad, Mad World who get steamrolled along the way, as Bo, more and more, comes to resemble a crazed version of John Belushi in Animal House.

Yes, I know, what you're thinking, "How can you get more crazed than Belushi in Animal House?" Just watch the fun.
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Lmao, are you serious??
zetafest9726 October 2009
I just picked this movie up from Big Lot for 3 dollars, and I am going to return it tomorrow morning when they open.

Who ever was involved in making this movie needs to kill themselves in the worst way a person can die. The acting was so bad it was hilarious, they made so many mistakes in this movie with many props and camera guys being seen. It was actually getting painful to watch, and I had to walk away a few times.

I didn't even want to give it a 1 star rating. Just who ever made this movie, DIE, just DIE, I don't know what else to say to you. You are a POS, and I want that 1 1/2 hours of my life back
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Awe-struck. Completely, utterly, awe-struck...
SnacksForAll16 November 2003
Well, what can I say? Without getting too negative here, I'll say that I should have known better when I saw the name SIDNEY J. FURIE (the "director" of the inexcusably awful SUPERMAN IV) pop up in the opening credits. I guess it's my fault that I lost nearly two hours of my life watching "Road Rage."

I've never been in film school, but even I, a layman, can confidently judge the direction of this film as nearly non-existent and completely third-rate (and that's being nice). I won't go in to how bad the dialogue, script, and plot were, because clearly the people responsible for this film have no business being responsible for films. This film, in my opinion, is beyond conventional criticism. If Francis Ford Coppola makes a bad film, you give him a bad review, because you expect better from him. This is not the case here; it is evident that the filmmakers, bless them, just do not belong in their industry.

The acting is beyond subpar -- I even expected a bit more from Casper Van Dien (Starship Troopers). With actors of his variety, however, his performance depends on the guidance of the director, and accordingly, he is completely lacking in Road Rage (to put it mildly). Annoying and hollow would be other words. His leading lady, beautiful and somewhat likable at the start of the film, blows her performance overacting -- which isn't always a terrible thing, but getting away with "overacting" requires knowing something about "regular" acting in the first place. The only decent acting came from the three jocks in the truck. You will grimace and groan through the entire picture. Completely painful.

This may sound dramatic, but ROAD RAGE ruined my Saturday night, and has no redeeming qualities (save, perhaps, for the good looks of the two leads). Disjointed, confused, contrived, and completely lacking in any of the ingredients necessary for creating a suspenseful atmosphere in what is supposed to be a "Suspense" film, ROAD RAGE is definitely one you should give a miss.

A note to Casper Van Dien: since I liked you in Starship Troopers, I'll pretend I didn't see this.

Avoid at all costs!
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"Viewer Rage"
niquems21 December 2003
THE BIG QUESTION-----How do movies like "Road Rage"(or whatever title it may be known by)make it to the screen?-- how do they get to HBO?And why does HBO schedule this sewer matter? This turned out to be a huge waste of time for me- and my friends.Last time I looked,I seem to recall writing a few checks(10 years worth maybe)to my cable company-which of course includes HBO.THis is what I get in return-on our Sunday movie night? If I wanted to watch something WRITTEN,DIRECTED,and ACTED by a bunch of third-graders, I'll go watch my family's children in their grade-school plays.SHAME- on all involved.
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started off good
Srrmar12 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** this movie wasnt that bad. sure the acting wasnt great, but the actual beginning of the movie wasnt bad. the car chases and everything werent bad.

**spoilers** it only got bad when they revealed who the guys in the truck were. then the movie became dumb. it wouldve been better to keep the identity a secret, and just never reveal it.
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Coulda been, shoulda been
viviklou19 March 2003
This movie actually had the potential of being a good movie. The writing, acting or directing or all three just did not make it worth the money they spent to make this one. The dialogue was absolutely unrealistic. I was very disappointed.
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Pathetic in every respect
mr mil27 December 2001
If there was a possibility to give a movie 0 (zero), this would be a prime candidate for it. I have not find a single aspect to be worth of any level of praise. If this movie was done by students of local high school as an after school activity project, then it could certainly make a grade. But to offer this as a "serious" piece of entertainment and try to make it is a contribution to the show business by professional people, when it is done with all that "movie hoopla" that goes with it, then there must certainly be something wrong with movie industry. With people creating it, and also spectators willing to pay money to watch it.
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An ideal torture instrument
phrostbite2 November 2008
This is the worst film I've ever seen. The acting in this movie is so bad it gives me a headache. Specially the beginning of the chase where Danielle Brett is telling Casper van Dien to "watch out","slow down" and "be careful" is painfully embarrassing to watch. During the chase you see a few cars pretending to drive there but the rest of the road is empty in front and behind the chase.

The whole film (at least the part I watched) is full of self-repairing cars n stuff. Scratches,dents and broken taillights all gone in the blink of an eye.

If you really hate someone give em this movie to watch.

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A long wait to see an okay movie
runemesa26 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
For some reason, both Blockbuster and Hollywood Video in 2 different towns were always rented out for about half a year, before I finally got to rent it a few days ago. It wasn't quite as good as I expected, but I did like it. I'm a fan of "Duel", so I rented this movie, which is different, storywise, a little bit. This movie also kind of reminded me of "Night of the Hunter" also, since it is just one long chase scene, with about 3 breaks. Here is what I didn't like, or didn't think made sense about the movie: I wish the "mystery" of the truckdriver(s) lasted longer than it did. I could barely hear the musical score of the movie. Lotta noise going on almost constantly. I did kind of like the song played at the end credits a little bit, though. I didn't think that both the main characters were consistent with themselves; maybe that's due to the situation they were put in; I don't know. For example, Casper's character was helpful, kind, and descent at the schoolyard. Once they got into the situation, he was rather mean to Danielle's character for about the next 70 minutes of the movie. Also, Danielle's character in one scene toward the middle/end starts yelling/mouthing off at her ex-boyfriend while the car and truck are side by side, after having tried to convince Casper's character to let her talk to her ex earlier (with no allowance). Then a few scenes later, she tries to talk with her crazy ex. I just didn't think that made sense. The villains were embarrassingly obsessed with "teamplay" and "football philosophy". I'm glad the chubby, reluctant of the 3 survived later on. Lastly, the explosion at the end was ridiculous. Too much napalm; Anyway, what I liked about the movie was the little bit of scenery in it, about half the chase scenes were really good, the fact that the heros were on foot for a while and had to switch cars, and how there were other cars on the road, even when they got up into the mountains, and I really liked Danielle Brett. She did a really good job in the movie (though she played a bit of a spoiled brat) She only seemed to have trouble acting, when she had to get mad and scream at her ex. She has one of those faces/looks about her that is attractive in a strong, hypnotic way. All in all, I liked the movie, but it could have been more enjoyable with more mystery and a more evident score. By the way, Casper Van Dien did a good job with the character he was given, which wasn't much and didn't make sense all the time.
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A good example of a bad movie
johnscook23 March 2005
While the plot of the movie is somewhat ridiculous, there is nothing in this movie to make me believe that any of it could ever happen in the way it is portrayed. The acting is bad, the dialog is bad, and the scenes are not believable. This movie is supposed to be a suspenseful thriller, but there is nothing suspenseful or thrilling about it. I don't sense that the two main characters are ever really in danger or that they seem scared. The characters show as much fear as a 14-year-old on a roller coaster at Six Flags. You can just listen to the movie without watching it and have not missed a single thing. Slow motion on action sequences is a giant red flag for poor film-making. The Dukes of Hazzard was a more entertaining work of art. At least they had T&A, which is something a film like this normally flaunts but is totally absent. No suspense, no thrills, not even cheap ones.
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A very lively and enjoyably over-the-top direct-to-video "Duel" variant
Woodyanders22 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Boy, am I in the minority about this particular film. You see, I thought this movie was a lot of good, silly, rousing fun. Sure, it's a cheesy B-picture, but it does the trick and delivers the stirring goods, which makes it a solid film in my book. Okay, with that obligatory explanation stuff out of the way let's get on with this here review.

After they accidentally cut off an ominous giant black pick-up truck on the highway, both dashing limousine driver Jim Travis (firmly played by perennial straight-to-cable TV feature topliner Casper Van Dien) and his fetching female passenger Sonia Walker (the very cute Danielle Brett) end up being relentlessly terrorized on an isolated patch of sticksville mountainside backroads by the pick-up's dangerously unbalanced and irritable wombat driver. Veteran director Sidney J. Furie tackles the admittedly trite "Duel" rehash material with commendable flair and aptitude, keeping the pace sprightly and unwavering throughout, creating a reasonable amount of tension, and staging several truly spectacular bash 'em, crash 'em and smash 'em up car chases and automobile stunts with smack dead on-target exciting results. Moreover, both leads turn in personable performances, the dialogue possesses real snap and wit, there are a few genuinely startling plot twists, the blaring rock score totally smokes, and, most importantly, we've got no pretense whatsoever to be found in a single fleet frame of this amazingly vigorous and galvanizing little beaut.
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Actually not all that bad. It knows what it it's doing, and it does it well.
charlessamuellang7 January 2007
Some may think I'm crazy for giving this movie 6 of 10, but I have to say that, for what it is it's done pretty well. After reading all the bad reviews I started watching this movie and then sat through the whole thing.

It kept my attention, mainly because a lot of the action is pretty innovative. Given the hundreds (thousands?) of car-chase sequences in movies and in TV shows, it is very often the case with movies that the chases are basically pasted together of things you've seen elsewhere. That's really not the case with this movie. The whole thing is basically a car-chase which goes through different locations and phases. I thought, for example, that the chase part in the woods is novel. I've never seen a car chase on a hilly meadow before. The acting's not great, but you actually do feel for the characters at several points, which is more than can be said for a very many B movies.
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Utter trash.
Malletician15 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Don't waste your time with this movie, for it is pure boredom. I would rather have spent my time watching paint dry. The acting was terrible, there was no script or plot and two vehicles driving throughout an entire movie does not make for a "chase scene" or excitement. *Minor spoiler* - When the "chasing" first started, I felt like it was 1977 and I was watching "CHiPs" again...well spaced cars for them to drive around and I know that they passed the same Jeep in the center lane at least four times. If you rented this movie, take it back to the store and smack the counter person for allowing you to make such a stupid choice in movies.
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