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Give me more Dermot Mulroney
fieaoremaolmuire12 November 2019
I felt that the character and relationship development was lacking, making the ending not entirely convincing. Nick's perspective wasn't satisfyingly explored, we didn't really get his side of the story, and he seemed way more interesting than any of the other characters whose private affairs apparently deserved the screen time.
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Debra and Dermot shine in a less than perfect but lighthearted film
inkblot115 February 2005
Kat (Debra Messing), an airline executive, fears going alone to her snooty sister's wedding in London. This is especially so because her ex-fiancé will be there as well. Though young and beautiful, Kat nevertheless plunks down a cool $6,000 for a professional escort. In return, the gorgeous Nick (Dermot Mulroney) must play the role of her new and attentive boyfriend. Kat's sister, Amy, a la Monsoon Wedding, has planned her wedding extravaganza to last four days, complete with picnics, cricket, splashy parties and more. Can Kat and Nick pull it off? Do they have enough natural attraction for each other? And what about past loves? Messing and Mulroney make this film work, period. The script has some weaknesses and letdowns, but the darling duo rises above them. The nice scenery and costumes are also a bonus. There is a moment when Kat tells Nick he is worth every penny. The same could be said of the ticket price, as watching Debra and Dermot is very satisfying. Sometimes, the world just needs a silly love movie. What's wrong with that? I'd like to know.
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a tale of two lovers-escort style
triple88 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers

The wedding Date seems to be getting a lot of ratings of 1 and 10 respectively. I do not think this was either great or dreadful. The movie was most definitely entertaining and I loved the concept but there is no denying the movie had flaws.

As far as romantic comedies go, this one was pretty fun to view at times. What made it that way was Dermot Mulroney plain and simple. He played the part of the charismatic escort perfectly. His performance was a 10 of 10 and with a lesser actor in this role this movie could have potentially turned out dreadful because while Mulroney's Nick had an edge the rest of the movie certainly didn't.


Wedding Date was a book first which I have happened to read (I think it had a different title.) The book was much better overall. There were a few major flaws here: First the movie didn't develop Kat and Nick's relationship at all. When it starts she has already hired him. That alone is a problem because the audience is immediately thrust into watching the unfolding of a relationship between two people they've been given no time to develop any rapor with. The story is just thrust on us without any lead up or introduction. It's like there's an assumption we are supposed to know Kat and root for her but she's never even been properly introduced to us. I was a bit disappointed with the way the movie started with no leadup at all.

Second is the unrealistic relationship between the two-escort and client. I am not saying that two people in this situation could not fall in love(Julia and Richard convinced me in Pretty Woman.) But with wedding Date there is no enfolding of their relationship. One minute their strangers, then he's her shrink, then they flirt a little then some sex then they can't live without each other. But their relationship never plays out on screen. We never see them getting to know each other and as such, it feels hopelessly contrived when they do fall in love. It's made worse by the fact that in the few moments that ARE devoted to the two of them interacting we can see that this couple has chemistry. But to much was squeezed into the movie in to short a time.

Another problem-how Nick is depicted. At first I didn't think that would be a problem because Mulroney really played Nick well and gave him just enough charm coupled with a certain street smart quality and brooding sexiness that he seemed plausible. The matter of fact way he says to Kat that sex costs extra-it was done well and believably. There were some really good lines such as each woman has the love life she wants and his comment to Kat about how do you know I'm being myself? Even all the girls falling for him at the wedding and everyone confiding in him I could believe because-well-he's an escort and it's his job to charm people. So he's good at his job and charms everyone.

So for a time I really did think that part anyway, was going to be OK. That was before the sex.

After that point, any reality that Nick's character may have held fell away quickly-and that's not Mulroney's fault because as good as he was he had no control over the dialog. And what dialog it was too. The word dialog is the key-unless I can somehow believe that a savvy young escort, who never gets emotionally involved with clients and only a short time ago was trying to get his client to pay him for sex, would then say to the same client a short time later, (meaning it, no payment involved), bearing in mind this is a customer he'd only just met a very short time before and there were no signs of major feelings between them,: I think I'd miss you even if we'd never met.(or something close to that.)

I am not sure if they were doing a Jerry Mguire or something but "You had me at hello" sounded and felt real. This just sounded and felt rehearsed. I am not saying perhaps this wouldn't really happen somewhere to someone but I didn't believe Nick would say this to Kat. I mean you never saw anything between them for most of the movie except sex. So the limits of believability were really tested.

LASTLY-This guy-how did he come to be an escort? That is never explained. He is a bit to perfect, why isn't he running one of Donald trump's companies? Shouldn't we have been told WHY he became an escort, who this man was?

OK-now that I've listed the negatives-I'd still rate it a 6. It was fun and entertaining and a bit above many romantic comedies in the last few years because these two people were actually interesting. If the movie did not have the problems I mentioned I'd probably rate it an 8 because the entertainment factor was there, there was some mild comedy and most of all, was Mulroney's performance. I hadn't ever been a major fan of his before and in all honesty wouldn't have first thought of him for the role of mysterious escort, he seemed to boy next door to fit the part but he not only fit it, he made it his. The chemistry between him and Messing also helped make the movie, chemistry can make or break sometimes and these two had it.

I'd watch this again if it came to television. But I wish it had a bit more edge. More focus should have been given also to Nick as a person. Many of the elements that made Pretty woman a success were not present here and that's to bad. But for what it was it was a bit above average.
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Very sweet
sharon_hunt6 February 2005
Critics shritics. I loved the movie. To me, this is a great romantic comedy. It has a sweet heroine and a gorgeous man who literally is the perfect guy for her. Like critics say, it was predictable. But the movie ended exactly like I wanted it to so I wasn't disappointed at all. I left my boyfriend in front of the TV drinking beer and watching the superbowl with his buddies. Hey, if men can have a fantasy world to escape in to, so can I.

Sometimes it's great to just go to the movies and escape into a romantic fantasy. I wish that every guy would see this movie because they could learn something about what women want from the leading man. It's really not that hard guys. I think this movie was the perfect escape for women who don't want to watch football.
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Funny and Heart-warming
Jini-B5 August 2018
This was one of the best rom-coms I've had the pleasure to watch. It was equal parts romantic and equal parts funny. Debra Messing was fabulous as the leading lady, Kat Ellis, who hires a male escort, Nick Mercer, for her sister's wedding. In the beginning, she played the nervous wreck very convincingly. Over time, as she started getting more comfortable with her date, she opened up and settled in. I really enjoyed her performance. Dermot Mulroney is incredible as the eye candy. It is quite evident that he's a very handsome man, but he portrayed the layers to his character's personality very well. He played the responsible man when required, he became a confidante to people he barely knew, and he was able to calm Kat every time she got too overwhelmed. The chemistry between the lead characters was absolutely perfect. They seemed very comfortable with each other and the ease, with which they portrayed their feelings for each other, was commendable.

The story had its twists and turns and it was interesting throughout. The supporting characters, especially Jack Davenport, were also really good. The wedding was a nice backdrop to the movie and the scenic landscape of England was picturesque. The movie was on the shorter side and the background music also really brought everything together. I usually find it difficult to concentrate while watching a romantic movie, but I did not face that problem with this one. I watched this with rapt attention and did not move my eyes from the screen once. This movie was funny, heart-warming and overall, a lovely experience.

Recommended for lovers of the romantic comedy genre.
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The Wedding Date is On Par ***
edwagreen28 March 2006
Of course, they will get together. That's very obvious. What isn't obvious are the reasons why the situation came to be.

Debra Messing turns to films and stars as a woman whose half sister is getting married. As a result, she hires (Dermott Mulroney) an escort to go to the wedding with while knowing that her ex-boy friend will be the best man at the nuptials. Mother of the bride is very modern as she arranges for Messing and Mulroney to occupy the same room at a hotel.(Of course, mother thinks that the two are an item.)

Amy Adams, the Oscar nominee this year for her support in Junebug, is again quite perky as the half-sister. She is loving and cute in the part until she reveals a secret that can destroy all.

The film is still predictable since love conquers all. It's light and enjoyable so go watch.
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i want the time back i wasted watching this dire rubbish
halldanielsl19 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
There have been so many many films based on the same theme. single cute girl needs handsome boy to impress ex, pays him and then (guess what?) she falls in love with him, there's a bit of fumbling followed by a row before everyone makes up before the happy ending......this has been done many times.

The thing is I knew this before starting to watch. But, despite this, I was still looking forward to it. In the right hands, with a good cast and a bright script it can still be a pleasant way to pass a couple of hours.

this was none of these.

this was dire.

A female lead lacking in charm or wit who totally failed to light even the slightest spark in me. I truly did not care if she "got her man" or remained single and unhappy.

A male lead who, after a few of his endless words of wisdom, i wanted to kill. Just to remove that smug look. i had no idea that leading a life of a male whore was the path to all-seeing all-knowing enlightenment.

A totally unrealistic film filled with unrealistic characters. none of them seemed to have jobs, all of them had more money than sense, a bridegroom who still goes ahead with his wedding after learning that his bride slept with his best "i would miss you even if we had never met"!!!!! i could go on but i have just realised that i am wasting even more time on this dross.....I could rant about introducing a character just to have a very cheap laugh at the name "woody" but in truth that was the only remotely humorous thing that happened in the film.
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For what it is, The Wedding Date is a good movie.
amanduh3315 February 2005
If you see a preview for The Wedding Date before you go see it, you understand what type of movie this is. It's a chick flick. It's a cute, mildly funny, sometimes sappy, story about a woman, Kat, played by Debra Messing, so wrecked from her last relationship that when she has to go to her sister's wedding where she knows that he ex will be she hires a male escort to go and make him jealous and her family get off her case. The escort, Nick, played by Dermot Mulroney, isn't your average Gigolo. No, he's what you would consider the cream of the crop, and he doesn't come cheap. A cute, non-threatening premise, for a genuinely cute, non-threatening, romantic comedy.

You can't go in expecting genius, because that's not what you'll get. The Wedding Date, however, is a glorious, indulgent movie that will leave you smiling. It's a movie for women, by a woman director, and it's really for any girl who ever wished she could have a happy ending like Cinderella. It's not all roses, of course, which keeps it interesting. It's all par for the course, however, when it comes to romantic comedies. Plus, the few glimpses of a bare-bottomed, Mulroney will keep you interested, too.

I ranked this movie an 8 out of 10. I wasn't comparing it to Gone with the Wind, or the Godfather. I was comparing it to other cute romantic comedies, and as far as they go, this was a good one.
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Answer to question
erinleigh_b2 March 2005
To answer Canuck Girl's question from the post previous - the quote that was said a few times, in the article and by Kat's dad at the wedding was -"every woman has the exact love life that she wants". (or something very similar to that). Very true quote in deed!

I thought the movie was pretty good. It won't win any awards or anything, but it made me laugh and I was entertained for an hour and a half...what more do ya want!

I do have to say that it was a little bit similar to a few movies I've seen recently though. I could see what was going to happen next before it did. It reminded me a lot of the movie Jennifer Aniston was in "Picture Perfect" ...similar plot...she hires someone to pretend (Jay Mohr) to be her boyfriend to make someone else jealous (Kevin Bacon) and then ends up falling in love with him the one she hired. In my opinion Picture Perfect was a slightly better movie.
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Worst movie in the history of movies
colerz415 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
My roommate and I just got back from seeing this movie and we agree, we've never seen a worse movie in our lives. We're both pretty well versed in films, considering she's been a film minor and I had an internship with a production office last year, and we agree that this movie has absolutely no purpose. To begin it's hard to believe that Kat wouldn't try to make some attempt to tell Nick about her life. Their stories don't even coincide until her "crazy" aunt asks what he does and Kat pulls him into a closet to tell him he's a therapist and give him $6,000 in a brown envelope. There is no flow in the movie at all. Its like the writer had all of these "great" ideas but had no clue how to put them into a cohesive movie. Kat and Nick know each other for 3 days and all of the sudden they fall in love. This is also after Kat finds out that her sister (who's a half sister even though you don't find this out until half way into the movie) has slept with her ex-fiancé who is her sister's fiancé's best friend (yeah, its that confusing). But the funny thing about this part of the movie is that Kat doesn't get mad at her ex-fiancé or sister, but rather at Nick for not telling her (HELLO he's known her for 3 days, why does he think it matters???) This movie goes from bad to worse as the writer tries to frantically make everyone have a happy ending by the end of the movie...but the subtitles are just sexual and pointless. Honestly, one of the things that I didn't get the most was that despite having supposedly grown up in England neither of the girls had an English accent. It felt like the director wanted a vacation so was like 'Ok, let's shoot this movie in England.' I would never recommend this movie to anyone, and despite a few cute quotes that come from the movie this is a horribly written film and should be banned. And NO I'm not just a bitter unromantic...I cried at Hitch and the Notebook and I just appreciate well done films.
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Breezy, Light-Hearted, Romantic Comedy
zardoz-133 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"American Virgin" director Clare Kilner's third feature-length film "The Wedding Date" qualifies as an amusing chick flick co-starring Debra Messing and Dermot Mulroney respectively as the leading lady and man. The premise of Dana Fox's screenplay is that our heroine Kat Ellis is flying to London to act as the maid of honor at her younger sister's wedding. The conflict is that younger sister Amy (Amy Adams of "Enchanted") has asked Kat's former fiancé to serve as best man. Kat is appropriately concerned about what impression she should make since Jeffrey (Jeremy Sheffield of "Last Chance Harvey") dumped her unexpectedly when they were supposed to wed. Kat decides to hire a male escort, Nick Mercer (Dermot Mulroney of "My Best Friend's Wedding") to make Jeffrey feel jealous. Predictably, what starts out as an impersonal business relationship between Kat and Nick inevitably becomes a personal relationship. Along the way, Kat learns the truth about why Jeffrey got cold feet about their impending marriage. Debra Messing makes a sympathetic character and Dermot Mulroney pulls off the stud act with no problems. The British setting adds a novelty to the proceedings and the outcome is clever without being too sappy or complicated. Scenarist Dana Fox wrote both "Couples Retreat" and "What Happens In Vegas." Fox's based her script on Elizabeth Young's book. While I enjoyed "The Wedding Date," I didn't think it was anything exceptional. The film, however, amounted to a Hollywood definition of a hit, coining $47 million dollars off a $15 million dollar budget.
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What a great movie!
vanessa-r6 February 2005
My college newspaper called "The Wedding Date" a great movie, and I have to agree! I laughed, I cried, I identified with Debra Messing's Character. It is definitely on the list of my favorite movies right now. If you need a feel good love story that you AND a guy will like, this is definitely the movie for you. This movie did what "Love Actually" did for me- renewed my faith in the power of love! There is no part in the movie where you are in effect "bored", as the plot moves rather quickly. There aren't any unanswered questions by the end. There is character development, and you see that the characters (Messing especially) are not just one sided. The power of love is amazing...i do not want to spoil the ending, so that is all I will say! GO SEE THE MOVIE!
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Although I love both actor, this one missed
hubbardamanda18 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I felt like I was watching cousins kiss. It was awkward, and poor acting even though both actors are good and steady actors. It wasn't believable and the premise was shaky at best ( male escort, Love dynamic). Amy Adams was the bright star in this movie. Her vapid portrayal of a sister was spot on and even charming. Don't buy or rent this, it is on tv enough if your curious.
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actually funnier than I expected
kbushko4 February 2005
if you're going to see The Wedding Date, you probably have some idea of what the film is going to be like. it's not Shyamalan, right? of course the premise invites comparison to Pretty Woman, and sure, you may feel that you've met Messing's "insecure single woman" character a few hundred times before, perhaps on some popular sitcom.

but thankfully, all the actors seem well-suited to their roles and the action progresses quite smoothly, aided by a good helping of hysterical lines from the saucy best friend and sauced-up mother. this is definitely a fun one to see with friends, especially if you're tired of this year's pretentious and often wildly depressing Oscar fare.
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Above Average Date Movie
tabuno24 January 2019
13 February 2005. With good acting and a solid script, The Wedding Date presents a great Valentine Day date experience along with the prerequisite humor and drama. This movie contributes to the romantic comedy genre and builds on its past predecessors instead of simply copies them. Debra Messing offers up a nice performance, with good timing and expressions, a nice return to the big screen. There are a few good twists, a few good dramatic moments. This light weight comedy has a decent plot...while not making a substantial dents in the way of spectacular cinema, by itself, this movie deserves the attention of the date crowd for those who need a nice diversion, a little romance, and entertainment. Seven out of Ten Stars.
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What else do you want for your money? A terrific two hours...
jessie-394 February 2005
Debra Messing and Dermott Mulroney and the entire cast present a fun two hours. Every movie is not an academy award winner and so boo to the critics who get paid. We want to pay our money and have two hours of fun and that is what you get and more. Debra is simply delicious in this role, which again brings out the "Lucy" in her. She is ready and fit for these kinds of roles. Dermott is again very good in this kind of role. The movie is funny and just a no brainer, two hours of laughter and fun. No killings, no special effects, just plain fun. So go and see it for yourself. The critics who get paid, rarely like anything but we enjoy it, simply if it we gets our monies worth and we sure did for this one.
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Her sister's wedding
jotix1001 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
One wonders why anyone would try to rehash successful movie plots that have already been seen, like it's the case with this movie. "The Wedding Date" is one of the best examples of why not to even try to remake, under the guise of a new story, something that should have been let alone. If a project like this goes ahead with the studio big honchos' approval, then go all out with big stars and glossy production values, that way, people will come for the stars.

Alas, that's not what happens in this misguided attempt at comedy. The problem seems to be the way the screen writers have transplanted the story to London, when basically, this seems to be a typical American situation that not even the setting will be able to fix. Then there is the problem with the stars. Debra Messing and Dermot Mulrooney? They have as much chemistry as oil and vinegar!

Since the Kat and Nick have no conflict from the start, the viewer is not pulled into the film the way the creators thought they would be. It's clear that Kat will fall for Nick, and vice-versa in this predictable story. Amy Adams, who was the best asset in "Junebug", comes across as a shallow girl who is willing to keep her lie going on and not come clean to the man that loves her and is going to marry her.

For anyone interested, the credits at the end of the film run for almost seven minutes!
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A Delightful Romantic Comedy
billpappas5 February 2005
The Wedding Date is an excellent date movie. You can't help but empathize with the characters in this "Pretty Woman" type movie. The two main cast members are a perfect match for each other. More than just a romantic comedy, it is a good people movie in which you can visualize yourself (or someone you know) embodied in one of the cast's believable characters. There are several belly laughs peppered with a few moist-eyed moments making this a very good movie for teens and the young at heart, regardless of age. Granted, it may not be nominated for any academy-type awards, but it rates high marks as a delightful people's choice contender. The movie's entertainment value is clearly worth the price of box office admission. I left the theater giggling to myself...
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Movie Quote
Girlie_Canuck5 February 2005
It's a good movie for what it is. A girlie chick flick. I enjoyed it. It's a good date movie, most women would enjoy it for what it is... and if you are a fan of pretty woman.... Well! You're in!! Anyways, Does anyone remember the quote that was used in the movie a few times.... It was something to do with "a woman feels how she wants too" Something like that. Nick said it in that article.. and her father also said it to her right before she went to the cabin. Can someone please help a girl out! Thanks! :) OH! I would like to point out that Debra did a wonderful job in playing Kat.. She is a very skilled actress! One other thing... parts of the movie were very funny!!
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Godawful boring rehash of every other chik-lit wedding picture
LilyDaleLady14 April 2005
Tepid, unoriginal reworking of several other better films on the subject of weddings, such as "4 Weddings and a Funeral" & "My Best Friends Wedding" with a generous heaping helping of "Pretty Woman". Beautiful Kat (Debra Messing, revisiting her "Will & Grace" character by rote)pays $6000 for a male escort (Dermot Mulroney) to accompany her to her half-sister's wedding in England.

I have to mention that "Will & Grace" in the first place is basically a reworking of the film "My Best Friend's Wedding" ANYHOW, with Ms. Messing filling in for the similarly long-red-haired Julia Roberts with a gay friend she is practically in love with, and in that film, Dermot Mulroney ALSO played her old boyfriend! Talk about referencing.

"Wedding Date" is based on a chik-lit novel, set in England, and the story is updated (unnecessarily and confusingly) with the lead actresses being American. This doesn't even make sense, as Kat and her sister are supposedly raised in England from a very young age, and yet both speak with American accents (especially odd for the sister who doesn't even LIVE in the US). It took me nearly half the film to even figure out their relationship, it was portrayed so confusingly.

Mulroney and Messing have no sex appeal or chemistry together, and the dialogue is not witty or charming enough to carry the viewer across the many plot roles or unbelievable circumstances (such as: why a gorgeous babe like Kat has to hire a male prostitute, when any red-blooded man would be eager to date her). The reworking of the "Pretty Woman" plot line is very thin, as male prostitutes are much rarer than female and because we culturally find the idea of a woman paying for sexual pleasure sorta "icky", Kat never actually pays for sex and Dermot's character actually pays back his $6000 fee, thus negating the whole hooker/john(or "jeanette") relationship.

Utterly without any romance, this is the worst chik-lit type film I have seen since "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason" and actually it's worse. The audience I saw it with was mostly female and over 50, and they were bored out of their minds. Several left before the unsuspenseful end. Part of the pleasure of this sort of film is the "will they or won't they get together?" aspect, and that's entirely missing here.
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Excellent romantic comedy
marlene12 February 2005
I went to this movie hoping for a fun enjoyable romantic comedy. I was rewarded with a truly wonderful romantic comedy. I loved everything about it - the cast, the writing and the setting.

Debra Messing and Dermot had good on screen chemistry and there were twists in the plot that I don't think anyone could have foreseen. I hear this movie was done on the cheap but it sure doesn't look it. Debra brought her comedic skills to the big screen showing she isn't just a TV star she is now a full fledge leading lady - watch out Julia!

I highly recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys the romantic comedy genre. I loved it so much I would have bought a copy on the spot leaving the theatre to have as my own.

Don't believe the critics who are panning this movie see for yourself a wonderful romantic film.
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Enjoyable, light, fun, romantic comedy.
cal194616 August 2005
I find overly critical critics a bore--this is not rocket science, this is entertainment and I found this movie entertaining. Who does not fantasize about meeting the perfect man or woman?! Where is it written that one cannot fall head over heels after only knowing someone for hours?! I found the characters and situations interesting and I cared about them and what would happen to them. I recommend this movie to those who just want to be entertained, get lost in silly situations and have a smile on their face at the closing credits.

The English countryside was beautiful, the Austin Healy Dermot drove brought back memories for me and the music fit the story well, it was pleasant and easy to listen to without shutting out all else. This movie is not for everyone, it is for those who love movies, watching lovely people do things most of us can only dream about. That's my idea of entertainment.
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Cedric_Catsuits22 December 2009
Shame I can't give 0.5 out of 10, and that's just being charitable. Never in my 47 years have I watched a movie where I felt such contempt for the two lead characters. To say they lack charisma is putting it mildly - what is the opposite of charisma now .. repulsion?

Who on earth would want to watch these two, and who thought people would be prepared to pay to watch them? It astonishes me that movies like this get made at all, and is proof that artistic integrity and Hollywood do not make comfy bedfellows.

Just who owed whom a favour is unknown, but there's no way this movie got through on merit. Mr Mulroney is surely the most arrogant, wooden, mis-cast person in history. He can't act even a little bit, he can barely speak, and he looks not 0.1% as good as he thinks he does, or is supposed to in this role.

Ms Messing is well suited to him in those respects. She can't act her way out of a paper bag. She does not look like a leading lady, cannot speak lines, and barges her way through this movie with the most bizarre display of exaggerated expressions and clumsy movements I've ever witnessed.

The rest of the movie is worse. The locations and sets that are supposed to represent England presumably, look like they came out of a Mongolian mail order 'sets for amdrams' catalogue. I won't even waste my time listing the faults.

Do yourself a favour and watch any other movie ever made, or failing that just stick needles in your eyeballs for a couple of hours - it would be a more pleasurable and valuable way to waste your life.
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nice movie, so-so plot
fritzglc11 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The Wedding Date is a pretty good romantic story but the ending is unbelievable. I mean, who would've actually continued with the marriage in those circumstances?! Debra Messing (Kat Ellis) and Dermot Mulroney (wedding date - Nick Mercer)had pretty good chemistry. They were funny and hilarious at times but they also had some nice romantic chemistry throughout. The other big plus was that the movie is set in England. This gave it a more romantic atmosphere in my opinion. Amy Adams (Amy - Kat's half sister) was pretty cute and sexy! The bachelorette part was hot! Amy in the wedding dress was angelical! She was annoying when she had to and was great in the drama scenes. Holland Taylor (Bunny Ellis) and Peter Egan (Victor Ellis) played the parents of Kat and Amy. Taylor played a mother who constantly embarrassed Kat with her comments but still showed that she cared. Egan played the father and husband who would always watch over his daughters and tolerate his wife through all her embarrassing actions. He was very suave in talking every time to anyone. Sarah Parish (TJ) played a funny best friend of Kat who would do anything to protect her and party hard with her. She also had some funny comments at times.

Overall, this movie was a nice romantic comedy. It will make you laugh, cry and feel the love in the air until you realize how crazy it is that the wedding still went on. The subtitles in the end to explain what happens to the people after the wedding is just stupid! Leave it to the imagination of the audience. Telling the audience, this is what happened to this person is corny! The cast is great and the location is beautiful. Just needs a little improvement in the writing department and directing.
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The wedding date is a great date movie AND perfect for Brides to be.
misty_melielo14 February 2005
I am getting married on March 17th and I thought The Wedding Date was funny, adorable and just what I was expecting. As a typical romantic comedy you have to expect a certain amount of clichés and predictability, However there were enough twists and turns to keep me interested until the end. Dylan was handsome and and played his character well if I hadn't already found my "Wedding Date" I would definitely take him along. Take this movie for what it is. Fun. I went with my bridal party and we had a great time. The soundtrack was particularly catchy and I would LOVE to see it available on CD. It would make a perfect gift for each of my bridesmaids and my maid of honor.
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